blob: 4e789e1031da4ce342b76a8687b18162b28b6fad [file] [log] [blame]
/* -- Functions for loading, saving, and manipulating legacy MBR partition
data. */
/* By Rod Smith, January to February, 2009 */
/* This program is copyright (c) 2009 by Roderick W. Smith. It is distributed
under the terms of the GNU GPL version 2, as detailed in the COPYING file. */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include "mbr.h"
#include "support.h"
using namespace std;
* *
* MBRData class and related structures *
* *
MBRData::MBRData(void) {
blockSize = SECTOR_SIZE;
diskSize = 0;
strcpy(device, "");
state = invalid;
srand((unsigned int) time(NULL));
} // MBRData default constructor
MBRData::MBRData(char *filename) {
blockSize = SECTOR_SIZE;
diskSize = 0;
strcpy(device, filename);
state = invalid;
srand((unsigned int) time(NULL));
// Try to read the specified partition table, but if it fails....
if (!ReadMBRData(filename)) {
strcpy(device, "");
} // if
} // MBRData(char *filename) constructor
MBRData::~MBRData(void) {
} // MBRData destructor
// Empty all data. Meant mainly for calling by constructors, but it's also
// used by the hybrid MBR functions in the GPTData class.
void MBRData::EmptyMBR(int clearBootloader) {
int i;
// Zero out the boot loader section, the disk signature, and the
// 2-byte nulls area only if requested to do so. (This is the
// default.)
if (clearBootloader == 1) {
for (i = 0; i < 440; i++)
code[i] = 0;
diskSignature = (uint32_t) rand();
nulls = 0;
} // if
// Blank out the partitions
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
partitions[i].status = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[i].firstSector[0] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[i].firstSector[1] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[i].firstSector[2] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[i].partitionType = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[i].lastSector[0] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[i].lastSector[1] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[i].lastSector[2] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[i].firstLBA = UINT32_C(0);
partitions[i].lengthLBA = UINT32_C(0);
} // for
blockSize = SECTOR_SIZE;
diskSize = 0;
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LOGICALS; i++) {
logicals[i].status = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].firstSector[0] = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].firstSector[1] = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].firstSector[2] = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].partitionType = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].lastSector[0] = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].lastSector[1] = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].lastSector[2] = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].firstLBA = UINT32_C(0);
logicals[i].lengthLBA = UINT32_C(0);
} // for
} // MBRData::EmptyMBR()
// Read data from MBR. Returns 1 if read was successful (even if the
// data isn't a valid MBR), 0 if the read failed.
int MBRData::ReadMBRData(char* deviceFilename) {
int fd, allOK = 1;
if ((fd = open(deviceFilename, O_RDONLY)) != -1) {
} else {
allOK = 0;
} // if
if (allOK)
strcpy(device, deviceFilename);
return allOK;
} // MBRData::ReadMBRData(char* deviceFilename)
// Read data from MBR.
void MBRData::ReadMBRData(int fd, int checkBlockSize) {
int allOK = 1, i, j, maxLogicals = 0;
int err;
TempMBR tempMBR;
// Clear logical partition array
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LOGICALS; i++) {
logicals[i].status = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].firstSector[0] = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].firstSector[1] = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].firstSector[2] = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].partitionType = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].lastSector[0] = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].lastSector[1] = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].lastSector[2] = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].firstLBA = UINT32_C(0);
logicals[i].lengthLBA = UINT32_C(0);
} // for
err = lseek64(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
err = read(fd, &tempMBR, 512);
for (i = 0; i < 440; i++)
code[i] = tempMBR.code[i];
diskSignature = tempMBR.diskSignature;
nulls = tempMBR.nulls;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
partitions[i].status = tempMBR.partitions[i].status;
partitions[i].partitionType = tempMBR.partitions[i].partitionType;
partitions[i].firstLBA = tempMBR.partitions[i].firstLBA;
partitions[i].lengthLBA = tempMBR.partitions[i].lengthLBA;
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
partitions[i].firstSector[j] = tempMBR.partitions[i].firstSector[j];
partitions[i].lastSector[j] = tempMBR.partitions[i].lastSector[j];
} // for j...
} // for i...
