blob: 4ca8c68c0d2e4082343968314942e278a5155979 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import yaml
# "smoke tests" are run before other build matrix rows.
build_matrix_smoke_test_rows = []
build_matrix_rows = []
def determine_compiler_kind(compiler):
if compiler.startswith('gcc'):
return 'gcc'
elif compiler.startswith('clang'):
return 'clang'
raise Exception('Unexpected compiler: %s' % compiler)
def determine_tests(asan, ubsan, valgrind, smoke_tests, use_precompiled_headers_in_tests, exclude_tests,
tests = []
has_debug_build = False
if valgrind:
tests += ['DebugValgrind', 'ReleaseValgrind']
has_debug_build = True
tests += ['ReleasePlain']
if asan:
has_debug_build = True
if ubsan:
tests += ['DebugAsanUbsan']
tests += ['DebugAsan']
if ubsan and not asan:
raise Exception('Enabling UBSan but not ASan is not currently supported.')
if not has_debug_build:
tests += ['DebugPlain']
for smoke_test in smoke_tests:
if smoke_test not in tests:
tests += [smoke_test]
excessive_excluded_tests = set(exclude_tests) - set(tests)
if excessive_excluded_tests:
raise Exception(
'Some tests were excluded but were not going to run anyway: %s. '
'Tests to run (ignoring the possible NoPch prefix): %s'
% (excessive_excluded_tests, tests))
if include_only_tests is not None:
if exclude_tests != []:
raise Exception('Using exclude_tests and include_only_tests together is not supported.')
tests = include_only_tests
tests = [test for test in tests if test not in exclude_tests]
if not use_precompiled_headers_in_tests:
tests = [test + 'NoPch' for test in tests]
return tests
def generate_export_statements_for_env(env):
return ' '.join(['export %s=\'%s\';' % (var_name, value) for (var_name, value) in sorted(env.items())])
def generate_env_string_for_env(env):
return ' '.join(['%s=%s' % (var_name, value) for (var_name, value) in sorted(env.items())])
def add_ubuntu_tests(ubuntu_version, compiler, stl=None, asan=True, ubsan=True, valgrind=True,
use_precompiled_headers_in_tests=True, smoke_tests=[], exclude_tests=[], include_only_tests=None):
env = {
'UBUNTU': ubuntu_version,
'COMPILER': compiler
if stl is not None:
env['STL'] = stl
compiler_kind = determine_compiler_kind(compiler)
export_statements = 'export OS=linux; ' + generate_export_statements_for_env(env=env)
test_environment_template = {'os': 'linux', 'compiler': compiler_kind,
'install': '%s extras/scripts/' % export_statements}
tests = determine_tests(asan, ubsan, valgrind, smoke_tests,
for test in tests:
test_environment = test_environment_template.copy()
test_environment['script'] = '%s extras/scripts/ %s' % (export_statements, test)
# The TEST variable has no effect on the test run, but allows to see the test name in the Travis CI dashboard.
test_environment['env'] = generate_env_string_for_env(env) + " TEST=%s" % test
if test in smoke_tests:
def add_osx_tests(compiler, xcode_version=None, stl=None, asan=True, ubsan=True, valgrind=True,
use_precompiled_headers_in_tests=True, smoke_tests=[], exclude_tests=[], include_only_tests=None):
env = {'COMPILER': compiler}
if stl is not None:
env['STL'] = stl
compiler_kind = determine_compiler_kind(compiler)
export_statements = 'export OS=osx; ' + generate_export_statements_for_env(env=env)
if valgrind:
export_statements += ' export INSTALL_VALGRIND=1;'
test_environment_template = {'os': 'osx', 'compiler': compiler_kind,
'install': '%s extras/scripts/' % export_statements}
if xcode_version is not None:
test_environment_template['osx_image'] = 'xcode%s' % xcode_version
tests = determine_tests(asan, ubsan, valgrind, smoke_tests,
exclude_tests=exclude_tests, include_only_tests=include_only_tests)
for test in tests:
test_environment = test_environment_template.copy()
test_environment['script'] = '%s extras/scripts/ %s' % (export_statements, test)
# The TEST variable has no effect on the test run, but allows to see the test name in the Travis CI dashboard.
test_environment['env'] = generate_env_string_for_env(env) + " TEST=%s" % test
if test in smoke_tests:
def add_bazel_tests(ubuntu_version, smoke_tests=[]):
env = {
'UBUNTU': ubuntu_version,
'COMPILER': 'bazel',
test = 'DebugPlain'
export_statements = 'export OS=linux; ' + generate_export_statements_for_env(env=env)
test_environment = {'os': 'linux',
'compiler': 'gcc',
'env': generate_env_string_for_env(env),
'install': '%s extras/scripts/' % export_statements,
'script': '%s extras/scripts/ %s' % (export_statements, test)}
if test in smoke_tests:
add_ubuntu_tests(ubuntu_version='17.04', compiler='gcc-6', smoke_tests=['DebugPlain', 'DebugValgrind', 'ReleasePlain'])
add_ubuntu_tests(ubuntu_version='17.04', compiler='clang-4.0', stl='libstdc++', smoke_tests=['DebugPlain', 'ReleasePlain'])
add_bazel_tests(ubuntu_version='16.04', smoke_tests=['DebugPlain'])
