blob: 91bf248f9a44a590c74023951d60485a395a653a [file] [log] [blame]
This repository contains both a C++ and a python implementation of the
Google commandline flags module. Documentation for the C++
implementation is in doc/. Documentation for the python
implementation is at the top of gflags/
See INSTALL for (generic) installation instructions for C++: basically
./configure && make && make install
To install the python module, run
cd python; python ./ install
You can also compile this under Windows, if you want. The solution
file (for VC 7.1 and later) is in this directory.
When you install the python library, you also get a helper
application,, installed into /usr/local/bin. You can
run to create an instant man page, with all the
commandline flags and their docs, for any C++ or python program you've
written using the gflags library.