blob: a9e1dd2187a3959da3fae1bf23f48ac44ac1b7f5 [file] [log] [blame]
* honggfuzz - sanitizer coverage feedback parsing
* -----------------------------------------------
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
* a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* permissions and limitations under the License.
* Clang sanitizer coverage (sancov) data parsing functions. Supported methods:
* - raw unified data (preferred method)
* - individual data per executable/DSO (not preferred since lots of data lost if instrumented
* code exits abnormally or with sanitizer unhandled signal (common in Android OS)
* For raw-unpack method a global (shared across workers) Trie is created for the chosen
* initial seed and maintained until seed is replaced. Trie nodes store the loaded (as exposed
* from * file) execs/DSOs from target application using the map name as key. Trie node
* data struct (trieData_t) maintains information for each instrumented map including a bitmap with
* all hit relative BB addresses (realBBAddr - baseAddr to circumvent ASLR). Map's bitmap is updated while
* new areas on target application are discovered based on absolute elitism implemented at
* fuzz_sanCovFeedback().
* For individual data files a pid (fuzzer's thread or remote process) based filename search is performed
* to identify all files belonging to examined execution. This method doesn't implement yet bitmap runtime
* data to detect newly discovered areas. It's mainly used so far as a comparison metric for raw-unpack method
* and stability check for sancov experimental features such as coverage counters:
#include "common.h"
#include "sancov.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "files.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "util.h"
/* sancov files magic values */
#define kMagic32 0xC0BFFFFFFFFFFF32
#define kMagic64 0xC0BFFFFFFFFFFF64
/* Stringify */
#define XSTR(x) #x
#define STR(x) XSTR(x)
/* Common sanitizer flags */
#define ABORT_FLAG "abort_on_error=1"
#define ABORT_FLAG "abort_on_error=0"
#if defined(__ANDROID__)
* symbolize: Disable symbolication since it changes logs (which are parsed) format
* start_deactivated: Enable on Android to reduce memory usage (useful when not all
* target's DSOs are compiled with sanitizer enabled
* abort_on_error: Disable for platforms where SIGABRT is not monitored
#define kSAN_COMMON_ARCH "symbolize=0:"ABORT_FLAG":start_deactivated=1"
#define kSAN_COMMON_ARCH "symbolize=0:"ABORT_FLAG
/* Sanitizer specific flags (set 'abort_on_error has priority over exitcode') */
#define kASAN_OPTS "allow_user_segv_handler=1:"\
#define kMSAN_OPTS "exit_code=" STR(HF_MSAN_EXIT_CODE) ":"\
/* 'log_path' ouput directory for sanitizer reports */
#define kSANLOGDIR "log_path="
/* 'coverage_dir' output directory for coverage data files is set dynamically */
#define kSANCOVDIR "coverage_dir="
* If the program ends with a signal that ASan does not handle (or can not
* handle at all, like SIGKILL), coverage data will be lost. This is a big
* problem on Android, where SIGKILL is a normal way of evicting applications
* from memory. With 'coverage_direct=1' coverage data is written to a
* memory-mapped file as soon as it collected. Non-Android targets can disable
* coverage direct when more coverage data collection methods are implemented.
#if defined(__ANDROID__)
#define kSAN_COV_OPTS "coverage=1:coverage_direct=1"
#define kSAN_COV_OPTS "coverage=1:coverage_direct=1"
* bitmap implementation
static bitmap_t *sancov_newBitmap(uint32_t capacity)
bitmap_t *pBM = malloc(sizeof(bitmap_t));
if (pBM == NULL) {
PLOG_E("malloc(%zu) failed", sizeof(bitmap_t));
return NULL;
pBM->capacity = capacity;
pBM->nChunks = (capacity + 31) / 32;
pBM->pChunks = malloc(pBM->nChunks * sizeof(uint32_t));
if (pBM->pChunks == NULL) {
PLOG_E("malloc(%zu) failed", pBM->nChunks * sizeof(uint32_t));
return NULL;
memset(pBM->pChunks, 0, pBM->nChunks * sizeof(uint32_t));
return pBM;
static inline bool sancov_queryBitmap(bitmap_t * pBM, uint32_t index)
if (index > pBM->capacity) {
LOG_E("bitmap overflow (%u)", index);