MBRSignature = tempMBR.MBRSignature;
// Reverse the byte order, if necessary
if (IsLittleEndian() == 0) {
ReverseBytes(&diskSignature, 4);
ReverseBytes(&nulls, 2);
ReverseBytes(&MBRSignature, 2);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
ReverseBytes(&partitions[i].firstLBA, 4);
ReverseBytes(&partitions[i].lengthLBA, 4);
} // for
} // if
if (MBRSignature != MBR_SIGNATURE) {
allOK = 0;
state = invalid;
} // if
// Find disk size
diskSize = disksize(fd, &err);
// Find block size
if (checkBlockSize) {
blockSize = GetBlockSize(fd);
// if ((blockSize = GetBlockSize(fd)) == -1) {
// blockSize = SECTOR_SIZE;
// printf("Unable to determine sector size; assuming %lu bytes!\n",
// (unsigned long) SECTOR_SIZE);
// } // if
} // if (checkBlockSize)
// Load logical partition data, if any is found....
if (allOK) {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if ((partitions[i].partitionType == 0x05) || (partitions[i].partitionType == 0x0f)
|| (partitions[i].partitionType == 0x85)) {
// Found it, so call a recursive algorithm to load everything from them....
maxLogicals = ReadLogicalPart(fd, partitions[i].firstLBA, UINT32_C(0), maxLogicals);
if ((maxLogicals < 0) || (maxLogicals > NUM_LOGICALS)) {
allOK = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading logical partitions! List may be truncated!\n");
} // if maxLogicals valid
} // if primary partition is extended
} // for primary partition loop
if (allOK) { // Loaded logicals OK
state = mbr;
} else {
state = invalid;
} // if
} // if
/* Check to see if it's in GPT format.... */
if (allOK) {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (partitions[i].partitionType == UINT8_C(0xEE)) {
state = gpt;
} // if
} // for
} // if
// If there's an EFI GPT partition, look for other partition types,
// to flag as hybrid
if (state == gpt) {
for (i = 0 ; i < 4; i++) {
if ((partitions[i].partitionType != UINT8_C(0xEE)) &&
(partitions[i].partitionType != UINT8_C(0x00)))
state = hybrid;
} // for
} // if hybrid
/* // Tell the user what the MBR state is...
switch (state) {
case invalid:
printf("Information: MBR appears to be empty or invalid.\n");
case gpt:
printf("Information: MBR holds GPT placeholder partitions.\n");
case hybrid:
printf("Information: MBR holds hybrid GPT/MBR data.\n");
case mbr:
printf("Information: MBR data appears to be valid.\n");
} // switch */
} // MBRData::ReadMBRData(int fd)
// Write the MBR data to the default defined device.
int MBRData::WriteMBRData(void) {
int allOK = 1, fd;
if ((fd = open(device, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, S_IWUSR | S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH)) != -1) {
} else {
allOK = 0;
} // if/else
return allOK;
} // MBRData::WriteMBRData(void)
// Save the MBR data to a file. Note that this function writes ONLY the
// MBR data, not the logical partitions (if any are defined).
void MBRData::WriteMBRData(int fd) {
int i, j;
TempMBR tempMBR;
// Reverse the byte order, if necessary
if (IsLittleEndian() == 0) {
ReverseBytes(&diskSignature, 4);
ReverseBytes(&nulls, 2);
ReverseBytes(&MBRSignature, 2);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
ReverseBytes(&partitions[i].firstLBA, 4);
ReverseBytes(&partitions[i].lengthLBA, 4);
} // for
} // if
// Copy MBR data to a 512-byte data structure for writing, to
// work around a FreeBSD limitation....
for (i = 0; i < 440; i++)
tempMBR.code[i] = code[i];
tempMBR.diskSignature = diskSignature;
tempMBR.nulls = nulls;
tempMBR.MBRSignature = MBRSignature;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
tempMBR.partitions[i].status = partitions[i].status;
tempMBR.partitions[i].partitionType = partitions[i].partitionType;
tempMBR.partitions[i].firstLBA = partitions[i].firstLBA;
tempMBR.partitions[i].lengthLBA = partitions[i].lengthLBA;
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
tempMBR.partitions[i].firstSector[j] = partitions[i].firstSector[j];
tempMBR.partitions[i].lastSector[j] = partitions[i].lastSector[j];
} // for j...
