blob: f6ec7e32c63dce77b0a03a00111e72683ee85f4e [file] [log] [blame]
set -eu -o pipefail
quote() {
local arg
for arg in "$@"; do
printf "'"
printf "%s" "$arg" | sed -e "s/'/'\\\\''/g"
printf "' "
if [[ "${1:-}" != "in-docker" ]]; then
readonly grpc_java_dir="$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0"))/.."
exec docker run -it --rm=true -v "${grpc_java_dir}:/grpc-java" -w /grpc-java \
grpc-java-releasing \
./buildscripts/ in-docker "$(id -u)" "$(id -g)" "$@"
## In Docker
readonly swap_uid="$1"
readonly swap_gid="$2"
shift 2
# Java uses NSS to determine the user's home. If that fails it uses '?' in the
# current directory. So we need to set up the user's home in /etc/passwd.
# If this wasn't the case, we could have passed -u to docker run and avoided
# this script inside the container. JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS is okay, but is noisy.
groupadd thegroup -g "$swap_gid"
useradd theuser -u "$swap_uid" -g "$swap_gid" -m
if [[ "$#" -eq 0 ]]; then
exec su theuser
# runuser is too old in the container to support the -u flag; if it did, we'd
# be able to remove the 'quote' function.
exec su theuser -c "$(quote "$@")"