blob: 466ba294b48a6888da3ae0b60476b469f28a8070 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <fruit/fruit_forward_decls.h>
#include <fruit/impl/fruit_internal_forward_decls.h>
#include <fruit/impl/injection_debug_errors.h>
#include <fruit/impl/meta/algos.h>
#include <fruit/impl/meta/errors.h>
#include <fruit/impl/meta/list.h>
#include <fruit/impl/meta/map.h>
#include <fruit/impl/meta/metaprogramming.h>
#include <fruit/impl/meta/numeric_operations.h>
#include <fruit/impl/meta/proof_trees.h>
#include <fruit/impl/meta/set.h>
#include <fruit/impl/meta/signatures.h>
#include <fruit/impl/meta/wrappers.h>
#include <memory>
#include <type_traits>
namespace fruit {
namespace impl {
namespace meta {
// Part 1: Simple type functors (no ConsComp involved).
// Given a type T, returns the class that should be injected to ensure that T is provided at runtime (if any).
struct GetClassForType {
// General case, if none of the following apply.
// When adding a specialization here, make sure that the ComponentStorage
// can actually get<> the specified type when the class was registered.
template <typename T>
struct apply;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<T>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<const T>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<T*>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<T&>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<const T*>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<const T&>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<std::shared_ptr<T>>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<Assisted<T>>> {
using type = None;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<Provider<T>>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<Provider<const T>>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename Annotation, typename T>
struct apply<Type<fruit::Annotated<Annotation, T>>> {
using type = Type<T>;
struct GetClassForTypeVector {
template <typename V>
struct apply {
using type = TransformVector(V, GetClassForType);
// Given a type T, returns the type in the injection graph that corresponds to T.
struct NormalizeType {
// When adding a specialization here, make sure that the ComponentStorage
// can actually get<> the specified type when the class was registered.
template <typename T>
struct apply;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<T>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<const T>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<T*>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<T&>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<const T*>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<const T&>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<std::shared_ptr<T>>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<Assisted<T>>> {
using type = None;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<Provider<T>>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<Provider<const T>>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename Annotation, typename T>
struct apply<Type<fruit::Annotated<Annotation, T>>> {
using type = Type<fruit::Annotated<Annotation, UnwrapType<Eval<NormalizeType(Type<T>)>>>>;
struct NormalizeUntilStable {
template <typename T>
struct apply {
using type = If(IsSame(NormalizeType(T), T), T, NormalizeUntilStable(NormalizeType(T)));
struct NormalizeTypeVector {
template <typename V>
struct apply {
using type = TransformVector(V, NormalizeType);
struct TypeInjectionRequiresNonConstBinding {
template <typename T>
struct apply;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<T>> {
using type = Bool<false>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<const T>> {
using type = Bool<false>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<T*>> {
using type = Bool<true>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<T&>> {
using type = Bool<true>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<const T*>> {
using type = Bool<false>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<const T&>> {
using type = Bool<false>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<std::shared_ptr<T>>> {
using type = Bool<true>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<Assisted<T>>> {
using type = Bool<false>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<Provider<T>>> {
using type = Bool<true>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<Provider<const T>>> {
using type = Bool<false>;
template <typename Annotation, typename T>
struct apply<Type<fruit::Annotated<Annotation, T>>> {
using type = TypeInjectionRequiresNonConstBinding(Type<T>);
// Returns U wrapped in the same annotations in AnnotatedT (if any).
struct CopyAnnotation {
template <typename AnnotatedT, typename U>
struct apply;
template <typename T, typename U>
struct apply {
using type = U;
template <typename Annotation, typename T, typename U>
struct apply<Type<fruit::Annotated<Annotation, T>>, Type<U>> {
using type = Type<fruit::Annotated<Annotation, U>>;
struct IsValidSignature {
template <typename Signature>
struct apply {
using type = Bool<false>;
template <typename T, typename... Args>
struct apply<Type<T(Args...)>> {
using type = Bool<true>;
// Removes the Annotation (if any) wrapping a type T.
struct RemoveAnnotations {
template <typename T>
struct apply;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<T>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename Annotation, typename T>
struct apply<Type<fruit::Annotated<Annotation, T>>> {
using type = Type<T>;
// Removes the Annotation(s) (if any) wrapping the types in AnnotatedSignature.