} // for i...
// Now write that data structure...
lseek64(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
write(fd, &tempMBR, 512);
/* write(fd, code, 440);
write(fd, &diskSignature, 4);
write(fd, &nulls, 2);
write(fd, partitions, 64);
write(fd, &MBRSignature, 2); */
// Reverse the byte order back, if necessary
if (IsLittleEndian() == 0) {
ReverseBytes(&diskSignature, 4);
ReverseBytes(&nulls, 2);
ReverseBytes(&MBRSignature, 2);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
ReverseBytes(&partitions[i].firstLBA, 4);
ReverseBytes(&partitions[i].lengthLBA, 4);
} // for
}// if
} // MBRData::WriteMBRData(int fd)
// This is a recursive function to read all the logical partitions, following the
// logical partition linked list from the disk and storing the basic data in the
// logicals[] array. Returns last index to logicals[] uses, or -1 if there was a
// problem
int MBRData::ReadLogicalPart(int fd, uint32_t extendedStart,
uint32_t diskOffset, int partNum) {
struct EBRRecord ebr;
off_t offset;
if ((partNum < NUM_LOGICALS) && (partNum >= 0)) {
offset = (off_t) (extendedStart + diskOffset) * blockSize;
if (lseek64(fd, offset, SEEK_SET) == (off_t) -1) { // seek to EBR record
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to seek to %lu! Aborting!\n", (unsigned long) offset);
partNum = -1;
if (read(fd, &ebr, 512) != 512) { // Load the data....
fprintf(stderr, "Error seeking to or reading logical partition data from %lu!\nAborting!\n",
(unsigned long) offset);
partNum = -1;
} else if (IsLittleEndian() != 1) { // Reverse byte ordering of some data....
ReverseBytes(&ebr.MBRSignature, 2);
ReverseBytes(&ebr.partitions[0].firstLBA, 4);
ReverseBytes(&ebr.partitions[0].lengthLBA, 4);
ReverseBytes(&ebr.partitions[1].firstLBA, 4);
ReverseBytes(&ebr.partitions[1].lengthLBA, 4);
} // if/else/if
if (ebr.MBRSignature != MBR_SIGNATURE) {
partNum = -1;
fprintf(stderr, "MBR signature in logical partition invalid; read 0x%04X, but should be 0x%04X\n",
(unsigned int) ebr.MBRSignature, (unsigned int) MBR_SIGNATURE);
} // if
// Copy over the basic data....
logicals[partNum].status = ebr.partitions[0].status;
logicals[partNum].firstLBA = ebr.partitions[0].firstLBA + diskOffset + extendedStart;
logicals[partNum].lengthLBA = ebr.partitions[0].lengthLBA;
logicals[partNum].partitionType = ebr.partitions[0].partitionType;
// Find the next partition (if there is one) and recurse....
if ((ebr.partitions[1].firstLBA != UINT32_C(0)) && (partNum >= 0) &&
(partNum < (NUM_LOGICALS - 1))) {
partNum = ReadLogicalPart(fd, extendedStart, ebr.partitions[1].firstLBA,
partNum + 1);
} else {
} // if another partition
} // Not enough space for all the logicals (or previous error encountered)
return (partNum);
} // MBRData::ReadLogicalPart()
// Show the MBR data to the user....
void MBRData::DisplayMBRData(void) {
int i;
char tempStr[255];
char bootCode;
printf("MBR disk identifier: 0x%08X\n", (unsigned int) diskSignature);
printf("MBR partitions:\n");
printf("Number\t Boot\t Start (sector)\t Length (sectors)\tType\n");
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (partitions[i].lengthLBA != 0) {
if (partitions[i].status && 0x80) // it's bootable
bootCode = '*';
bootCode = ' ';
printf("%4d\t %c\t%13lu\t%15lu \t0x%02X\n", i + 1, bootCode,
(unsigned long) partitions[i].firstLBA,
(unsigned long) partitions[i].lengthLBA, partitions[i].partitionType);
} // if
} // for
// Now display logical partition data....
