blob: cfd05415a0edeea0f817c8484c9c36486230f7d5 [file] [log] [blame]
# Startup script that initializes a grpc-dev GCE machine.
# A grpc-docker GCE machine is based on docker container image.
# On startup, it copies the grpc dockerfiles to a local directory, and update its address.
# _load_metadata curls a metadata url
_load_metadata() {
local metadata_root=http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1
local uri=$1
[[ -n $uri ]] || { echo "missing arg: uri" >&2; return 1; }
if [[ $uri =~ ^'attributes/' ]]
for a in $(curl -H "X-Google-Metadata-Request: True" $metadata_root/instance/attributes/)
[[ $uri =~ "/$a"$ ]] && { curl $metadata_root/instance/$uri -H "X-Google-Metadata-Request: True"; return; }
# if the uri is a full request uri
[[ $uri =~ ^$metadata_root ]] && { curl $uri -H "X-Google-Metadata-Request: True"; return; }
_source_gs_script() {
local script_attr=$1
[[ -n $script_attr ]] || { echo "missing arg: script_attr" >&2; return 1; }
local gs_uri=$(_load_metadata "attributes/$script_attr")
[[ -n $gs_uri ]] || { echo "missing metadata: $script_attr" >&2; return 1; }
local out_dir='/var/local/startup_scripts'
local script_path=$out_dir/$(basename $gs_uri)
mkdir -p $out_dir
gsutil cp $gs_uri $script_path || {
echo "could not cp $gs_uri -> $script_path"
return 1
chmod a+rwx $out_dir $script_path
source $script_path
# Args:
# $1: numerator
# $2: denominator
# $3: threshold (optional; defaults to $THRESHOLD)
# Returns:
# 1 if (numerator / denominator > threshold)
# 0 otherwise
_gce_disk_cmp_ratio() {
local numer="${1}"
local denom="${2}"
local threshold="${3:-${DEFAULT_THRESHOLD}}"
if `which python > /dev/null 2>&1`; then
python -c "print(1 if (1. * ${numer} / ${denom} > ${threshold}) else 0)"
echo "Can't find python; calculation not done." 1>&2
return 1
# Repartitions the disk or resizes the file system, depending on the current
# state of the partition table.
# Automates the process described in
# -
_gce_disk_maybe_resize_then_reboot() {
# Determine the size in blocks, of the whole disk and the first partition.
local dev_sda="$(fdisk -s /dev/sda)"
local dev_sda1="$(fdisk -s /dev/sda1)"
local dev_sda1_start="$(sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda | grep /dev/sda1 | sed -e 's/ \+/ /g' | cut -d' ' -f 3)"
# Use fdisk to
# - first see if the partion 1 is using as much of the disk as it should
# - then to resize the partition if it's not
# fdisk(1) flags:
# -c: disable DOS compatibility mode
# -u: change display mode to sectors (from cylinders)
# fdisk(1) commands:
# d: delete partition (automatically selects the first one)
# n: new partition
# p: primary
# 1: partition number
# $dev_sda1_start: specify the value for the start sector, the default may be incorrect
# <1 blank lines>: accept the defaults for end sectors
# w: write partition table
if [ $(_gce_disk_cmp_ratio "${dev_sda}" "${dev_sda1}") -eq 1 ]; then
echo "$FUNCNAME: Updating the partition table to use full ${dev_sda} instead ${dev_sda1}"
cat <<EOF | fdisk -c -u /dev/sda
echo "$FUNCNAME: ... updated the partition table"
shutdown -r now
return 0
# After repartitioning, use resize2fs to expand sda1.
local df_size="$(df -B 1K / | grep ' /$' | sed -e 's/ \+/ /g' | cut -d' ' -f 2)"
if [ $(_gce_disk_cmp_ratio "${dev_sda}" "${df_size}") -eq 1 ]; then
echo "$FUNCNAME: resizing the partition to make full use of it"
resize2fs /dev/sda1
echo "$FUNCNAME: ... resize completed"
main() {
local script_attr='shared_startup_script_url'
_source_gs_script $script_attr || {
echo "halting, script 'attributes/$script_attr' could not be sourced"
return 1
chmod -R a+rw /var/local/dockerfile
# Install git and emacs
apt-get update && apt-get install -y git emacs || return 1
# Startup the docker registry
grpc_docker_launch_registry && grpc_docker_pull_known
# Add a sentinel file to indicate that startup has completed.
local sentinel_file=/var/log/GRPC_DOCKER_IS_UP
touch $sentinel_file
set -x
main "$@"