struct RemoveAnnotationsFromSignature {
template <typename AnnotatedSignature>
struct apply {
using type = ConstructError(NotASignatureErrorTag, AnnotatedSignature);
template <typename AnnotatedT, typename... AnnotatedArgs>
struct apply<Type<AnnotatedT(AnnotatedArgs...)>> {
using type = ConsSignature(RemoveAnnotations(Type<AnnotatedT>), Id<RemoveAnnotations(Type<AnnotatedArgs>)>...);
// Removes the Annotation(s) (if any) wrapping the types in the Vector V.
struct RemoveAnnotationsFromVector {
template <typename V>
struct apply {
using type = TransformVector(V, RemoveAnnotations);
// Maps T->T* in a possibly-annotated type.
struct AddPointerInAnnotatedType {
template <typename T>
struct apply;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<T>> {
using type = Type<T*>;
template <typename Annotation, typename T>
struct apply<Type<fruit::Annotated<Annotation, T>>> {
using type = Type<fruit::Annotated<Annotation, T*>>;
// TODO: This also does UnlabelAssisted<>. Consider renaming and/or removing that logic (and
// letting callers do the unlabeling when desired).
struct RemoveNonAssisted {
template <typename V>
struct apply {
struct Helper {
// Non-assisted case
template <typename CurrentResult, typename T>
struct apply {
using type = CurrentResult;
template <typename CurrentResult, typename T>
struct apply<CurrentResult, Type<Assisted<T>>> {
using type = PushBack(CurrentResult, Type<T>);
using type = FoldVector(V, Helper, Vector<>);
struct RemoveAssisted {
template <typename V>
struct apply {
struct Helper {
// Non-assisted case
template <typename CurrentResult, typename T>
struct apply {
using type = PushBack(CurrentResult, T);
// Assisted case
template <typename CurrentResult, typename T>
struct apply<CurrentResult, Type<Assisted<T>>> {
using type = CurrentResult;
using type = FoldVector(V, Helper, Vector<>);
struct UnlabelAssistedSingleType {
template <typename T>
struct apply;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<T>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<Assisted<T>>> {
using type = Type<T>;
struct UnlabelAssisted {
template <typename V>
struct apply {
using type = TransformVector(V, UnlabelAssistedSingleType);
struct RequiredLambdaArgsForAssistedFactory {
template <typename AnnotatedSignature>
struct apply {
using type = RemoveAnnotationsFromVector(UnlabelAssisted(SignatureArgs(AnnotatedSignature)));
struct RequiredLambdaSignatureForAssistedFactory {
template <typename AnnotatedSignature>
struct apply {
using type = ConsSignatureWithVector(RemoveAnnotations(SignatureType(AnnotatedSignature)),
struct InjectedFunctionArgsForAssistedFactory {
template <typename AnnotatedSignature>
struct apply {
using type = RemoveNonAssisted(SignatureArgs(AnnotatedSignature));
struct InjectedSignatureForAssistedFactory {
template <typename AnnotatedSignature>
struct apply {
using type = ConsSignatureWithVector(RemoveAnnotations(SignatureType(AnnotatedSignature)),
struct IsAssisted {
template <typename T>
struct apply {
using type = Bool<false>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<Assisted<T>>> {
using type = Bool<true>;
struct NumAssisted {
template <typename V>
struct apply;
template <typename... Types>
struct apply<Vector<Types...>> {
using type = SumAll(typename IsAssisted::apply<Types>::type...);
// Counts the number of Assisted<> types in V before the given index.
struct NumAssistedBefore {
template <typename Index, typename V>
struct apply;
template <typename V>
struct apply<Int<0>, V> {
using type = Int<0>;
template <int n, typename V>
struct apply<Int<n>, V> {
using N = Int<n>;
using type = Minus(NumAssisted(V), NumAssisted(VectorRemoveFirstN(V, N)));
// Checks whether C is auto-injectable thanks to an Inject typedef.
struct HasInjectAnnotation {
template <typename C>
struct apply;
template <typename C>
struct apply<Type<C>> {
template <typename C1>
static Bool<true> test(typename C1::Inject*);
template <typename>
static Bool<false> test(...);
using type = decltype(test<C>(nullptr));
struct DoGetInjectAnnotation {
template <typename C>
struct apply;
template <typename C>
struct apply<Type<C>> {
using type = Type<typename C::Inject>;
struct GetInjectAnnotation {
template <typename AnnotatedC>
struct apply {
using C = RemoveAnnotations(AnnotatedC);
using DecoratedS = DoGetInjectAnnotation(C);
using SResult = SignatureType(DecoratedS);
using AnnotatedSArgs = SignatureArgs(DecoratedS);
using SArgs = RemoveAnnotationsFromVector(UnlabelAssisted(AnnotatedSArgs));
// We replace the non-annotated return type with the potentially-annotated AnnotatedC.