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LOGICALS; i++) {
if (logicals[i].lengthLBA != 0) {
printf("%4d\t%13lu\t%15lu \t0x%02X\n", i + 5, (unsigned long) logicals[i].firstLBA,
(unsigned long) logicals[i].lengthLBA, logicals[i].partitionType);
} // if
} // for
printf("\nDisk size is %lu sectors (%s)\n", (unsigned long) diskSize,
BytesToSI(diskSize * (uint64_t) blockSize, tempStr));
} // MBRData::DisplayMBRData()
// Create a protective MBR. Clears the boot loader area if clearBoot > 0.
void MBRData::MakeProtectiveMBR(int clearBoot) {
int i;
// Initialize variables
nulls = 0;
if (clearBoot > 0) {
for (i = 0; i < 440; i++)
code[i] = (uint8_t) 0;
} // if
partitions[0].status = UINT8_C(0); // Flag the protective part. as unbootable
// Write CHS data. This maxes out the use of the disk, as much as
// possible -- even to the point of exceeding the capacity of sub-8GB
// disks. The EFI spec says to use 0xffffff as the ending value,
// although normal MBR disks max out at 0xfeffff. FWIW, both GNU Parted
// and Apple's Disk Utility use 0xfeffff, and the latter puts that
// value in for the FIRST sector, too!
partitions[0].firstSector[0] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[0].firstSector[1] = UINT8_C(1);
partitions[0].firstSector[2] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[0].lastSector[0] = UINT8_C(255);
partitions[0].lastSector[1] = UINT8_C(255);
partitions[0].lastSector[2] = UINT8_C(255);
partitions[0].partitionType = UINT8_C(0xEE);
partitions[0].firstLBA = UINT32_C(1);
if (diskSize < UINT32_MAX) { // If the disk is under 2TiB
partitions[0].lengthLBA = diskSize - 1;
} else { // disk is too big to represent, so fake it...
partitions[0].lengthLBA = UINT32_MAX;
} // if/else
// Zero out three unused primary partitions...
for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
partitions[i].status = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[i].firstSector[0] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[i].firstSector[1] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[i].firstSector[2] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[i].partitionType = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[i].lastSector[0] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[i].lastSector[1] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[i].lastSector[2] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[i].firstLBA = UINT32_C(0);
partitions[i].lengthLBA = UINT32_C(0);
} // for
// Zero out all the logical partitions. Not necessary for data
// integrity on write, but eliminates stray entries if user wants
// to view the MBR after converting the disk
for (i = 0; i < NUM_LOGICALS; i++) {
logicals[i].status = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].firstSector[0] = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].firstSector[1] = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].firstSector[2] = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].partitionType = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].lastSector[0] = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].lastSector[1] = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].lastSector[2] = UINT8_C(0);
logicals[i].firstLBA = UINT32_C(0);
logicals[i].lengthLBA = UINT32_C(0);
} // for
state = gpt;
} // MBRData::MakeProtectiveMBR()
// Create a partition that fills the most available space. Returns
// 1 if partition was created, 0 otherwise. Intended for use in
// creating hybrid MBRs.
int MBRData::MakeBiggestPart(int i, int type) {
uint32_t start = UINT32_C(1); // starting point for each search
uint32_t firstBlock; // first block in a segment
uint32_t lastBlock; // last block in a segment
uint32_t segmentSize; // size of segment in blocks
uint32_t selectedSegment = UINT32_C(0); // location of largest segment
uint32_t selectedSize = UINT32_C(0); // size of largest segment in blocks
int found = 0;
do {
firstBlock = FindFirstAvailable(start);
if (firstBlock != UINT32_C(0)) { // something's free...
lastBlock = FindLastInFree(firstBlock);
segmentSize = lastBlock - firstBlock + UINT32_C(1);
if (segmentSize > selectedSize) {
selectedSize = segmentSize;
selectedSegment = firstBlock;
} // if
start = lastBlock + 1;
} // if
} while (firstBlock != 0);
if ((selectedSize > UINT32_C(0)) && ((uint64_t) selectedSize < diskSize)) {
found = 1;
MakePart(i, selectedSegment, selectedSize, type, 0);
} else {
found = 0;
} // if/else
return found;
} // MBRData::MakeBiggestPart(int i)
// Delete partition #i
void MBRData::DeletePartition(int i) {
int j;
partitions[i].firstLBA = UINT32_C(0);
partitions[i].lengthLBA = UINT32_C(0);
partitions[i].status = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[i].partitionType = UINT8_C(0);
for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
partitions[i].firstSector[j] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[i].lastSector[j] = UINT8_C(0);
} // for j (CHS data blanking)
} // MBRData::DeletePartition()
// Delete a partition if one exists at the specified location.
