blob: 4c8dcf491674303f71a7e6c6ef1123b4fe26a288 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-2016 gRPC authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <climits>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <grpc/compression.h>
#include <grpc/support/cpu.h>
#include <grpc/support/workaround_list.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/channel_argument_option.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/server_builder_option.h>
#include <grpcpp/impl/server_builder_plugin.h>
#include <grpcpp/support/config.h>
struct grpc_resource_quota;
namespace grpc {
class AsyncGenericService;
class ResourceQuota;
class CompletionQueue;
class Server;
class ServerCompletionQueue;
class ServerCredentials;
class Service;
namespace testing {
class ServerBuilderPluginTest;
} // namespace testing
/// A builder class for the creation and startup of \a grpc::Server instances.
class ServerBuilder {
virtual ~ServerBuilder();
// Primary API's
/// Return a running server which is ready for processing calls.
/// Before calling, one typically needs to ensure that:
/// 1. a service is registered - so that the server knows what to serve
/// (via RegisterService, or RegisterAsyncGenericService)
/// 2. a listening port has been added - so the server knows where to receive
/// traffic (via AddListeningPort)
/// 3. [for async api only] completion queues have been added via
/// AddCompletionQueue
virtual std::unique_ptr<Server> BuildAndStart();
/// Register a service. This call does not take ownership of the service.
/// The service must exist for the lifetime of the \a Server instance returned
/// by \a BuildAndStart().
/// Matches requests with any :authority
ServerBuilder& RegisterService(Service* service);
/// Enlists an endpoint \a addr (port with an optional IP address) to
/// bind the \a grpc::Server object to be created to.
/// It can be invoked multiple times.
/// \param addr_uri The address to try to bind to the server in URI form. If
/// the scheme name is omitted, "dns:///" is assumed. To bind to any address,
/// please use IPv6 any, i.e., [::]:<port>, which also accepts IPv4
/// connections. Valid values include dns:///localhost:1234, /
///, dns:///[::1]:27182, etc.).
/// \param creds The credentials associated with the server.
/// \param selected_port[out] If not `nullptr`, gets populated with the port
/// number bound to the \a grpc::Server for the corresponding endpoint after
/// it is successfully bound, 0 otherwise.
ServerBuilder& AddListeningPort(const grpc::string& addr_uri,
std::shared_ptr<ServerCredentials> creds,
int* selected_port = nullptr);
/// Add a completion queue for handling asynchronous services.
/// Best performance is typically obtained by using one thread per polling
/// completion queue.
/// Caller is required to shutdown the server prior to shutting down the
/// returned completion queue. Caller is also required to drain the
/// completion queue after shutting it down. A typical usage scenario:
/// // While building the server:
/// ServerBuilder builder;
/// ...
/// cq_ = builder.AddCompletionQueue();
/// server_ = builder.BuildAndStart();
/// // While shutting down the server;
/// server_->Shutdown();
/// cq_->Shutdown(); // Always *after* the associated server's Shutdown()!
/// // Drain the cq_ that was created
/// void* ignored_tag;
/// bool ignored_ok;
/// while (cq_->Next(&ignored_tag, &ignored_ok)) { }
/// \param is_frequently_polled This is an optional parameter to inform gRPC
/// library about whether this completion queue would be frequently polled
/// (i.e. by calling \a Next() or \a AsyncNext()). The default value is
/// 'true' and is the recommended setting. Setting this to 'false' (i.e.
/// not polling the completion queue frequently) will have a significantly
/// negative performance impact and hence should not be used in production
/// use cases.
std::unique_ptr<ServerCompletionQueue> AddCompletionQueue(
bool is_frequently_polled = true);
// Less commonly used RegisterService variants
/// Register a service. This call does not take ownership of the service.
/// The service must exist for the lifetime of the \a Server instance returned
/// by \a BuildAndStart().
/// Only matches requests with :authority \a host
ServerBuilder& RegisterService(const grpc::string& host, Service* service);
/// Register a generic service.
/// Matches requests with any :authority
/// This is mostly useful for writing generic gRPC Proxies where the exact
/// serialization format is unknown
ServerBuilder& RegisterAsyncGenericService(AsyncGenericService* service);
// Fine control knobs
/// Set max receive message size in bytes.
ServerBuilder& SetMaxReceiveMessageSize(int max_receive_message_size) {
max_receive_message_size_ = max_receive_message_size;
return *this;
/// Set max send message size in bytes.