using AnnotatedDecoratedS = ConsSignatureWithVector(AnnotatedC, AnnotatedSArgs);
using type = If(IsAbstract(C), ConstructError(CannotConstructAbstractClassErrorTag, C),
ConstructError(InjectTypedefNotASignatureErrorTag, C, DecoratedS),
If(Not(IsSame(SResult, RemoveAnnotations(SResult))),
ConstructError(InjectTypedefWithAnnotationErrorTag, C),
If(Not(IsSame(C, SResult)), ConstructError(InjectTypedefForWrongClassErrorTag, C, SResult),
If(Not(IsConstructibleWithVector(C, SArgs)),
ConstructError(NoConstructorMatchingInjectSignatureErrorTag, C,
ConsSignatureWithVector(SResult, SArgs)),
// Part 2: Type functors involving at least one ConsComp.
template <typename RsSupersetParam, typename PsParam, typename NonConstRsPsParam,
typename DepsParam,
typename InterfaceBindingsParam, typename DeferredBindingFunctorsParam>
struct Comp {
// The actual set of requirements is SetDifference(RsSuperset, Ps)
// We don't store Rs explicitly because we'd need to remove elements very often (and that's slow).
using RsSuperset = RsSupersetParam;
using Ps = PsParam;
// This is a set of normalized types.
// - If a type is in SetDifference(RsSuperset, Ps) and not here: it's required as const only
// - If a type is in SetDifference(RsSuperset, Ps) and also here: it's required as non-const
// - If a type is in Ps and not here: it's provided as const only
// - If a type is in Ps and also here: it's provided as non-const
using NonConstRsPs = NonConstRsPsParam;
using Deps = DepsParam;
using InterfaceBindings = InterfaceBindingsParam;
using DeferredBindingFunctors = DeferredBindingFunctorsParam;
// Invariants:
// * all types appearing as arguments of Deps are in Rs
// * all types in Ps are at the head of one (and only one) Dep.
// (note that the types in Rs can appear in deps any number of times, 0 is also ok)
// * Deps is of the form Vector<Dep...> with each Dep of the form T(Args...) and where Vector<Args...> is a set (no
// repetitions).
// * Bindings is a proof tree forest, with injected classes as formulas.
// * Each element X of the list DeferredBindingFunctors has:
// - a default-constructible X::apply<Comp> type
// - a void X::apply<Comp>::operator(ComponentStorage&)
// - an X::apply<Comp>::Result type
// * Each element of NonConstRsPs is in RsSuperset or in Ps (or both)
// Using ConsComp instead of Comp<...> in a meta-expression allows the types to be evaluated.
// See ConsVector for more details.
struct ConsComp {
template <typename RsSupersetParam, typename PsParam, typename NonConstRsPsParam,
typename DepsParam,
typename InterfaceBindingsParam, typename DeferredBindingFunctorsParam>
struct apply {
using type = Comp<RsSupersetParam, PsParam, NonConstRsPsParam,
InterfaceBindingsParam, DeferredBindingFunctorsParam>;
struct GetComponentDeps {
template <typename Comp>
struct apply {
using type = typename Comp::Deps;
struct GetComponentPs {
template <typename Comp>
struct apply {
using type = typename Comp::Ps;
struct GetComponentRsSuperset {
template <typename Comp>
struct apply {
using type = typename Comp::RsSuperset;
struct GetComponentNonConstRsPs {
template <typename Comp>
struct apply {
using type = typename Comp::NonConstRsPs;
struct IsInjectableBareType {
template <typename T>
struct apply;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<T>> {
using type = Bool<std::is_arithmetic<T>::value || std::is_class<T>::value || std::is_enum<T>::value>;
template <typename Annotation, typename T>
struct apply<Type<fruit::Annotated<Annotation, T>>> {
using type = Bool<false>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<std::shared_ptr<T>>> {
using type = Bool<false>;
// Checks if T is a (non-annotated) injectable type.
struct IsInjectableType {
template <typename T>
struct apply {
using type = IsInjectableBareType(NormalizeType(T));
// Checks that T is a (non-annotated) injectable type. If it isn't this returns an error, otherwise it returns None.
struct CheckInjectableType {
template <typename T>
struct apply {
using type = If(Not(IsInjectableType(T)), ConstructError(NonInjectableTypeErrorTag, T), None);
// Checks that Types... are (non-annotated) injectable types. If they have an annotation or they are not injectable it
// an appropriate error is returned.
