blob: bd1bae419e8b8fbb2e0a97f920e628b15c039f70 [file] [log] [blame]
==4 January 2010==
I've just released gflags 1.3. gflags now compiles under MSVC, and
all tests pass. I *really* never thought non-unix-y Windows folks
would want gflags, but at least some of them do.
The major news, though, is that I've separated out the python package
into its own library, [
python-gflags]. If you're interested in the Python version of gflags,
that's the place to get it now.
===10 September 2009==
I've just released gflags 1.2. The major change from gflags 1.1 is it
now compiles under MinGW (as well as cygwin), and all tests pass. I
never thought Windows folks would want unix-style command-line flags,
since they're so different from the Windows style, but I guess I was
The other changes are minor, such as support for --htmlxml in the
python version of gflags.
===15 April 2009===
I've just released gflags 1.1. It has only minor changes fdrom gflags
1.0 (see the
ChangeLog] for details). The major change is that I moved to a new
system for creating .deb and .rpm files. This allows me to create
x86_64 deb and rpm files.
In the process of moving to this new system, I noticed an
inconsistency: the tar.gz and .rpm files created libraries named, but the deb file created I have
fixed the deb file to create libraries like the others. I'm no expert
in debian packaging, but I believe this has caused the package name to
change as well. Please let me know (at
[]) if this causes problems for you --
especially if you know of a fix! I would be happy to change the deb
packages to add symlinks from the old library name to the new
( ->, but that is beyond my knowledge
of how to make .debs.
If you've tried to install a .rpm or .deb and it doesn't work for you,
let me know. I'm excited to finally have 64-bit package files, but
there may still be some wrinkles in the new system to iron out.
===1 October 2008===
gflags 1.0rc2 was out for a few weeks without any issues, so gflags
1.0 is now released. This is much like gflags 0.9. The major change
is that the .h files have been moved from `/usr/include/google` to
`/usr/include/gflags`. While I have backwards-compatibility
forwarding headeds in place, please rewrite existing code to say
#include <gflags/gflags.h>
instead of
#include <google/gflags.h>
I've kept the default namespace to google. You can still change with
with the appropriate flag to the configure script (`./configure
--help` to see the flags). If you have feedback as to whether the
default namespace should change to gflags, which would be a
non-backwards-compatible change, send mail to
Version 1.0 also has some neat new features, like support for bash
commandline-completion of help flags. See the
ChangeLog] for more details.
If I don't hear any bad news for a few weeks, I'll release 1.0-final.