blob: 0b3bd5d012a4bffe50f30d4a2e41f4b0d751ba56 [file] [log] [blame]
// Specification of the Pubsub API.
syntax = "proto2";
import "examples/tips/empty.proto";
import "examples/tips/label.proto";
package tech.pubsub;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Overview of the Pubsub API
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file describes an API for a Pubsub system. This system provides a
// reliable many-to-many communication mechanism between independently written
// publishers and subscribers where the publisher publishes messages to "topics"
// and each subscriber creates a "subscription" and consumes messages from it.
// (a) The pubsub system maintains bindings between topics and subscriptions.
// (b) A publisher publishes messages into a topic.
// (c) The pubsub system delivers messages from topics into relevant
// subscriptions.
// (d) A subscriber receives pending messages from its subscription and
// acknowledges or nacks each one to the pubsub system.
// (e) The pubsub system removes acknowledged messages from that subscription.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Data Model
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The data model consists of the following:
// * Topic: A topic is a resource to which messages are published by publishers.
// Topics are named, and the name of the topic is unique within the pubsub
// system.
// * Subscription: A subscription records the subscriber's interest in a topic.
// It can optionally include a query to select a subset of interesting
// messages. The pubsub system maintains a logical cursor tracking the
// matching messages which still need to be delivered and acked so that
// they can retried as needed. The set of messages that have not been
// acknowledged is called the subscription backlog.
// * Message: A message is a unit of data that flows in the system. It contains
// opaque data from the publisher along with its labels.
// * Message Labels (optional): A set of opaque key, value pairs assigned
// by the publisher which the subscriber can use for filtering out messages
// in the topic. For example, a label with key "" and
// value "mobile" may be added for messages that are only relevant for a
// mobile subscriber; a subscriber on a phone may decide to create a
// subscription only for messages that have this label.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Publisher Flow
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// A publisher publishes messages to the topic using the Publish request:
// PubsubMessage message;
// message.set_data("....");
// Label label;
// label.set_key("");
// label.set_str_value("value1");
// message.add_label(label);
// PublishRequest request;
// request.set_topic("topicName");
// request.set_message(message);
// PublisherService.Publish(request);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Subscriber Flow
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The subscriber part of the API is richer than the publisher part and has a
// number of concepts w.r.t. subscription creation and monitoring:
// (1) A subscriber creates a subscription using the CreateSubscription call.
// It may specify an optional "query" to indicate that it wants to receive
// only messages with a certain set of labels using the label query syntax.
// It may also specify an optional truncation policy to indicate when old
// messages from the subcription can be removed.
// (2) A subscriber receives messages in one of two ways: via push or pull.
// (a) To receive messages via push, the PushConfig field must be specified in
// the Subscription parameter when creating a subscription. The PushConfig
// specifies an endpoint at which the subscriber must expose the
// PushEndpointService. Messages are received via the HandlePubsubEvent
// method. The push subscriber responds to the HandlePubsubEvent method
// with a result code that indicates one of three things: Ack (the message
// has been successfully processed and the Pubsub system may delete it),
// Nack (the message has been rejected, the Pubsub system should resend it
// at a later time), or Push-Back (this is a Nack with the additional
// semantics that the subscriber is overloaded and the pubsub system should
// back off on the rate at which it is invoking HandlePubsubEvent). The
// endpoint may be a load balancer for better scalability.
// (b) To receive messages via pull a subscriber calls the Pull method on the
// SubscriberService to get messages from the subscription. For each
// individual message, the subscriber may use the ack_id received in the
// PullResponse to Ack the message, Nack the message, or modify the ack
// deadline with ModifyAckDeadline. See the
// Subscription.ack_deadline_seconds field documentation for details on the
// ack deadline behavior.
// Note: Messages may be consumed in parallel by multiple subscribers making
// Pull calls to the same subscription; this will result in the set of
// messages from the subscription being shared and each subscriber
// receiving a subset of the messages.
// (4) The subscriber can explicitly truncate the current subscription.
// (5) "Truncated" events are delivered when a subscription is
// truncated, whether due to the subscription's truncation policy
// or an explicit request from the subscriber.
// Subscription creation:
// Subscription subscription;
// subscription.set_topic("topicName");
// subscription.set_name("subscriptionName");
// subscription.push_config().set_push_endpoint("machinename:8888");
// SubscriberService.CreateSubscription(subscription);
// Consuming messages via push:
// TODO(eschapira): Add HTTP push example.
