Merge pull request #822 from sameb/no-doclava

Cleanup javadocs, stop using doclava
diff --git a/build.xml b/build.xml
index a0f117a..95bbf1b 100644
--- a/build.xml
+++ b/build.xml
@@ -8,6 +8,14 @@
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+  </path>
   <target name="jar" depends="jar.withdeps, manifest" description="Build jar.">
@@ -130,7 +138,7 @@
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@@ -140,7 +148,7 @@
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@@ -169,7 +177,7 @@
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@@ -183,47 +191,60 @@
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+        <include name="com/google/inject/**"/>
         <exclude name="com/google/inject/internal/**"/>
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-      <fileset dir="${servlet.src.dir}"/>
-      <fileset dir="${spring.src.dir}"/>
-      <fileset dir="${assistedinject.src.dir}"/>
-      <fileset dir="${jmx.src.dir}"/>
-      <fileset dir="${jndi.src.dir}"/>
-      <fileset dir="${throwingproviders.src.dir}"/>
-      <fileset dir="${multibindings.src.dir}"/>
-      <fileset dir="${persist.src.dir}"/>
-      <fileset dir="${grapher.src.dir}"/>
-      <fileset dir="${testlib.src.dir}"/>
-      <!-- TODO: this breaks Doclava for some reason
-      <fileset dir="${struts2.src.dir}"/> -->
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-          <param name="-federate"/><param name="JDK"/><param name=""/>
-          <param name="-federationxml"/><param name="JDK"/><param name=""/>
-        -->
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+      <fileset dir="${servlet.src.dir}"/>
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+      <group title="Multibinder Extension" packages=""/>
+      <fileset dir="${multibindings.src.dir}"/>
+      <group title="ThrowingProviders Extension" packages=""/>
+      <fileset dir="${throwingproviders.src.dir}"/>
+      <group title="Test Libraries Extension" packages="*"/>
+      <fileset dir="${testlib.src.dir}"/>
+      <group title="Grapher Extension" packages="*"/>
+      <fileset dir="${grapher.src.dir}"/>
+      <group title="Persist Extension" packages="*"/>
+      <fileset dir="${persist.src.dir}"/>
+      <group title="Spring Extension" packages=""/>
+      <fileset dir="${spring.src.dir}"/>
+      <group title="Struts2 Extension" packages=""/>
+      <fileset dir="${struts2.src.dir}"/> 
+      <group title="JNDI Extension" packages=""/>     
+      <fileset dir="${jndi.src.dir}"/>
+      <group title="JMX Extension" packages=""/>
+      <fileset dir="${jmx.src.dir}"/>      
+      <link href=""/>
+      <link href=""/>
+      <link href=""/>
+      <link href=""/>
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diff --git a/core/src/com/google/inject/spi/ b/core/src/com/google/inject/spi/
index 35246d4..3c1837c 100644
--- a/core/src/com/google/inject/spi/
+++ b/core/src/com/google/inject/spi/
@@ -8,29 +8,36 @@
 import java.util.List;
- * Contains information about where and how an {@link Element element} was bound.
- * <p> 
- * The {@link #getDeclaringSource() declaring source} refers to a location in source code that 
- * defines the Guice {@link Element element}. For example, if the element is created from a method
- * annotated by {@literal @Provides}, the declaring source of element would be the method itself. 
+ * Contains information about where and how an {@link Element element} was
+ * bound.
  * <p>
- * The {@link #getStackTrace()} refers to the sequence of calls ends at one of {@link Binder} 
- * {@code bindXXX()} methods and eventually defines the element. Note that {@link #getStackTrace()} 
- * lists {@link StackTraceElement StackTraceElements} in reverse chronological order. The first 
- * element (index zero) is the last method call and the last element is the first method invocation.
- * By default, the stack trace is not collected. The default behavior can be changed by setting the 
- * {@code guice_include_stack_traces} flag value. The value can be either {@code OFF}, {@code
- * ONLY_FOR_DECLARING_SOURCE} or {@code COMPLETE}. Note that collecting stack traces for every
- * binding can cause a performance hit when the injector is created.