ServerBuilder& SetMaxSendMessageSize(int max_send_message_size) {
max_send_message_size_ = max_send_message_size;
return *this;
/// \deprecated For backward compatibility.
ServerBuilder& SetMaxMessageSize(int max_message_size) {
return SetMaxReceiveMessageSize(max_message_size);
/// Set the support status for compression algorithms. All algorithms are
/// enabled by default.
/// Incoming calls compressed with an unsupported algorithm will fail with
ServerBuilder& SetCompressionAlgorithmSupportStatus(
grpc_compression_algorithm algorithm, bool enabled);
/// The default compression level to use for all channel calls in the
/// absence of a call-specific level.
ServerBuilder& SetDefaultCompressionLevel(grpc_compression_level level);
/// The default compression algorithm to use for all channel calls in the
/// absence of a call-specific level. Note that it overrides any compression
/// level set by \a SetDefaultCompressionLevel.
ServerBuilder& SetDefaultCompressionAlgorithm(
grpc_compression_algorithm algorithm);
/// Set the attached buffer pool for this server
ServerBuilder& SetResourceQuota(const ResourceQuota& resource_quota);
ServerBuilder& SetOption(std::unique_ptr<ServerBuilderOption> option);
/// Options for synchronous servers.
enum SyncServerOption {
NUM_CQS, ///< Number of completion queues.
MIN_POLLERS, ///< Minimum number of polling threads.
MAX_POLLERS, ///< Maximum number of polling threads.
CQ_TIMEOUT_MSEC ///< Completion queue timeout in milliseconds.
/// Only useful if this is a Synchronous server.
ServerBuilder& SetSyncServerOption(SyncServerOption option, int value);
/// Add a channel argument (an escape hatch to tuning core library parameters
/// directly)
template <class T>
ServerBuilder& AddChannelArgument(const grpc::string& arg, const T& value) {
return SetOption(MakeChannelArgumentOption(arg, value));
/// For internal use only: Register a ServerBuilderPlugin factory function.
static void InternalAddPluginFactory(
std::unique_ptr<ServerBuilderPlugin> (*CreatePlugin)());
/// Enable a server workaround. Do not use unless you know what the workaround
/// does. For explanation and detailed descriptions of workarounds, see
/// doc/
ServerBuilder& EnableWorkaround(grpc_workaround_list id);
/// Experimental, to be deprecated
struct Port {
grpc::string addr;
std::shared_ptr<ServerCredentials> creds;
int* selected_port;
/// Experimental, to be deprecated
typedef std::unique_ptr<grpc::string> HostString;
struct NamedService {
explicit NamedService(Service* s) : service(s) {}
NamedService(const grpc::string& h, Service* s)
: host(new grpc::string(h)), service(s) {}
HostString host;
Service* service;
/// Experimental, to be deprecated
std::vector<Port> ports() { return ports_; }
/// Experimental, to be deprecated
std::vector<NamedService*> services() {
std::vector<NamedService*> service_refs;
for (auto& ptr : services_) {
return service_refs;
/// Experimental, to be deprecated
std::vector<ServerBuilderOption*> options() {
std::vector<ServerBuilderOption*> option_refs;
for (auto& ptr : options_) {
return option_refs;
friend class ::grpc::testing::ServerBuilderPluginTest;
struct SyncServerSettings {
: num_cqs(1), min_pollers(1), max_pollers(2), cq_timeout_msec(10000) {}
/// Number of server completion queues to create to listen to incoming RPCs.
int num_cqs;
/// Minimum number of threads per completion queue that should be listening
/// to incoming RPCs.
int min_pollers;
/// Maximum number of threads per completion queue that can be listening to
/// incoming RPCs.
int max_pollers;
/// The timeout for server completion queue's AsyncNext call.
int cq_timeout_msec;
int max_receive_message_size_;
int max_send_message_size_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ServerBuilderOption>> options_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<NamedService>> services_;
std::vector<Port> ports_;
SyncServerSettings sync_server_settings_;
/// List of completion queues added via \a AddCompletionQueue method.
std::vector<ServerCompletionQueue*> cqs_;
std::shared_ptr<ServerCredentials> creds_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ServerBuilderPlugin>> plugins_;
grpc_resource_quota* resource_quota_;
AsyncGenericService* generic_service_;
struct {
bool is_set;
grpc_compression_level level;
} maybe_default_compression_level_;
struct {
bool is_set;
grpc_compression_algorithm algorithm;
} maybe_default_compression_algorithm_;
uint32_t enabled_compression_algorithms_bitset_;
} // namespace grpc