blob: abe5d02700cdc29b9fcd4666c39b0a09bee8dcd2 [file] [log] [blame]
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont
from fontTools.varLib import build
from fontTools.varLib.mutator import main as mutator
from fontTools.varLib.mutator import instantiateVariableFont as make_instance
import difflib
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
import unittest
class MutatorTest(unittest.TestCase):
def __init__(self, methodName):
unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, methodName)
# Python 3 renamed assertRaisesRegexp to assertRaisesRegex,
# and fires deprecation warnings if a program uses the old name.
if not hasattr(self, "assertRaisesRegex"):
self.assertRaisesRegex = self.assertRaisesRegexp
def setUp(self):
self.tempdir = None
self.num_tempfiles = 0
def tearDown(self):
if self.tempdir:
def get_test_input(test_file_or_folder):
path, _ = os.path.split(__file__)
return os.path.join(path, "data", test_file_or_folder)
def get_test_output(test_file_or_folder):
path, _ = os.path.split(__file__)
return os.path.join(path, "data", "test_results", test_file_or_folder)
def get_file_list(folder, suffix, prefix=''):
all_files = os.listdir(folder)
file_list = []
for p in all_files:
if p.startswith(prefix) and p.endswith(suffix):
file_list.append(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(folder, p)))
return file_list
def temp_path(self, suffix):
self.num_tempfiles += 1
return os.path.join(self.tempdir,
"tmp%d%s" % (self.num_tempfiles, suffix))
def temp_dir(self):
if not self.tempdir:
self.tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
def read_ttx(self, path):
lines = []
with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as ttx:
for line in ttx.readlines():
# Elide ttFont attributes because ttLibVersion may change,
# and use os-native line separators so we can run difflib.
if line.startswith("<ttFont "):
lines.append("<ttFont>" + os.linesep)
lines.append(line.rstrip() + os.linesep)
return lines
def expect_ttx(self, font, expected_ttx, tables):
path = self.temp_path(suffix=".ttx")
font.saveXML(path, tables=tables)
actual = self.read_ttx(path)
expected = self.read_ttx(expected_ttx)
if actual != expected:
for line in difflib.unified_diff(
expected, actual, fromfile=expected_ttx, tofile=path):
sys.stdout.write(line)"TTX output is different from expected")
def compile_font(self, path, suffix, temp_dir):
ttx_filename = os.path.basename(path)
savepath = os.path.join(temp_dir, ttx_filename.replace('.ttx', suffix))
font = TTFont(recalcBBoxes=False, recalcTimestamp=False)
font.importXML(path), reorderTables=None)
return font, savepath
# -----
# Tests
# -----
def test_varlib_mutator_ttf(self):
suffix = '.ttf'
ds_path = self.get_test_input('Build.designspace')
ufo_dir = self.get_test_input('master_ufo')
ttx_dir = self.get_test_input('master_ttx_interpolatable_ttf')
ttx_paths = self.get_file_list(ttx_dir, '.ttx', 'TestFamily-')
for path in ttx_paths:
self.compile_font(path, suffix, self.tempdir)
finder = lambda s: s.replace(ufo_dir, self.tempdir).replace('.ufo', suffix)
varfont, _, _ = build(ds_path, finder)
varfont_name = 'Mutator'
varfont_path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, varfont_name + suffix)
args = [varfont_path, 'wght=500', 'cntr=50']
instfont_path = os.path.splitext(varfont_path)[0] + '-instance' + suffix
instfont = TTFont(instfont_path)
tables = [table_tag for table_tag in instfont.keys() if table_tag != 'head']
expected_ttx_path = self.get_test_output(varfont_name + '.ttx')
self.expect_ttx(instfont, expected_ttx_path, tables)
def test_varlib_mutator_getvar_ttf(self):
suffix = '.ttf'
ttx_dir = self.get_test_input('master_ttx_getvar_ttf')
ttx_paths = self.get_file_list(ttx_dir, '.ttx', 'Mutator_Getvar')
for path in ttx_paths:
self.compile_font(path, suffix, self.tempdir)
varfont_name = 'Mutator_Getvar'
varfont_path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, varfont_name + suffix)
args = [varfont_path, 'wdth=80', 'ASCN=628']
instfont_path = os.path.splitext(varfont_path)[0] + '-instance' + suffix
instfont = TTFont(instfont_path)
tables = [table_tag for table_tag in instfont.keys() if table_tag != 'head']
expected_ttx_path = self.get_test_output(varfont_name + '-instance.ttx')
self.expect_ttx(instfont, expected_ttx_path, tables)
def test_varlib_mutator_iup_ttf(self):
suffix = '.ttf'
ufo_dir = self.get_test_input('master_ufo')
ttx_dir = self.get_test_input('master_ttx_varfont_ttf')
ttx_paths = self.get_file_list(ttx_dir, '.ttx', 'Mutator_IUP')
for path in ttx_paths:
self.compile_font(path, suffix, self.tempdir)
varfont_name = 'Mutator_IUP'
varfont_path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, varfont_name + suffix)
args = [varfont_path, 'wdth=80', 'ASCN=628']
instfont_path = os.path.splitext(varfont_path)[0] + '-instance' + suffix
instfont = TTFont(instfont_path)
tables = [table_tag for table_tag in instfont.keys() if table_tag != 'head']
expected_ttx_path = self.get_test_output(varfont_name + '-instance.ttx')
self.expect_ttx(instfont, expected_ttx_path, tables)
def test_varlib_mutator_CFF2(self):
suffix = '.otf'
ttx_dir = self.get_test_input('master_ttx_varfont_otf')
ttx_paths = self.get_file_list(ttx_dir, '.ttx', 'TestCFF2VF')
for path in ttx_paths:
self.compile_font(path, suffix, self.tempdir)
varfont_name = 'TestCFF2VF'
varfont_path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, varfont_name + suffix)
expected_ttx_name = 'InterpolateTestCFF2VF'
tables = ["hmtx", "CFF2"]
loc = {'wght':float(200)}
varfont = TTFont(varfont_path)
new_font = make_instance(varfont, loc)
expected_ttx_path = self.get_test_output(expected_ttx_name + '.ttx')
self.expect_ttx(new_font, expected_ttx_path, tables)
if __name__ == "__main__":