// Otherwise this returns None.
struct CheckInjectableTypeVector {
struct Helper {
template <typename CurrentResult, typename T>
struct apply {
using type = PropagateError(CheckInjectableType(T), CurrentResult);
template <typename V>
struct apply {
using type = FoldVector(V, Helper, None);
// Checks that Types... are normalized and injectable types. If not it returns an appropriate error.
// If they are all normalized types this returns Result.
struct CheckNormalizedTypes {
template <typename V>
struct apply;
template <typename... Types>
struct apply<Vector<Type<Types>...>> {
struct Helper {
template <typename CurrentResult, typename T>
struct apply {
using NormalizedType = NormalizeType(T);
using type = PropagateError(CheckInjectableType(RemoveAnnotations(NormalizeUntilStable(T))),
If(Not(IsSame(NormalizeType(T), T)),
ConstructError(NonClassTypeErrorTag, RemoveAnnotations(T),
using type = Fold(Helper, None, Type<Types>...);
// Checks that Types... are not annotated types. If they have an annotation it returns an appropriate error.
// If none of them is annotated, this returns None.
struct CheckNotAnnotatedTypes {
template <typename V>
struct apply;
template <typename... Types>
struct apply<Vector<Type<Types>...>> {
struct Helper {
template <typename CurrentResult, typename T>
struct apply {
using TypeWithoutAnnotations = RemoveAnnotations(T);
using type = If(Not(IsSame(TypeWithoutAnnotations, T)),
ConstructError(AnnotatedTypeErrorTag, T, TypeWithoutAnnotations), CurrentResult);
using type = Fold(Helper, None, Type<Types>...);
// Check that there are no fruit::Required<> types in Component/NormalizedComponent's arguments.
// If there aren't any, this returns None.
struct CheckNoRequiredTypesInComponentArguments {
template <typename V>
struct apply;
template <typename... Types>
struct apply<Vector<Types...>> {
using type = None;
template <typename T, typename... OtherTypes>
struct apply<Vector<Type<T>, OtherTypes...>> {
using type = CheckNoRequiredTypesInComponentArguments(Vector<OtherTypes...>);
template <typename... RequiredArgs, typename... OtherTypes>
struct apply<Vector<Type<fruit::Required<RequiredArgs...>>, OtherTypes...>> {
using type = ConstructError(RequiredTypesInComponentArgumentsErrorTag, Type<fruit::Required<RequiredArgs...>>);
// Check that there are no fruit::Required<> types in Injector's arguments.
// If there aren't any, this returns None.
struct CheckNoRequiredTypesInInjectorArguments {
template <typename... Types>
struct apply {
using type = None;
template <typename T, typename... Types>
struct apply<T, Types...> {
using type = CheckNoRequiredTypesInInjectorArguments(Types...);
template <typename... RequiredArgs, typename... Types>
struct apply<Type<fruit::Required<RequiredArgs...>>, Types...> {
using type = ConstructError(InjectorWithRequirementsErrorTag, Type<RequiredArgs>...);
// Checks that there are no repetitions in Types. If there are, it returns an appropriate error.
// If there are no repetitions it returns None.