+ * The {@link #getDeclaringSource() declaring source} refers to a location in
+ * source code that defines the Guice {@link Element element}. For example, if
+ * the element is created from a method annotated by {@literal @Provides}, the
+ * declaring source of element would be the method itself.
  * <p>
- * The sequence of class names of {@link Module modules} involved in the element creation can be 
- * retrieved by {@link #getModuleClassNames()}. Similar to {@link #getStackTrace()}, the order is 
- * reverse chronological. The first module (index 0) is the module that installs the {@link Element 
- * element}. The last module is the root module.
+ * The {@link #getStackTrace()} refers to the sequence of calls ends at one of
+ * {@link} {@code bindXXX()} methods and eventually
+ * defines the element. Note that {@link #getStackTrace()} lists
+ * {@link StackTraceElement StackTraceElements} in reverse chronological order.
+ * The first element (index zero) is the last method call and the last element
+ * is the first method invocation. By default, the stack trace is not collected.
+ * The default behavior can be changed by setting the
+ * {@code guice_include_stack_traces} flag value. The value can be either
+ * {@code OFF}, {@code ONLY_FOR_DECLARING_SOURCE} or {@code COMPLETE}. Note that
+ * collecting stack traces for every binding can cause a performance hit when
+ * the injector is created.
  * <p>
- * In order to support the cases where a Guice {@link Element element} is created from another
- * Guice {@link Element element} (original) (e.g., by {@link Element#applyTo()}), it also
- * provides a reference to the original element source ({@link #getOriginalElementSource()}).
+ * The sequence of class names of {@link modules}
+ * involved in the element creation can be retrieved by
+ * {@link #getModuleClassNames()}. Similar to {@link #getStackTrace()}, the
+ * order is reverse chronological. The first module (index 0) is the module that
+ * installs the {@link Element element}. The last module is the root module.
+ * <p>
+ * In order to support the cases where a Guice {@link Element element} is
+ * created from another Guice {@link Element element} (original) (e.g., by
+ * {@link Element#applyTo}), it also provides a reference to the original
+ * element source ({@link #getOriginalElementSource()}).
 public final class ElementSource {
@@ -87,8 +94,9 @@
    * Returns a single location in source code that defines the element. It can be any object
-   * such as {@link Constructor}, {@link Method}, {@link Field}, {@link StackTraceElement}, etc. For
-   * example, if the element is created from a method annotated by {@literal @Provides}, the 
+   * such as {@link java.lang.reflect.Constructor}, {@link java.lang.reflect.Method},
+   * {@link java.lang.reflect.Field}, {@link StackTraceElement}, etc. For
+   * example, if the element is created from a method annotated by {@literal @Provides}, the
    * declaring source of element would be the method itself.
   public Object getDeclaringSource() {
@@ -105,9 +113,9 @@
-   * Returns the position of {@link Module#configure(Binder) configure(Binder)} method call in the
-   * {@link #getStackTrace() stack trace} for modules that their classes returned by
-   * {@link #getModuleClassNames()}. For example, if the stack trace looks like the following:
+   * Returns the position of {@link configure(Binder)} method
+   * call in the {@link #getStackTrace stack trace} for modules that their classes returned by
+   * {@link #getModuleClassNames}. For example, if the stack trace looks like the following:
    * <p>
    * {@code
    *  0 - Binder.bind(),
@@ -137,12 +145,12 @@
-   * Returns the sequence of method calls that ends at one of {@link Binder} {@code bindXXX()} 
-   * methods and eventually defines the element. Note that {@link #getStackTrace()} lists {@link 
-   * StackTraceElement StackTraceElements} in reverse chronological order. The first element (index 
-   * zero) is the last method call and the last element is the first method invocation. In the cases
-   * where stack trace is not available (i.e.,the stack trace was not collected), it returns an 
-   * empty array.
