| # TODO(https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/1345): How does the inspection |
| # not include "unused_" and "ignored_" by default? |
| dummy-variables-rgx=^ignored_|^unused_ |
| |
| |
| #TODO: Enable missing-docstring |
| #TODO: Enable too-few-public-methods |
| #TODO: Enable too-many-arguments |
| #TODO: Enable no-init |
| #TODO: Enable duplicate-code |
| #TODO: Enable invalid-name |
| #TODO: Enable suppressed-message |
| #TODO: Enable locally-disabled |
| #TODO: Enable protected-access |
| #TODO: Enable no-name-in-module |
| #TODO: Enable unused-argument |
| #TODO: Enable fixme |
| #TODO: Enable wrong-import-order |
| #TODO: Enable cyclic-import |
| #TODO: Enable redefined-outer-name |
| #TODO: Enable too-many-instance-attributes |
| #TODO: Enable broad-except |
| #TODO: Enable too-many-locals |
| #TODO: Enable too-many-lines |
| #TODO: Enable redefined-variable-type |
| #TODO: Enable next-method-called |
| #TODO: Enable import-error |
| #TODO: Enable useless-else-on-loop |
| #TODO: Enable too-many-return-statements |
| #TODO: Enable too-many-nested-blocks |
| #TODO: Enable super-init-not-called |
| |
| disable=missing-docstring,too-few-public-methods,too-many-arguments,no-init,duplicate-code,invalid-name,suppressed-message,locally-disabled,protected-access,no-name-in-module,unused-argument,fixme,wrong-import-order,cyclic-import,redefined-outer-name,too-many-instance-attributes,broad-except,too-many-locals,too-many-lines,redefined-variable-type,next-method-called,import-error,useless-else-on-loop,too-many-return-statements,too-many-nested-blocks,super-init-not-called |