// The port 'machinename:8888' must be bound to a stubby server that implements
// the PushEndpointService with the following method:
// int HandlePubsubEvent(PubsubEvent event) {
// if (event.subscription().equals("subscriptionName")) {
// if (event.has_message()) {
// Process(event.message().data());
// } else if (event.truncated()) {
// ProcessTruncatedEvent();
// }
// }
// return OK; // This return code implies an acknowledgment
// }
// Consuming messages via pull:
// The subscription must be created without setting the push_config field.
// PullRequest pull_request;
// pull_request.set_subscription("subscriptionName");
// pull_request.set_return_immediately(false);
// while (true) {
// PullResponse pull_response;
// if (SubscriberService.Pull(pull_request, pull_response) == OK) {
// PubsubEvent event = pull_response.pubsub_event();
// if (event.has_message()) {
// Process(event.message().data());
// } else if (event.truncated()) {
// ProcessTruncatedEvent();
// }
// AcknowledgeRequest ack_request;
// ackRequest.set_subscription("subscriptionName");
// ackRequest.set_ack_id(pull_response.ack_id());
// SubscriberService.Acknowledge(ack_request);
// }
// }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Reliability Semantics
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// When a subscriber successfully creates a subscription using
// Subscriber.CreateSubscription, it establishes a "subscription point" with
// respect to that subscription - the subscriber is guaranteed to receive any
// message published after this subscription point that matches the
// subscription's query. Note that messages published before the Subscription
// point may or may not be delivered.
// If the system truncates the subscription according to the specified
// truncation policy, the system delivers a subscription status event with the
// "truncated" field set to true. We refer to such events as "truncation
// events". A truncation event:
// * Informs the subscriber that part of the subscription messages have been
// discarded. The subscriber may want to recover from the message loss, e.g.,
// by resyncing its state with its backend.
// * Establishes a new subscription point, i.e., the subscriber is guaranteed to
// receive all changes published after the trunction event is received (or
// until another truncation event is received).
// Note that messages are not delivered in any particular order by the pubsub
// system. Furthermore, the system guarantees at-least-once delivery
// of each message or truncation events until acked.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Deletion
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Both topics and subscriptions may be deleted. Deletion of a topic implies
// deletion of all attached subscriptions.
// When a subscription is deleted directly by calling DeleteSubscription, all
// messages are immediately dropped. If it is a pull subscriber, future pull
// requests will return NOT_FOUND.
// When a topic is deleted all corresponding subscriptions are immediately
// deleted, and subscribers experience the same behavior as directly deleting
// the subscription.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Publisher service and its protos.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The service that an application uses to manipulate topics, and to send
// messages to a topic.
service PublisherService {
// Creates the given topic with the given name.
rpc CreateTopic(Topic) returns (Topic) {
// Adds a message to the topic. Returns NOT_FOUND if the topic does not
// exist.
// (-- For different error code values returned via Stubby, see
// util/task/codes.proto. --)
rpc Publish(PublishRequest) returns (proto2.Empty) {
// Adds one or more messages to the topic. Returns NOT_FOUND if the topic does
// not exist.
rpc PublishBatch(PublishBatchRequest) returns (PublishBatchResponse) {
// Gets the configuration of a topic. Since the topic only has the name
// attribute, this method is only useful to check the existence of a topic.
// If other attributes are added in the future, they will be returned here.
rpc GetTopic(GetTopicRequest) returns (Topic) {
// Lists matching topics.
rpc ListTopics(ListTopicsRequest) returns (ListTopicsResponse) {
// Deletes the topic with the given name. All subscriptions to this topic
// are also deleted. Returns NOT_FOUND if the topic does not exist.
// After a topic is deleted, a new topic may be created with the same name.
rpc DeleteTopic(DeleteTopicRequest) returns (proto2.Empty) {
// A topic resource.
message Topic {
// Name of the topic.
optional string name = 1;
// A message data and its labels.
message PubsubMessage {
// The message payload.
optional bytes data = 1;
// Optional list of labels for this message. Keys in this collection must
// be unique.