struct CheckNoRepeatedTypes {
template <typename V>
struct apply;
template <typename... Types>
struct apply<Vector<Types...>> {
using type = If(HasDuplicates(Vector<Types...>), ConstructError(RepeatedTypesErrorTag, Types...), None);
struct RemoveConstFromType {
template <typename T>
struct apply;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<T>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename T>
struct apply<Type<const T>> {
using type = Type<T>;
template <typename Annotation, typename T>
struct apply<Type<fruit::Annotated<Annotation, T>>> {
using type = Type<fruit::Annotated<Annotation, T>>;
template <typename Annotation, typename T>
struct apply<Type<fruit::Annotated<Annotation, const T>>> {
using type = Type<fruit::Annotated<Annotation, T>>;
struct RemoveConstFromTypes {
template <typename V>
struct apply;
template <typename... Types>
struct apply<Vector<Types...>> {
using type = ConsVector(Id<RemoveConstFromType(Types)>...);
struct RemoveConstTypes {
struct Helper {
template <typename Acc, typename T>
struct apply;
template <typename... AccContent, typename T>
struct apply<Vector<AccContent...>, Type<const T>> {
using type = Vector<AccContent...>;
template <typename... AccContent, typename T>
struct apply<Vector<AccContent...>, Type<T>> {
using type = Vector<AccContent..., Type<T>>;
template <typename... AccContent, typename Annotation, typename T>
struct apply<Vector<AccContent...>, Type<fruit::Annotated<Annotation, const T>>> {
using type = Vector<AccContent...>;
template <typename... AccContent, typename Annotation, typename T>
struct apply<Vector<AccContent...>, Type<fruit::Annotated<Annotation, T>>> {
using type = Vector<AccContent..., Type<fruit::Annotated<Annotation, T>>>;
template <typename V>
struct apply {
using type = FoldVector(V, Helper, Vector<>);
// From a vector of injected types, this filters out the types that only require const bindings and then normalizes
// the types in the result.
struct NormalizedNonConstTypesIn {
struct Helper {
template <typename Acc, typename T>
struct apply {
using type = If(TypeInjectionRequiresNonConstBinding(T), PushBack(Acc, NormalizeType(T)), Acc);
template <typename V>
struct apply {
using type = FoldVector(V, Helper, Vector<>);
struct ConstructComponentImpl {
// Non-specialized case: no requirements.
template <typename... Ps>
struct apply {
using type = PropagateError(
ConsComp(EmptySet, VectorToSetUnchecked(RemoveConstFromTypes(Vector<Ps...>)),
Vector<Pair<Ps, Vector<>>...>,
Vector<>, EmptyList))));
// With requirements.
template <typename... Rs, typename... Ps>
struct apply<Type<Required<Rs...>>, Ps...> {
using type1 = PropagateError(
CheckNoRepeatedTypes(RemoveConstFromTypes(Vector<Type<Rs>..., Ps...>)),
PropagateError(CheckNormalizedTypes(RemoveConstFromTypes(Vector<Type<Rs>..., Ps...>)),
RemoveConstTypes(Vector<Type<Rs>..., Ps...>),
Vector<Pair<Ps, Vector<Type<Rs>...>>...>,
Vector<>, EmptyList))));
using Loop = ProofForestFindLoop(GetComponentDeps(type1));
using type = If(IsNone(Loop), type1, ConstructErrorWithArgVector(SelfLoopErrorTag, Loop));
using type = type1;
struct CheckTypesNotProvidedAsConst {
template <typename Comp, typename V>
struct apply {
struct Helper {
template <typename Acc, typename T>
struct apply {
using type = If(And(IsInSet(T, typename Comp::Ps), Not(IsInSet(T, typename Comp::NonConstRsPs))),
ConstructError(NonConstBindingRequiredButConstBindingProvidedErrorTag, T), Acc);
using type = FoldVector(V, Helper, None);
// Adds the types in NewRequirementsVector to the requirements (unless they are already provided/required).
// The caller must convert the types to the corresponding class type and expand any Provider<>s.
struct AddRequirements {
template <typename Comp, typename NewRequirementsVector, typename NewNonConstRequirementsVector>
struct apply {
using Comp1 = ConsComp(FoldVector(NewRequirementsVector, AddToSet, typename Comp::RsSuperset), typename Comp::Ps,
FoldVector(NewNonConstRequirementsVector, AddToSet, typename Comp::NonConstRsPs),
typename Comp::Deps,
typename Comp::InterfaceBindings, typename Comp::DeferredBindingFunctors);
using type = PropagateError(CheckTypesNotProvidedAsConst(Comp, NewNonConstRequirementsVector), Comp1);
// Similar to AddProvidedType, but doesn't report an error if a Bind<C, CImpl> was present.