+   * Returns the sequence of method calls that ends at one of {@link}
+   * {@code bindXXX()} methods and eventually defines the element. Note that
+   * {@link #getStackTrace} lists {@link StackTraceElement StackTraceElements} in reverse
+   * chronological order. The first element (index zero) is the last method call and the last
+   * element is the first method invocation. In the cases where stack trace is not available
+   * (i.e.,the stack trace was not collected), it returns an empty array.
   public StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace() {
     int modulesCallStackSize = moduleSource.getStackTraceSize();
diff --git a/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/ b/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/
index b4a67a0..f85fc96 100644
--- a/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/
+++ b/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
 import java.util.Collection;
- * Node for types that have {@link Dependency}s and are bound to {@link InterfaceNode}s. These
- * nodes will often have fields for {@link Member}s that are {@link InjectionPoint}s.
+ * Node for types that have {@link}s and are
+ * bound to {@link InterfaceNode}s. These nodes will often have fields for
+ * {@link Member}s that are {@link}s.
  * @see DependencyEdge
diff --git a/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/ b/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/
index 4cd7fa6..20e740a 100644
--- a/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/
+++ b/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
  * Interface for a service that provides nice {@link String}s that we can
- * display in the graph for the types that come up in {@link Binding}s.
+ * display in the graph for the types that come up in
+ * {@link}s.
  * @author (Pete Hopkins)
diff --git a/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/ b/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/
index 51ba1cc..b72e876 100644
--- a/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/
+++ b/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@
 import java.util.Set;
- * {@link BindingTargetVisitor} that returns a {@link Collection} of the
- * {@link Key}s of each {@link Binding}'s dependencies. Used by
- * {@link InjectorGrapher} to walk the dependency graph from a starting set of
- * {@link Binding}s.
+ * {@link} that returns a
+ * {@link Collection} of the {@link Key}s of each {@link Binding}'s
+ * dependencies. Used by {@link InjectorGrapher} to walk the dependency graph
+ * from a starting set of {@link Binding}s.
  * @author (Pete Hopkins)
diff --git a/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/graphviz/ b/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/graphviz/
index 4a312c3..ff8f8b5 100644
--- a/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/graphviz/
+++ b/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/graphviz/
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
 import java.util.Map.Entry;
- * {@link InjectorGrapher} implementation that writes out a Graphviz DOT file of the graph.
- * Dependencies are bound in {@link GraphvizModule}.
+ * {@link} implementation that writes out a Graphviz DOT
+ * file of the graph. Dependencies are bound in {@link GraphvizModule}.
  * <p>
  * Specify the {@link PrintWriter} to output to with {@link #setOut(PrintWriter)}.
diff --git a/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/graphviz/ b/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/graphviz/
index bc5deda..1883fc8 100644
--- a/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/graphviz/
+++ b/extensions/grapher/src/com/google/inject/grapher/graphviz/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
  * Interface for a service that returns Graphviz port IDs, used for naming the
- * rows in {@link ImplementationNode}-displaying {@link GraphvizNode}s.
+ * rows in {@link}-displaying {@link GraphvizNode}s.
  * @author (Pete Hopkins)
diff --git a/extensions/struts2/src/com/google/inject/struts2/ b/extensions/struts2/src/com/google/inject/struts2/
index f3bf8f0..4d7c485 100644
--- a/extensions/struts2/src/com/google/inject/struts2/
+++ b/extensions/struts2/src/com/google/inject/struts2/
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 import java.util.logging.Logger;
- * @deprecated Use {@link} instead.
+ * @deprecated Use {@link} instead.
 public class GuiceObjectFactory extends ObjectFactory {
diff --git a/extensions/struts2/src/com/google/inject/struts2/ b/extensions/struts2/src/com/google/inject/struts2/
index 5356afe..a20ee53 100644
--- a/extensions/struts2/src/com/google/inject/struts2/
+++ b/extensions/struts2/src/com/google/inject/struts2/
@@ -19,9 +19,8 @@
- * Initializes the Struts 2 Guice Plugin.
