fixed naming of the Win folder

git-svn-id: svn:// 4cde692c-a291-49d1-8350-778aa11640f8
diff --git a/Windows/README.TXT b/Windows/README.TXT
index 2a4446e..62fbd3f 100755
--- a/Windows/README.TXT
+++ b/Windows/README.TXT
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
 4. Unzip the CVS snapshot of FontTools into a folder.
 5. In the folder where you unzipped FontTools, type:
-   python.exe py2exe -O2 -f --icon Win\fonttools.ico
+   python.exe py2exe -O2 -f --icon Windows\fonttools.ico
 7. Install InnoSetup 3:
-8. Run Inno Setup and open Win\fonttools-win-setup.iss (this file)
+8. Run Inno Setup and open Windows\fonttools-win-setup.iss (this file)
 9. In Inno Setup, select File/Compile, then Run/Run.
 The distributable FontTools Windows setup executable has been saved
-in the Output subfolder of the FontTools\Win folder.
+in the Output subfolder of the FontTools\Windows folder.
 For information on running FontTools on Windows, see fonttools-win-setup.txt in this folder.