# ASan/UBSan are disabled for all these, the analysis on later versions is better anyway.
# Also, in some combinations they wouldn't work.
add_ubuntu_tests(ubuntu_version='14.04', compiler='gcc-4.8', asan=False, ubsan=False,
# We don't use precompiled headers with GCC 4.8 because they don't work due to a GCC bug.
# The symptoms are the same as but it may not be
# the same issue, that bug should be fixed in 4.7.x.
add_ubuntu_tests(ubuntu_version='14.04', compiler='gcc-5', asan=False, ubsan=False)
add_ubuntu_tests(ubuntu_version='14.04', compiler='clang-3.5', stl='libstdc++', asan=False, ubsan=False)
add_ubuntu_tests(ubuntu_version='14.04', compiler='clang-3.9', stl='libstdc++', asan=False, ubsan=False)
add_ubuntu_tests(ubuntu_version='14.04', compiler='clang-3.5', stl='libc++', asan=False, ubsan=False)
add_ubuntu_tests(ubuntu_version='14.04', compiler='clang-3.9', stl='libc++', asan=False, ubsan=False)
# UBSan (aka '-fsanitize=undefined') is not supported in GCC 4.8.
# ASan (aka '-fsanitize=address') doesn't work, due to
add_osx_tests(compiler='gcc-4.8', asan=False, ubsan=False,
# We don't use precompiled headers with GCC 4.8 because they don't work due to a GCC bug.
# The symptoms are the same as but it may not be
# the same issue, that bug should be fixed in 4.7.x.
# Asan/Ubsan are disabled because it generates lots of warnings like:
# warning: direct access in [...] to global weak symbol guard variable for [...] means the weak symbol cannot be
# overridden at runtime. This was likely caused by different translation units being compiled with different
# visibility settings.
# and the build eventually fails or times out.
add_osx_tests(compiler='gcc-6', xcode_version='8', asan=False, ubsan=False, smoke_tests=['DebugPlain'])
# ASan/UBSan are disabled because it would hit errors like:
# ld: file not found: [...]/libclang_rt.asan_osx_dynamic.dylib
# ld: file not found: [...]/libclang_rt.ubsan_osx.a
# Not sure if that's a limitation of Clang on OS X or just of the brew-provided binaries.
add_osx_tests(compiler='clang-3.7', stl='libc++', asan=False, ubsan=False)
add_osx_tests(compiler='clang-4.0', xcode_version='8', stl='libc++', smoke_tests=['DebugPlain'])
# UBSan is disabled because AppleClang does not support -fsanitize=undefined.
add_osx_tests(compiler='clang-default', xcode_version='7.3', stl='libc++', ubsan=False)
# UBSan is disabled because AppleClang does not support -fsanitize=undefined.
# Valgrind is disabled because (as of December 2016) it's not yet available for OS X Sierra (from brew).
add_osx_tests(compiler='clang-default', xcode_version='8.2', stl='libc++', ubsan=False, valgrind=False, smoke_tests=['DebugPlain'])
# ** Disabled combinations **
# These fail with "'type_traits' file not found" (the <type_traits> header is missing).
# add_osx_tests('gcc-default', stl='libstdc++')
# add_osx_tests('clang-default', stl='libstdc++')
# add_osx_tests('clang-3.5', stl='libstdc++')
# add_osx_tests('clang-3.6', stl='libstdc++')
# The compiler complains that the 2-argument constructor of std::pair is ambiguous, even after
# adding explicit casts to the exact types of the expected overload.
# add_osx_tests('clang-default', stl='libc++')
# This triggers an assert error in the compiler, with the message:
# "expected to get called on an inlined function!" [...] function isMSExternInline, file Decl.cpp, line 2647.
# add_osx_tests('clang-3.5', stl='libc++', asan=False, ubsan=False, valgrind=False)
# This fails with this error:
# /usr/include/c++/v1/string:1938:44: error: 'basic_string<_CharT, _Traits, _Allocator>' is missing
# exception specification 'noexcept(is_nothrow_copy_constructible<allocator_type>::value)'
# TODO: Try again every once in a while (to re-enable these once the bug in libc++ is fixed).
# add_ubuntu_tests(ubuntu_version='16.04', compiler='clang-3.8', stl='libc++', asan=False, ubsan=False)
yaml_file = {
'sudo': 'required',
'dist': 'trusty',
'services' : ['docker'],
'language': 'cpp',
'branches': {
'only': ['master'],
'matrix': {
'fast_finish': True,
'include': build_matrix_smoke_test_rows + build_matrix_rows,
class CustomDumper(yaml.SafeDumper):
def ignore_aliases(self, _data):
return True
print('# This file was auto-generated from extras/scripts/, DO NOT EDIT')
print(yaml.dump(yaml_file, default_flow_style=False, Dumper=CustomDumper))