//(-- TODO(eschapira): Define how key namespace may be scoped to the topic.--)
repeated tech.label.Label label = 2;
// ID of this message assigned by the server at publication time. Guaranteed
// to be unique within the topic. This value may be read by a subscriber
// that receives a PubsubMessage via a Pull call or a push delivery. It must
// not be populated by a publisher in a Publish call.
optional string message_id = 3;
// Request for the GetTopic method.
message GetTopicRequest {
// The name of the topic to get.
optional string topic = 1;
// Request for the Publish method.
message PublishRequest {
// The message in the request will be published on this topic.
optional string topic = 1;
// The message to publish.
optional PubsubMessage message = 2;
// Request for the PublishBatch method.
message PublishBatchRequest {
// The messages in the request will be published on this topic.
optional string topic = 1;
// The messages to publish.
repeated PubsubMessage messages = 2;
// Response for the PublishBatch method.
message PublishBatchResponse {
// The server-assigned ID of each published message, in the same order as
// the messages in the request. IDs are guaranteed to be unique within
// the topic.
repeated string message_ids = 1;
// Request for the ListTopics method.
message ListTopicsRequest {
// A valid label query expression.
// (-- Which labels are required or supported is implementation-specific. --)
optional string query = 1;
// Maximum number of topics to return.
// (-- If not specified or <= 0, the implementation will select a reasonable
// value. --)
optional int32 max_results = 2;
// The value obtained in the last <code>ListTopicsResponse</code>
// for continuation.
optional string page_token = 3;
// Response for the ListTopics method.
message ListTopicsResponse {
// The resulting topics.
repeated Topic topic = 1;
// If not empty, indicates that there are more topics that match the request,
// and this value should be passed to the next <code>ListTopicsRequest</code>
// to continue.
optional string next_page_token = 2;
// Request for the Delete method.
message DeleteTopicRequest {
// Name of the topic to delete.
optional string topic = 1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The Subscriber service and its protos.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The service that an application uses to manipulate subscriptions and to
// consume messages from a subscription via the pull method.
service SubscriberService {
// Creates a subscription on a given topic for a given subscriber.
// If the subscription already exists, returns ALREADY_EXISTS.
// If the corresponding topic doesn't exist, returns NOT_FOUND.
// If the name is not provided in the request, the server will assign a random
// name for this subscription on the same project as the topic.
rpc CreateSubscription(Subscription) returns (Subscription) {
// Gets the configuration details of a subscription.
rpc GetSubscription(GetSubscriptionRequest) returns (Subscription) {
// Lists matching subscriptions.
rpc ListSubscriptions(ListSubscriptionsRequest)
returns (ListSubscriptionsResponse) {
// Deletes an existing subscription. All pending messages in the subscription
// are immediately dropped. Calls to Pull after deletion will return
rpc DeleteSubscription(DeleteSubscriptionRequest) returns (proto2.Empty) {
// Removes all the pending messages in the subscription and releases the
// storage associated with them. Results in a truncation event to be sent to
// the subscriber. Messages added after this call returns are stored in the
// subscription as before.
rpc TruncateSubscription(TruncateSubscriptionRequest) returns (proto2.Empty) {
// Push subscriber calls.
// Modifies the <code>PushConfig</code> for a specified subscription.
// This method can be used to suspend the flow of messages to an endpoint
// by clearing the <code>PushConfig</code> field in the request. Messages
// will be accumulated for delivery even if no push configuration is
// defined or while the configuration is modified.
rpc ModifyPushConfig(ModifyPushConfigRequest) returns (proto2.Empty) {
// Pull Subscriber calls
// Pulls a single message from the server.
// If return_immediately is true, and no messages are available in the
// subscription, this method returns FAILED_PRECONDITION. The system is free
// to return an UNAVAILABLE error if no messages are available in a
// reasonable amount of time (to reduce system load).
rpc Pull(PullRequest) returns (PullResponse) {
// Pulls messages from the server. Returns an empty list if there are no
// messages available in the backlog. The system is free to return UNAVAILABLE
// if there are too many pull requests outstanding for the given subscription.
rpc PullBatch(PullBatchRequest) returns (PullBatchResponse) {
// Modifies the Ack deadline for a message received from a pull request.
rpc ModifyAckDeadline(ModifyAckDeadlineRequest) returns (proto2.Empty) {
// Acknowledges a particular received message: the Pub/Sub system can remove
// the given message from the subscription. Acknowledging a message whose
// Ack deadline has expired may succeed, but the message could have been
// already redelivered. Acknowledging a message more than once will not
// result in an error. This is only used for messages received via pull.
rpc Acknowledge(AcknowledgeRequest) returns (proto2.Empty) {
// Refuses processing a particular received message. The system will
// redeliver this message to some consumer of the subscription at some
// future time. This is only used for messages received via pull.
rpc Nack(NackRequest) returns (proto2.Empty) {
// A subscription resource.
message Subscription {
// Name of the subscription.
optional string name = 1;
// The name of the topic from which this subscription is receiving messages.
optional string topic = 2;
// If <code>query</code> is non-empty, only messages on the subscriber's
// topic whose labels match the query will be returned. Otherwise all
// messages on the topic will be returned.
