blob: b55083afc564954fe754b6d8cbe6e1f252afda3c [file] [log] [blame]
C++ Client implementation for Cloud Pub/Sub service
"Google Cloud Pub/Sub" API needs to be enabled at to open the access for a client.
Select the project name, select the "APIs" under "APIs & auth", and turn
on "Google Cloud Pub/Sub" API.
To run the client from Google Compute Engine (GCE), the GCE instance needs to
be created with scope "" as below:
gcloud compute instances create instance-name
--image debian-7 --scopes
Google TLS cert is required to run the client, which can be downloaded from
Chrome browser.
To run the client from GCE:
make pubsub_client
GRPC_DEFAULT_SSL_ROOTS_FILE_PATH="Google TLS cert" bins/opt/pubsub_client
--project_id="your project id"
A service account credential is required to run the client from other
environments, which can be generated as a JSON key file from To run the client with a service
account credential:
GRPC_DEFAULT_SSL_ROOTS_FILE_PATH="Google TLS cert" bins/opt/pubsub_client
--project_id="your project id"
--service_account_key_file="absolute path to the JSON key file"