blob: 462529255bb2b63c24a7b07908a34fd728571a44 [file] [log] [blame]
apply plugin: "cpp"
apply plugin: ""
description = 'The protoc plugin for gRPC Java'
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath libraries.protobuf_plugin
def artifactStagingPath = "$buildDir/artifacts" as File
// Adds space-delimited arguments from the environment variable env to the
// argList.
def addEnvArgs = { env, argList ->
def value = System.getenv(env)
if (value != null) {
value.split(' +').each() { it -> argList.add(it) }
// Adds corresponding "-l" option to the argList if libName is not found in
// LDFLAGS. This is only used for Mac because when building for uploadArchives
// artifacts, we add the ".a" files directly to LDFLAGS and without "-l" in
// order to get statically linked, otherwise we add the libraries through "-l"
// so that they can be searched for in default search paths.
def addLibraryIfNotLinked = { libName, argList ->
def ldflags = System.env.LDFLAGS
if (ldflags == null || !ldflags.contains('lib' + libName + '.a')) {
argList.add('-l' + libName)
def String arch = rootProject.hasProperty('targetArch') ? rootProject.targetArch : osdetector.arch
def boolean vcDisable = rootProject.hasProperty('vcDisable') ? rootProject.vcDisable : false
model {
toolChains {
// If you have both VC and Gcc installed, VC will be selected, unless you
// set 'vcDisable=true'
if (!vcDisable) {
visualCpp(VisualCpp) {
gcc(Gcc) {
clang(Clang) {
platforms {
x86_32 {
architecture "x86"
x86_64 {
architecture "x86_64"
components {
java_plugin(NativeExecutableSpec) {
if (arch in ['x86_32', 'x86_64']) {
// If arch is not within the defined platforms, we do not specify the
// targetPlatform so that Gradle will choose what is appropriate.
targetPlatform arch
baseName "$protocPluginBaseName"
configurations {
dependencies {
testCompile project(':grpc-protobuf'),
testNanoCompile project(':grpc-protobuf-nano'),
sourceSets {
testNano {
proto {
protobuf {
protoc {
if (project.hasProperty('protoc')) {
path = project.protoc
} else {
artifact = "${protobufVersion}"
plugins {
grpc {
path = javaPluginPath
generateProtoTasks {
all()*.dependsOn 'java_pluginExecutable'
ofSourceSet('test')*.plugins {
grpc {}
ofSourceSet('testNano').each { task ->
task.builtins {
remove java
javanano {
option 'ignore_services=true'
task.plugins {
grpc {
option 'nano=true'
checkstyleTestNano {
source = fileTree(dir: "src/testNano", include: "**/*.java")
println "*** Building codegen requires Protobuf version ${protobufVersion}"
println "*** Please refer to"
binaries.all {
if (toolChain in Gcc || toolChain in Clang) {
cppCompiler.args "--std=c++0x"
addEnvArgs("CXXFLAGS", cppCompiler.args)
addEnvArgs("CPPFLAGS", cppCompiler.args)
if (osdetector.os == "osx") {
cppCompiler.args "-mmacosx-version-min=10.7", "-stdlib=libc++"
addLibraryIfNotLinked('protoc', linker.args)
addLibraryIfNotLinked('protobuf', linker.args)
} else if (osdetector.os == "windows") {
linker.args "-static", "-lprotoc", "-lprotobuf", "-static-libgcc", "-static-libstdc++", "-s"
} else {
// Link protoc, protobuf, libgcc and libstdc++ statically.
// Link other (system) libraries dynamically.
// Clang under OSX doesn't support these options.
linker.args "-Wl,-Bstatic", "-lprotoc", "-lprotobuf", "-static-libgcc", "-static-libstdc++",
"-Wl,-Bdynamic", "-lpthread", "-s"
addEnvArgs("LDFLAGS", linker.args)
} else if (toolChain in VisualCpp) {
cppCompiler.args "/EHsc", "/MT"
if (rootProject.hasProperty('vcProtobufInclude')) {
cppCompiler.args "/I${rootProject.vcProtobufInclude}"
linker.args "libprotobuf.lib", "libprotoc.lib"
if (rootProject.hasProperty('vcProtobufLibs')) {
linker.args "/LIBPATH:${rootProject.vcProtobufLibs}"
task buildArtifacts(type: Copy) {
dependsOn 'java_pluginExecutable'
from("$buildDir/binaries") {
if (osdetector.os != 'windows') {
rename 'protoc-gen-grpc-java', '$0.exe'
into artifactStagingPath
archivesBaseName = "$protocPluginBaseName"
artifacts {
archives("$artifactStagingPath/java_pluginExecutable/${protocPluginBaseName}.exe" as File) {
classifier osdetector.os + "-" + arch
type "exe"
extension "exe"
builtBy buildArtifacts
// Exe files are skipped by Maven by default. Override it.
// Also skip jar files that is generated by the java plugin.
]*.addFilter('all') {artifact, file ->
! (file.getName().endsWith('jar') || file.getName().endsWith('jar.asc'))
]*.beforeDeployment {
def ret = exec {
executable 'bash'
args '', osdetector.os, arch
if (ret.exitValue != 0) {
throw new GradleException(" exited with " + ret.exitValue)
test.dependsOn('testGolden', 'testNanoGolden')
def configureTestTask(Task task, String suffix, String extraPackage) {
task.dependsOn "generateTest${suffix}Proto"
if (osdetector.os != 'windows') {
task.executable "diff"
} else {
task.executable "fc"
// File isn't found on Windows if last slash is forward-slash
def slash = System.getProperty("file.separator")
task.args "$buildDir/generated/source/proto/test${suffix}/grpc/io/grpc/testing/integration${extraPackage}${slash}",
task testGolden(type: Exec)
task testNanoGolden(type: Exec)
configureTestTask(testGolden, '', '')
configureTestTask(testNanoGolden, 'Nano', '/nano')