blob: 1262bdbdab89ad9826620347caf4afc75a9ee2c1 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<title>gRPC C# Auth</title>
<summary>Auth library for C# implementation of gRPC - an RPC library and framework</summary>
<description>Auth library for C# implementation of gRPC - an RPC library and framework. See project site for more info.</description>
<authors>Google Inc.</authors>
<releaseNotes>Release $version$ of gRPC C#</releaseNotes>
<copyright>Copyright 2015, Google Inc.</copyright>
<tags>gRPC RPC Protocol HTTP/2 Auth OAuth2</tags>
<dependency id="BouncyCastle" version="1.7.0" />
<dependency id="Google.Apis.Auth" version="1.9.1" />
<dependency id="Grpc.Core" version="$version$" />
<file src="bin/Release/Grpc.Auth.dll" target="lib/net45" />
<file src="bin/Release/Grpc.Auth.pdb" target="lib/net45" />
<file src="bin/Release/Grpc.Auth.xml" target="lib/net45" />
<file src="**\*.cs" target="src" />