blob: 3f3cff14086dff12de688309d766ae58ef829c29 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef GRPC_SLICE_H
#define GRPC_SLICE_H
#include <grpc/impl/codegen/slice.h>
#include <grpc/support/sync.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/** Increment the refcount of s. Requires slice is initialized.
Returns s. */
GPRAPI grpc_slice grpc_slice_ref(grpc_slice s);
/** Decrement the ref count of s. If the ref count of s reaches zero, all
slices sharing the ref count are destroyed, and considered no longer
initialized. If s is ultimately derived from a call to grpc_slice_new(start,
len, dest) where dest!=NULL , then (*dest)(start) is called, else if s is
ultimately derived from a call to grpc_slice_new_with_len(start, len, dest)
where dest!=NULL , then (*dest)(start, len). Requires s initialized. */
GPRAPI void grpc_slice_unref(grpc_slice s);
/** Copy slice - create a new slice that contains the same data as s */
GPRAPI grpc_slice grpc_slice_copy(grpc_slice s);
/** Create a slice pointing at some data. Calls malloc to allocate a refcount
for the object, and arranges that destroy will be called with the pointer
passed in at destruction. */
GPRAPI grpc_slice grpc_slice_new(void *p, size_t len, void (*destroy)(void *));
/** Equivalent to grpc_slice_new, but with a separate pointer that is
passed to the destroy function. This function can be useful when
the data is part of a larger structure that must be destroyed when
the data is no longer needed. */
GPRAPI grpc_slice grpc_slice_new_with_user_data(void *p, size_t len,
void (*destroy)(void *),
void *user_data);
/** Equivalent to grpc_slice_new, but with a two argument destroy function that
also takes the slice length. */
GPRAPI grpc_slice grpc_slice_new_with_len(void *p, size_t len,
void (*destroy)(void *, size_t));
/** Equivalent to grpc_slice_new(malloc(len), len, free), but saves one malloc()
Aborts if malloc() fails. */
GPRAPI grpc_slice grpc_slice_malloc(size_t length);
GPRAPI grpc_slice grpc_slice_malloc_large(size_t length);
#define GRPC_SLICE_MALLOC(len) grpc_slice_malloc(len)
/** Intern a slice:
The return value for two invocations of this function with the same sequence
of bytes is a slice which points to the same memory. */
GPRAPI grpc_slice grpc_slice_intern(grpc_slice slice);
/** Create a slice by copying a string.
Does not preserve null terminators.
Equivalent to:
size_t len = strlen(source);
grpc_slice slice = grpc_slice_malloc(len);
memcpy(slice->data, source, len); */
GPRAPI grpc_slice grpc_slice_from_copied_string(const char *source);
/** Create a slice by copying a buffer.
Equivalent to:
grpc_slice slice = grpc_slice_malloc(len);
memcpy(slice->data, source, len); */
GPRAPI grpc_slice grpc_slice_from_copied_buffer(const char *source, size_t len);
/** Create a slice pointing to constant memory */
GPRAPI grpc_slice grpc_slice_from_static_string(const char *source);
/** Create a slice pointing to constant memory */
GPRAPI grpc_slice grpc_slice_from_static_buffer(const void *source, size_t len);
/** Return a result slice derived from s, which shares a ref count with \a s,
where, and result.length==end-begin. The ref count
of \a s is increased by one. Do not assign result back to \a s.
Requires s initialized, begin <= end, begin <= s.length, and
end <= source->length. */
GPRAPI grpc_slice grpc_slice_sub(grpc_slice s, size_t begin, size_t end);
/** The same as grpc_slice_sub, but without altering the ref count */
GPRAPI grpc_slice grpc_slice_sub_no_ref(grpc_slice s, size_t begin, size_t end);
/** Splits s into two: modifies s to be s[0:split], and returns a new slice,
sharing a refcount with s, that contains s[split:s.length].
Requires s intialized, split <= s.length */
GPRAPI grpc_slice grpc_slice_split_tail(grpc_slice *s, size_t split);
typedef enum {
} grpc_slice_ref_whom;
/** The same as grpc_slice_split_tail, but with an option to skip altering
* refcounts (grpc_slice_split_tail_maybe_ref(..., true) is equivalent to
* grpc_slice_split_tail(...)) */
GPRAPI grpc_slice grpc_slice_split_tail_maybe_ref(grpc_slice *s, size_t split,
grpc_slice_ref_whom ref_whom);
/** Splits s into two: modifies s to be s[split:s.length], and returns a new
slice, sharing a refcount with s, that contains s[0:split].
Requires s intialized, split <= s.length */
GPRAPI grpc_slice grpc_slice_split_head(grpc_slice *s, size_t split);
GPRAPI grpc_slice grpc_empty_slice(void);
GPRAPI uint32_t grpc_slice_default_hash_impl(grpc_slice s);
GPRAPI int grpc_slice_default_eq_impl(grpc_slice a, grpc_slice b);
GPRAPI int grpc_slice_eq(grpc_slice a, grpc_slice b);
/** Returns <0 if a < b, ==0 if a == b, >0 if a > b
The order is arbitrary, and is not guaranteed to be stable across different
versions of the API. */
GPRAPI int grpc_slice_cmp(grpc_slice a, grpc_slice b);
GPRAPI int grpc_slice_str_cmp(grpc_slice a, const char *b);
GPRAPI int grpc_slice_buf_cmp(grpc_slice a, const void *b, size_t blen);
/** return non-zero if the first blen bytes of a are equal to b */
GPRAPI int grpc_slice_buf_start_eq(grpc_slice a, const void *b, size_t blen);
/** return the index of the last instance of \a c in \a s, or -1 if not found */
GPRAPI int grpc_slice_rchr(grpc_slice s, char c);
GPRAPI int grpc_slice_chr(grpc_slice s, char c);
/** return the index of the first occurance of \a needle in \a haystack, or -1
if it's not found */
GPRAPI int grpc_slice_slice(grpc_slice haystack, grpc_slice needle);
GPRAPI uint32_t grpc_slice_hash(grpc_slice s);
/** Do two slices point at the same memory, with the same length
If a or b is inlined, actually compares data */
GPRAPI int grpc_slice_is_equivalent(grpc_slice a, grpc_slice b);
/** Return a slice pointing to newly allocated memory that has the same contents
* as \a s */
GPRAPI grpc_slice grpc_slice_dup(grpc_slice a);
/** Return a copy of slice as a C string. Offers no protection against embedded
NULL's. Returned string must be freed with gpr_free. */
GPRAPI char *grpc_slice_to_c_string(grpc_slice s);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* GRPC_SLICE_H */