// Returns 1 if a partition was deleted, 0 otherwise....
// Used to help keep GPT & hybrid MBR partitions in sync....
int MBRData::DeleteByLocation(uint64_t start64, uint64_t length64) {
uint32_t start32, length32;
int i, j, deleted = 0;
if ((state == hybrid) && (start64 < UINT32_MAX) && (length64 < UINT32_MAX)) {
start32 = (uint32_t) start64;
length32 = (uint32_t) length64;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if ((partitions[i].firstLBA == start32) && (partitions[i].lengthLBA = length32) &&
(partitions[i].partitionType != 0xEE)) {
deleted = 1;
} // if (match found)
} // for i (partition scan)
} // if (hybrid & GPT partition < 2TiB)
return deleted;
} // MBRData::DeleteByLocation()
// Optimizes the size of the 0xEE (EFI GPT) partition
void MBRData::OptimizeEESize(void) {
int i, typeFlag = 0;
uint32_t after;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// Check for non-empty and non-0xEE partitions
if ((partitions[i].partitionType != 0xEE) && (partitions[i].partitionType != 0x00))
if (partitions[i].partitionType == 0xEE) {
// Blank space before this partition; fill it....
if (IsFree(partitions[i].firstLBA - 1)) {
partitions[i].firstLBA = FindFirstInFree(partitions[i].firstLBA - 1);
} // if
// Blank space after this partition; fill it....
after = partitions[i].firstLBA + partitions[i].lengthLBA;
if (IsFree(after)) {
partitions[i].lengthLBA = FindLastInFree(after) - partitions[i].firstLBA + 1;
} // if free space after
} // if partition is 0xEE
if (typeFlag == 0) { // No non-hybrid partitions found
MakeProtectiveMBR(); // ensure it's a fully compliant hybrid MBR.
} // if
} // for partition loop
} // MBRData::OptimizeEESize()
// Return a pointer to a primary or logical partition, or NULL if
// the partition is out of range....
struct MBRRecord* MBRData::GetPartition(int i) {
MBRRecord* thePart = NULL;
if ((i >= 0) && (i < 4)) { // primary partition
thePart = &partitions[i];
} // if
if ((i >= 4) && (i < (NUM_LOGICALS + 4))) {
thePart = &logicals[i - 4];
} // if
return thePart;
} // GetPartition()
// Displays the state, as a word, on stdout. Used for debugging & to
// tell the user about the MBR state when the program launches....
void MBRData::ShowState(void) {
switch (state) {
case invalid:
printf(" MBR: not present\n");
case gpt:
printf(" MBR: protective\n");
case hybrid:
printf(" MBR: hybrid\n");
case mbr:
printf(" MBR: MBR only\n");
printf("\a MBR: unknown -- bug!\n");
} // switch
} // MBRData::ShowState()
// Create a primary partition of the specified number, starting LBA,
// and length. This function does *NO* error checking, so it's possible
// to seriously screw up a partition table using this function! It's
// intended as a way to create a hybrid MBR, which is a pretty funky
// setup to begin with....
void MBRData::MakePart(int num, uint32_t start, uint32_t length, int type,
int bootable) {
partitions[num].status = (uint8_t) bootable * (uint8_t) 0x80;
partitions[num].firstSector[0] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[num].firstSector[1] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[num].firstSector[2] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[num].partitionType = (uint8_t) type;
partitions[num].lastSector[0] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[num].lastSector[1] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[num].lastSector[2] = UINT8_C(0);
partitions[num].firstLBA = start;
partitions[num].lengthLBA = length;
} // MakePart()
// Finds the first free space on the disk from start onward; returns 0
// if none available....
uint32_t MBRData::FindFirstAvailable(uint32_t start) {
uint32_t first;
uint32_t i;
int firstMoved = 0;
first = start;
// search through all partitions; if first is within an
// existing partition, move it to the next sector after that
// partition and repeat. If first was moved, set firstMoved
// flag; repeat until firstMoved is not set, so as to catch
// cases where partitions are out of sequential order....
