blob: f5c75632a5993fe62328c10fbe18887cdbbff233 [file] [log] [blame]
* honggfuzz - core structures and macros
* -----------------------------------------
* Author: Robert Swiecki <>
* Copyright 2010-2015 by Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
#ifndef _HF_COMMON_H_
#define _HF_COMMON_H_
#include <limits.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifdef __clang__
#include <stdatomic.h>
#ifndef UNUSED
#define UNUSED __attribute__((unused))
#define PROG_NAME "honggfuzz"
#define PROG_VERSION "0.6rc"
#define PROG_AUTHORS "Robert Swiecki <> et al.,\nCopyright 2010-2015 by Google Inc. All Rights Reserved."
/* Go-style defer implementation */
#define __STRMERGE(a, b) a##b
#define _STRMERGE(a, b) __STRMERGE(a, b)
#ifdef __clang__
static void __attribute__ ((unused)) _clang_cleanup_func(void (^*dfunc) (void))
(*dfunc) ();
#define defer(a) void (^_STRMERGE(__df_, __COUNTER__))(void) __attribute__((cleanup(_clang_cleanup_func))) __attribute__((unused)) = ^{ a; }
#define __block
#define defer(a) void _STRMERGE(_cleanup_func_, __LINE__)(void *_STRMERGE(_cleanup_unused_, __LINE__) __attribute__((unused))) { a; } ; int _STRMERGE(_cleanup_var_, __LINE__) __attribute__((cleanup(_STRMERGE(_cleanup_func_, __LINE__)))) __attribute__((unused))
/* Name of the template which will be replaced with the proper name of the file */
/* Default name of the report created with some architectures */
/* Default stack-size of created threads. Must be bigger then _HF_DYNAMIC_FILE_MAX_SZ */
#define _HF_PTHREAD_STACKSIZE (1024 * 1024 * 8) /* 8MB */
/* Align to the upper-page boundary */
#define _HF_PAGE_ALIGN_UP(x) (((size_t)x + (size_t)getpagesize() - (size_t)1) & ~((size_t)getpagesize() - (size_t)1))
/* String buffer size for function names in stack traces produced from libunwind */
#define _HF_FUNC_NAME_SZ 256 // Should be alright for mangled C++ procs too
/* Number of crash verifier iterations before tag crash as stable */
/* Constant prefix used for single frame crashes stackhash masking */
#define _HF_SINGLE_FRAME_MASK 0xBADBAD0000000000
/* Size (in bytes) for report data to be stored in stack before written to file */
#define _HF_REPORT_SIZE 8192
* Maximum number of iterations to keep same base seed file for dynamic preparation.
* Maintained iterations counters is set to zero if unique crash is detected or
* zero-set two MSB using following mask if crash is detected (might not be unique).
#define _HF_MAX_DYNFILE_ITER 0x2000UL
#define _HF_DYNFILE_SUB_MASK 0xFFFUL // Zero-set two MSB
/* Bitmap size */
/* Directory in workspace to store sanitizer coverage data */
#if defined(__ANDROID__)
/* Size of remote pid cmdline char buffer */
#define _HF_PROC_CMDLINE_SZ 8192
typedef enum {
} dynFileMethod_t;
typedef struct {
uint64_t cpuInstrCnt;
uint64_t cpuBranchCnt;
uint64_t cpuBtsBlockCnt;
uint64_t cpuBtsEdgeCnt;
uint64_t cpuIptBlockCnt;
uint64_t customCnt;
} hwcnt_t;
/* Sanitizer coverage specific data structures */
typedef struct {
uint64_t hitBBCnt;
uint64_t totalBBCnt;
uint64_t dsoCnt;
uint64_t iDsoCnt;
uint64_t newBBCnt;
uint64_t crashesCnt;
} sancovcnt_t;
typedef struct {
uint32_t capacity;
uint32_t *pChunks;
uint32_t nChunks;
} bitmap_t;
/* Memory map struct */
typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) {
uint64_t start; // region start addr
uint64_t end; // region end addr
uint64_t base; // region base addr
char mapName[NAME_MAX]; // bin/DSO name
uint64_t bbCnt;
uint64_t newBBCnt;
} memMap_t;
/* Trie node data struct */
typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) {
bitmap_t *pBM;
} trieData_t;
/* Trie node struct */
typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) node {
char key;
trieData_t data;
struct node *next;
struct node *prev;
struct node *children;
struct node *parent;
} node_t;
/* EOF Sanitizer coverage specific data structures */
typedef struct {
char *asanOpts;
char *msanOpts;
char *ubsanOpts;
} sanOpts_t;
typedef struct {
char **cmdline;
char cmdline_txt[PATH_MAX];
char *inputFile;
bool nullifyStdio;
bool fuzzStdin;
bool saveUnique;
bool useScreen;
bool useVerifier;
char *fileExtn;
char *workDir;
double flipRate;
char *externalCommand;
const char *dictionaryFile;
char **dictionary;
const char *blacklistFile;
uint64_t *blacklist;
size_t blacklistCnt;
long tmOut;
size_t dictionaryCnt;
size_t mutationsMax;
size_t threadsMax;
size_t threadsFinished;
size_t maxFileSz;
char *reportFile;
uint64_t asLimit;
char **files;
size_t fileCnt;
size_t lastCheckedFileIndex;
int exeFd;
char *envs[128];
time_t timeStart;
size_t mutationsCnt;
size_t crashesCnt;
size_t uniqueCrashesCnt;
size_t verifiedCrashesCnt;
size_t blCrashesCnt;
size_t timeoutedCnt;
/* For the Linux code */
uint8_t *dynamicFileBest;
size_t dynamicFileBestSz;
dynFileMethod_t dynFileMethod;
hwcnt_t hwCnts;
sancovcnt_t sanCovCnts;
uint64_t dynamicCutOffAddr;
pthread_mutex_t dynamicFile_mutex;
bool disableRandomization;
bool msanReportUMRS;
void *ignoreAddr;
bool useSanCov;
node_t *covMetadata;
bool clearCovMetadata;
size_t dynFileIterExpire;
pthread_mutex_t sanCov_mutex;
pthread_mutex_t workersBlock_mutex;
sanOpts_t sanOpts;
size_t numMajorFrames;
bool isDynFileLocked;
pid_t pid;
const char *pidFile;
char *pidCmd;
} honggfuzz_t;
typedef struct fuzzer_t {
pid_t pid;
int64_t timeStartedMillis;
char origFileName[PATH_MAX];
char fileName[PATH_MAX];
char crashFileName[PATH_MAX];
uint64_t pc;
uint64_t backtrace;
uint64_t access;
int exception;
char report[_HF_REPORT_SIZE];
bool mainWorker;
/* For Linux code */
uint8_t *dynamicFile;
hwcnt_t hwCnts;
sancovcnt_t sanCovCnts;
size_t dynamicFileSz;
} fuzzer_t;
#define _HF_MAX_FUNCS 80
typedef struct {
void *pc;
char func[_HF_FUNC_NAME_SZ];
size_t line;
} funcs_t;
#define ARRAYSIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(*x))
#define rmb() __asm__ __volatile__("":::"memory")
#define wmb() __sync_synchronize()