- * Must be added to the injector returned by
- *     {@link GuiceServletContextListener.getInjector()}.
+ * Initializes the Struts 2 Guice Plugin. Must be added to the injector returned
+ * by {@link}.
  * @author
@@ -29,7 +28,7 @@
   protected void configure() {
-    requestStaticInjection(Struts2Factory.class); 
+    requestStaticInjection(Struts2Factory.class);
diff --git a/extensions/testlib/src/com/google/inject/testing/fieldbinder/ b/extensions/testlib/src/com/google/inject/testing/fieldbinder/
index 5d98b0a..7943e89 100644
--- a/extensions/testlib/src/com/google/inject/testing/fieldbinder/
+++ b/extensions/testlib/src/com/google/inject/testing/fieldbinder/
@@ -52,10 +52,11 @@
  * {@link Bind#to} instead of the field's actual type.
  * </li>
  * <li>
- * If a {@link BindingAnnotation} or {@link Qualifier} is present on the field, that field will be
- * bound using that annotation via {@link AnnotatedBindingBuilder#annotatedWith}. For example,
- * {@code bind(Foo.class).annotatedWith(BarAnnotation.class).toInstance(theValue)}. It is an error
- * to supply more than one {@link BindingAnnotation} or {@link Qualifier}.
+ * If a {@link BindingAnnotation} or {@link javax.inject.Qualifier} is present on the field,
+ * that field will be bound using that annotation via {@link AnnotatedBindingBuilder#annotatedWith}.
+ * For example, {@code bind(Foo.class).annotatedWith(BarAnnotation.class).toInstance(theValue)}.
+ * It is an error to supply more than one {@link BindingAnnotation} or
+ * {@link javax.inject.Qualifier}.
  * </li>
  * <li>
  * If the field is of type {@link Provider}, the field's value will be bound as a {@link Provider}
diff --git a/extensions/throwingproviders/src/com/google/inject/throwingproviders/ b/extensions/throwingproviders/src/com/google/inject/throwingproviders/
index 3257d28..b702dcc 100644
--- a/extensions/throwingproviders/src/com/google/inject/throwingproviders/
+++ b/extensions/throwingproviders/src/com/google/inject/throwingproviders/
@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@
 import java.lang.annotation.Target;
- * Annotates methods of a {@link Module} to create a {@link CheckedProvider}
- * method binding that can throw exceptions. The method's return type is bound
- * to a {@link CheckedProvider} that can be injected. Guice will pass
- * dependencies to the method as parameters. Install {@literal @}CheckedProvides
- * methods by using
+ * Annotates methods of a {@link} to create a
+ * {@link CheckedProvider} method binding that can throw exceptions. The
+ * method's return type is bound to a {@link CheckedProvider} that can be
+ * injected. Guice will pass dependencies to the method as parameters. Install
+ * {@literal @}CheckedProvides methods by using
  * {@link ThrowingProviderBinder#forModule(} on the
  * module where the methods are declared.
diff --git a/ b/
index aea4d81..683c5fd 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # see for details
 if [ "$TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG" == "google/guice" ] && \
-   [ "$TRAVIS_JDK_VERSION" == "oraclejdk7" ] && \
+   [ "$TRAVIS_JDK_VERSION" == "oraclejdk8" ] && \
    [ "$LABEL" == "ant" ] && \
    [ "$TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST" == "false" ] && \
    [ "$TRAVIS_BRANCH" == "master" ]; then
diff --git a/lib/build/doclava.jar b/lib/build/doclava.jar
deleted file mode 100644
index 6abed4b..0000000
--- a/lib/build/doclava.jar
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/pom.xml b/pom.xml
index 9f63317..567904e 100644
--- a/pom.xml
+++ b/pom.xml
@@ -294,6 +294,9 @@
+          <configuration>
+            <additionalparam>-Xdoclint:none</additionalparam>
+          </configuration>