do {
firstMoved = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// Check if it's in the existing partition
if ((first >= partitions[i].firstLBA) &&
(first < (partitions[i].firstLBA + partitions[i].lengthLBA))) {
first = partitions[i].firstLBA + partitions[i].lengthLBA;
firstMoved = 1;
} // if
} // for
} while (firstMoved == 1);
if (first >= diskSize)
first = 0;
return (first);
} // MBRData::FindFirstAvailable()
// Finds the last free sector on the disk from start forward.
uint32_t MBRData::FindLastInFree(uint32_t start) {
uint32_t nearestStart;
uint32_t i;
if (diskSize <= UINT32_MAX)
nearestStart = diskSize - 1;
nearestStart = UINT32_MAX - 1;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if ((nearestStart > partitions[i].firstLBA) &&
(partitions[i].firstLBA > start)) {
nearestStart = partitions[i].firstLBA - 1;
} // if
} // for
return (nearestStart);
} // MBRData::FindLastInFree()
// Finds the first free sector on the disk from start backward.
uint32_t MBRData::FindFirstInFree(uint32_t start) {
uint32_t bestLastLBA, thisLastLBA;
int i;
bestLastLBA = 1;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
thisLastLBA = partitions[i].firstLBA + partitions[i].lengthLBA;
if (thisLastLBA > 0) thisLastLBA--;
if ((thisLastLBA > bestLastLBA) && (thisLastLBA < start)) {
bestLastLBA = thisLastLBA + 1;
} // if
} // for
return (bestLastLBA);
} // MBRData::FindFirstInFree()
// Returns 1 if the specified sector is unallocated, 0 if it's
// allocated.
int MBRData::IsFree(uint32_t sector) {
int i, isFree = 1;
uint32_t first, last;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
first = partitions[i].firstLBA;
last = first + partitions[i].lengthLBA;
if (last > 0) last--;
if ((first <= sector) && (last >= sector))
isFree = 0;
} // for
return isFree;
} // MBRData::IsFree()
uint8_t MBRData::GetStatus(int i) {
MBRRecord* thePart;
uint8_t retval;
thePart = GetPartition(i);
if (thePart != NULL)
retval = thePart->status;
retval = UINT8_C(0);
return retval;
} // MBRData::GetStatus()
uint8_t MBRData::GetType(int i) {
MBRRecord* thePart;
uint8_t retval;
thePart = GetPartition(i);
if (thePart != NULL)
retval = thePart->partitionType;
retval = UINT8_C(0);
return retval;
} // MBRData::GetType()
uint32_t MBRData::GetFirstSector(int i) {
MBRRecord* thePart;
uint32_t retval;
thePart = GetPartition(i);
if (thePart != NULL) {
retval = thePart->firstLBA;
} else
retval = UINT32_C(0);
return retval;
} // MBRData::GetFirstSector()
uint32_t MBRData::GetLength(int i) {
MBRRecord* thePart;
uint32_t retval;
thePart = GetPartition(i);
if (thePart != NULL) {
retval = thePart->lengthLBA;
} else
retval = UINT32_C(0);
return retval;
} // MBRData::GetLength()
// Return the MBR data as a GPT partition....
GPTPart MBRData::AsGPT(int i) {
MBRRecord* origPart;
GPTPart newPart;
uint8_t origType;
uint64_t firstSector, lastSector;
char tempStr[NAME_SIZE];
origPart = GetPartition(i);
if (origPart != NULL) {
origType = origPart->partitionType;
// don't convert extended, hybrid protective, or null (non-existent)
// partitions (Note similar protection is in GPTData::XFormPartitions(),
// but I want it here too in case I call this function in another
// context in the future....)
if ((origType != 0x05) && (origType != 0x0f) && (origType != 0x85) &&
(origType != 0x00) && (origType != 0xEE)) {
firstSector = (uint64_t) origPart->firstLBA;
lastSector = firstSector + (uint64_t) origPart->lengthLBA;
if (lastSector > 0) lastSector--;
newPart.SetType(((uint16_t) origType) * 0x0100);
newPart.SetName((unsigned char*) newPart.GetNameType(tempStr));
} // if
} // if
return newPart;
} // MBRData::AsGPT()