// (-- The query syntax is described in tech/label/proto/label_query.proto --)
optional string query = 3;
// The subscriber may specify requirements for truncating unacknowledged
// subscription entries. The system will honor the
// <code>CreateSubscription</code> request only if it can meet these
// requirements. If this field is not specified, messages are never truncated
// by the system.
optional TruncationPolicy truncation_policy = 4;
// Specifies which messages can be truncated by the system.
message TruncationPolicy {
oneof policy {
// If <code>max_bytes</code> is specified, the system is allowed to drop
// old messages to keep the combined size of stored messages under
// <code>max_bytes</code>. This is a hint; the system may keep more than
// this many bytes, but will make a best effort to keep the size from
// growing much beyond this parameter.
int64 max_bytes = 1;
// If <code>max_age_seconds</code> is specified, the system is allowed to
// drop messages that have been stored for at least this many seconds.
// This is a hint; the system may keep these messages, but will make a
// best effort to remove them when their maximum age is reached.
int64 max_age_seconds = 2;
// If push delivery is used with this subscription, this field is
// used to configure it.
optional PushConfig push_config = 5;
// For either push or pull delivery, the value is the maximum time after a
// subscriber receives a message before the subscriber should acknowledge or
// Nack the message. If the Ack deadline for a message passes without an
// Ack or a Nack, the Pub/Sub system will eventually redeliver the message.
// If a subscriber acknowledges after the deadline, the Pub/Sub system may
// accept the Ack, but it is possible that the message has been already
// delivered again. Multiple Acks to the message are allowed and will
// succeed.
// For push delivery, this value is used to set the request timeout for
// the call to the push endpoint.
// For pull delivery, this value is used as the initial value for the Ack
// deadline. It may be overridden for a specific pull request (message) with
// <code>ModifyAckDeadline</code>.
// While a message is outstanding (i.e. it has been delivered to a pull
// subscriber and the subscriber has not yet Acked or Nacked), the Pub/Sub
// system will not deliver that message to another pull subscriber
// (on a best-effort basis).
optional int32 ack_deadline_seconds = 6;
// If this parameter is set to n, the system is allowed to (but not required
// to) delete the subscription when at least n seconds have elapsed since the
// client presence was detected. (Presence is detected through any
// interaction using the subscription ID, including Pull(), Get(), or
// acknowledging a message.)
// If this parameter is not set, the subscription will stay live until
// explicitly deleted.
// Clients can detect such garbage collection when a Get call or a Pull call
// (for pull subscribers only) returns NOT_FOUND.
optional int64 garbage_collect_seconds = 7;
// Configuration for a push delivery endpoint.
message PushConfig {
// A URL locating the endpoint to which messages should be pushed.
// For example, a Webhook endpoint might use "".
// (-- An Android application might use "gcm:<REGID>", where <REGID> is a
// GCM registration id allocated for pushing messages to the application. --)
optional string push_endpoint = 1;
// An event indicating a received message or truncation event.
message PubsubEvent {
// The subscription that received the event.
optional string subscription = 1;
oneof type {
// A received message.
PubsubMessage message = 2;
// Indicates that this subscription has been truncated.
bool truncated = 3;
// Indicates that this subscription has been deleted. (Note that pull
// subscribers will always receive NOT_FOUND in response in their pull
// request on the subscription, rather than seeing this boolean.)
bool deleted = 4;
// Request for the GetSubscription method.
message GetSubscriptionRequest {
// The name of the subscription to get.
optional string subscription = 1;
// Request for the ListSubscriptions method.
message ListSubscriptionsRequest {
// A valid label query expression.
// (-- Which labels are required or supported is implementation-specific.
// TODO(eschapira): This method must support to query by topic. We must
// define the key URI for the "topic" label. --)
optional string query = 1;
// Maximum number of subscriptions to return.