struct AddProvidedTypeIgnoringInterfaceBindings {
template <typename Comp, typename C, typename IsNonConst, typename CRequirements, typename CNonConstRequirements>
struct apply {
using Comp1 = ConsComp(
FoldVector(CRequirements, AddToSet, typename Comp::RsSuperset), AddToSetUnchecked(typename Comp::Ps, C),
If(IsNonConst, AddToSetUnchecked(FoldVector(CNonConstRequirements, AddToSet, typename Comp::NonConstRsPs), C),
FoldVector(CNonConstRequirements, AddToSet, typename Comp::NonConstRsPs)),
PushFront(typename Comp::Deps, Pair<C, CRequirements>),
typename Comp::InterfaceBindings, typename Comp::DeferredBindingFunctors);
using type = If(IsInSet(C, typename Comp::Ps), ConstructError(TypeAlreadyBoundErrorTag, C),
PropagateError(CheckTypesNotProvidedAsConst(Comp, CNonConstRequirements), Comp1));
// Adds C to the provides and removes it from the requirements (if it was there at all).
// Also checks that it wasn't already provided.
// Moreover, adds the requirements of C to the requirements, unless they were already provided/required.
// The caller must convert the types to the corresponding class type and expand any Provider<>s.
struct AddProvidedType {
template <typename Comp, typename C, typename IsNonConst, typename CRequirements, typename CNonConstRequirements>
struct apply {
using type = If(Not(IsNone(FindInMap(typename Comp::InterfaceBindings, C))),
ConstructError(TypeAlreadyBoundErrorTag, C),
AddProvidedTypeIgnoringInterfaceBindings(Comp, C, IsNonConst, CRequirements,
struct AddDeferredBinding {
template <typename Comp, typename DeferredBinding>
struct apply {
using new_DeferredBindingFunctors = Cons<DeferredBinding, typename Comp::DeferredBindingFunctors>;
using type = ConsComp(typename Comp::RsSuperset, typename Comp::Ps, typename Comp::NonConstRsPs,
typename Comp::Deps,
typename Comp::InterfaceBindings, new_DeferredBindingFunctors);
struct CheckNoLoopInDeps {
template <typename Comp>
struct apply {
using Loop = ProofForestFindLoop(typename Comp::Deps);
using type = If(IsNone(Loop), Bool<true>, ConstructErrorWithArgVector(SelfLoopErrorTag, Loop));
struct CheckComponentEntails {
template <typename Comp, typename EntailedComp>
struct apply {
using CompRs = SetDifference(typename Comp::RsSuperset, typename Comp::Ps);
using EntailedCompRs = SetDifference(typename EntailedComp::RsSuperset, typename EntailedComp::Ps);
using CommonRs = SetIntersection(CompRs, EntailedCompRs);
using CommonPs = SetIntersection(typename Comp::Ps, typename EntailedComp::Ps);
using type =
If(Not(IsContained(typename EntailedComp::Ps, typename Comp::Ps)),
SetToVector(SetDifference(typename EntailedComp::Ps, typename Comp::Ps))),
If(Not(IsVectorContained(typename EntailedComp::InterfaceBindings, typename Comp::InterfaceBindings)),
SetToVector(SetDifference(typename EntailedComp::InterfaceBindings,
typename Comp::InterfaceBindings))),
If(Not(IsContained(CompRs, EntailedCompRs)),
SetToVector(SetDifference(CompRs, EntailedCompRs))),
If(Not(IsContained(SetIntersection(CommonRs, typename Comp::NonConstRsPs),
typename EntailedComp::NonConstRsPs)),
typename Comp::NonConstRsPs),
typename EntailedComp::NonConstRsPs))),
If(Not(IsContained(SetIntersection(CommonPs, typename EntailedComp::NonConstRsPs),
typename Comp::NonConstRsPs)),
SetToVector(SetDifference(SetIntersection(CommonPs, typename EntailedComp::NonConstRsPs),
typename Comp::NonConstRsPs))),
static_assert(true || sizeof(typename CheckIfError<Eval<type>>::type), "");
// This calls ConstructError(NoBindingFoundErrorTag, ...) or
// ConstructError(NoBindingFoundForAbstractClassErrorTag, ...) as appropriate.
// Call this when we're unable to auto-inject a type AnnotatedC and we're giving up.
struct ConstructNoBindingFoundError {
template <typename AnnotatedC>
struct apply {
using type = If(IsAbstract(RemoveAnnotations(AnnotatedC)),
ConstructError(NoBindingFoundForAbstractClassErrorTag, AnnotatedC, RemoveAnnotations(AnnotatedC)),
ConstructError(NoBindingFoundErrorTag, AnnotatedC));
} // namespace meta
} // namespace impl
} // namespace fruit