blob: 4c33a584ad46baaf14bd78eb4777c66e255871b2 [file] [log] [blame]
@rem Convenience script to build gRPC protoc plugins from command line. protoc plugins are used to generate service stub code from .proto service defintions.
@rem enter this directory
cd /d %~dp0
@rem Set VS variables (uses Visual Studio 2013)
@call "%VS120COMNTOOLS%\..\..\vc\vcvarsall.bat" x86
@rem Build third_party/protobuf
msbuild ..\third_party\protobuf\cmake\protobuf.sln /p:Configuration=Release || goto :error
@rem Build the C# protoc plugins
msbuild grpc_protoc_plugins.sln /p:Configuration=Release || goto :error
goto :EOF
echo Failed!
exit /b %errorlevel%