// (-- If not specified or <= 0, the implementation will select a reasonable
// value. --)
optional int32 max_results = 3;
// The value obtained in the last <code>ListSubscriptionsResponse</code>
// for continuation.
optional string page_token = 4;
// Response for the ListSubscriptions method.
message ListSubscriptionsResponse {
// The subscriptions that match the request.
repeated Subscription subscription = 1;
// If not empty, indicates that there are more subscriptions that match the
// request and this value should be passed to the next
// <code>ListSubscriptionsRequest</code> to continue.
optional string next_page_token = 2;
// Request for the TruncateSubscription method.
message TruncateSubscriptionRequest {
// The subscription that is being truncated.
optional string subscription = 1;
// Request for the DeleteSubscription method.
message DeleteSubscriptionRequest {
// The subscription to delete.
optional string subscription = 1;
// Request for the ModifyPushConfig method.
message ModifyPushConfigRequest {
// The name of the subscription.
optional string subscription = 1;
// An empty <code>push_config</code> indicates that the Pub/Sub system should
// pause pushing messages from the given subscription.
optional PushConfig push_config = 2;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The protos used by a pull subscriber.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Request for the Pull method.
message PullRequest {
// The subscription from which a message should be pulled.
optional string subscription = 1;
// If this is specified as true the system will respond immediately even if
// it is not able to return a message in the Pull response. Otherwise the
// system is allowed to wait until at least one message is available rather
// than returning FAILED_PRECONDITION. The client may cancel the request if
// it does not wish to wait any longer for the response.
optional bool return_immediately = 2;
// Either a <code>PubsubMessage</code> or a truncation event. One of these two
// must be populated.
message PullResponse {
// This ID must be used to acknowledge the received event or message.
optional string ack_id = 1;
// A pubsub message or truncation event.
optional PubsubEvent pubsub_event = 2;
// Request for the PullBatch method.
message PullBatchRequest {
// The subscription from which messages should be pulled.
optional string subscription = 1;
// If this is specified as true the system will respond immediately even if
// it is not able to return a message in the Pull response. Otherwise the
// system is allowed to wait until at least one message is available rather
// than returning no messages. The client may cancel the request if it does
// not wish to wait any longer for the response.
optional bool return_immediately = 2;
// The maximum number of PubsubEvents returned for this request. The Pub/Sub
// system may return fewer than the number of events specified.
optional int32 max_events = 3;
// Response for the PullBatch method.
message PullBatchResponse {
// Received Pub/Sub messages or status events. The Pub/Sub system will return
// zero messages if there are no more messages available in the backlog. The
// Pub/Sub system may return fewer than the max_events requested even if
// there are more messages available in the backlog.
repeated PullResponse pull_responses = 2;
// Request for the ModifyAckDeadline method.
message ModifyAckDeadlineRequest {
// The name of the subscription from which messages are being pulled.
optional string subscription = 1;
// The acknowledgment ID.
optional string ack_id = 2;
// The new Ack deadline. Must be >= 0.
optional int32 ack_deadline_seconds = 3;
// Request for the Acknowledge method.
message AcknowledgeRequest {
// The subscription whose message is being acknowledged.
optional string subscription = 1;
// The acknowledgment ID for the message being acknowledged. This was
// returned by the Pub/Sub system in the Pull response.
repeated string ack_id = 2;
// Request for the Nack method.
message NackRequest {
// The subscription whose message is being Nacked.
optional string subscription = 1;
// The acknowledgment ID for the message being refused. This was returned by
// the Pub/Sub system in the Pull response.
repeated string ack_id = 2;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The service and protos used by a push subscriber.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The service that a subscriber uses to handle messages sent via push
// delivery.
// This service is not currently exported for HTTP clients.
// TODO(eschapira): Explain HTTP subscribers.
service PushEndpointService {
// Sends a <code>PubsubMessage</code> or a subscription status event to a
// push endpoint.
// The push endpoint responds with an empty message and a code from
// util/task/codes.proto. The following codes have a particular meaning to the
// Pub/Sub system:
// OK - This is interpreted by Pub/Sub as Ack.
// ABORTED - This is intepreted by Pub/Sub as a Nack, without implying
// pushback for congestion control. The Pub/Sub system will
// retry this message at a later time.
// UNAVAILABLE - This is intepreted by Pub/Sub as a Nack, with the additional
// semantics of push-back. The Pub/Sub system will use an AIMD
// congestion control algorithm to backoff the rate of sending
// messages from this subscription.
// Any other code, or a failure to respond, will be interpreted in the same
// way as ABORTED; i.e. the system will retry the message at a later time to
// ensure reliable delivery.
rpc HandlePubsubEvent(PubsubEvent) returns (proto2.Empty);