blob: 6fcf332bff3fd4169560878159b3745686da4c79 [file] [log] [blame]
// C++ Interface: GUIDData
// Description: GUIDData class header
// Implements the GUIDData data structure and support methods
// Author: Rod Smith <>, (C) 2010
// Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
// Have to play games with uuid_t since it's defined in incompatible ways
// for Unix (libuuid) vs. Windows
#ifdef _WIN32
typedef unsigned char my_uuid_t[16];
#include <uuid/uuid.h>
typedef uuid_t my_uuid_t;
using namespace std;
// Note: This class's data size is critical. If data elements must be added,
// it will be necessary to modify various GPT classes to compensate.
class GUIDData {
my_uuid_t uuidData;
string DeleteSpaces(const string & orig);
GUIDData(const GUIDData & orig);
GUIDData(const char * orig);
// Data assignment operators....
GUIDData & operator=(const GUIDData & orig);
GUIDData & operator=(const string & orig);
GUIDData & operator=(const char * orig);
GUIDData & GetGUIDFromUser(void);
void Zero(void);
void Randomize(void);
// Data tests....
int operator==(const GUIDData & orig);
int operator!=(const GUIDData & orig);
// Data retrieval....
string AsString(void);
}; // class GUIDData