return false;
if (pBM->pChunks[index / 32] & (1 << (index % 32))) {
return true;
return false;
static inline void sancov_setBitmap(bitmap_t * pBM, uint32_t index)
/* This will be removed. So far checks only to verify accepted ranges. */
if (index >= pBM->capacity) {
LOG_E("Out of range index (%u > %u)", index, pBM->capacity);
pBM->pChunks[index / 32] |= (1 << (index % 32));
static inline void sancov_destroyBitmap(bitmap_t * pBM)
* Trie implementation
static node_t *sancov_trieCreateNode(char key)
node_t *node = (node_t *) malloc(sizeof(node_t));
if (node == NULL) {
PLOG_E("malloc(%zu) failed", sizeof(node_t));
return node;
node->key = key;
node->next = NULL;
node->children = NULL;
node->parent = NULL;
node->prev = NULL;
/* Zero init node's data struct */
memset(&node->data, 0, sizeof(trieData_t));
return node;
static node_t *sancov_trieSearch(node_t * root, const char *key)
node_t *pNodeLevel = root, *pNodePtr = NULL;
int nodeLevelId = 0;
while (1) {
node_t *pNodeFound = NULL, *pCurNode = NULL;
for (pCurNode = pNodeLevel; pCurNode != NULL; pCurNode = pCurNode->next) {
if (pCurNode->key == *key) {
pNodeFound = pCurNode;
if (pNodeFound == NULL) {
return NULL;
if (*key == '\0') {
pNodePtr = pCurNode;
return pNodePtr;
pNodeLevel = pNodeFound->children;
static void sancov_trieAdd(node_t ** root, const char *key)
if (*root == NULL) {
LOG_E("Invalid Trie (NULL root node)");
/* Traverse Trie */
node_t *pTravNode = (*root)->children;
if (pTravNode == NULL) {
/* First node */
for (pTravNode = *root; *key != '\0'; pTravNode = pTravNode->children) {
pTravNode->children = sancov_trieCreateNode(*key);
pTravNode->children->parent = pTravNode;
pTravNode->children = sancov_trieCreateNode('\0');
pTravNode->children->parent = pTravNode;
while (*key != '\0') {
if (*key == pTravNode->key) {
pTravNode = pTravNode->children;
} else {
while (pTravNode->next) {
if (*key == pTravNode->next->key) {
sancov_trieAdd(&(pTravNode->next), key);
pTravNode = pTravNode->next;
if (*key) {
pTravNode->next = sancov_trieCreateNode(*key);
} else {
pTravNode->next = sancov_trieCreateNode(*key);
pTravNode->next->parent = pTravNode->parent;
pTravNode->next->prev = pTravNode;
if (!*key) {
for (pTravNode = pTravNode->next; *key; pTravNode = pTravNode->children) {
pTravNode->children = sancov_trieCreateNode(*key);
pTravNode->children->parent = pTravNode;
pTravNode->children = sancov_trieCreateNode('\0');
pTravNode->children->parent = pTravNode;
static inline void sancov_trieFreeNode(node_t * node)
/* First destroy bitmap heap buffers allocated for instrumented maps */
if (node->data.pBM) {
static inline void sancov_trieCreate(node_t ** root)
/* Create root node if new Trie */
*root = sancov_trieCreateNode('\0');
/* Destroy Trie - iterate nodes and free memory */
UNUSED static void sancov_trieDestroy(node_t * root)
node_t *pNode = root;
node_t *pNodeTmp = root;
while (pNode) {
while (pNode->children) {
pNode = pNode->children;
if (pNode->prev && pNode->next) {
pNodeTmp = pNode;
pNode->next->prev = pNode->prev;
pNode->prev->next = pNode->next;
} else if (pNode->prev && !pNode->next) {
pNodeTmp = pNode;
pNode->prev->next = NULL;
} else if (!pNode->prev && pNode->next) {
pNodeTmp = pNode;
pNode->parent->children = pNode->next;
pNode->next->prev = NULL;
pNode = pNode->next;
} else {
pNodeTmp = pNode;
if (pNode->parent == NULL) {
/* Root */
pNode = pNode->parent;
pNode->children = NULL;
/* Modified interpolation search algorithm to search for nearest address fit */
static inline uint64_t sancov_interpSearch(uint64_t * buf, uint64_t size, uint64_t key)
/* Avoid extra checks assuming caller always provides non-zero array size */
uint64_t low = 0;
uint64_t high = size - 1;
uint64_t mid = high;
while (buf[high] != buf[low] && key >= buf[low] && key <= buf[high]) {
mid = low + (key - buf[low]) * ((high - low) / (buf[high] - buf[low]));
if (buf[mid] < key) {
low = mid + 1;
} else if (key < buf[mid]) {
high = mid - 1;
} else {
return mid;
return mid;
/* qsort struct comparison function (memMap_t struct start addr field) */
static int sancov_qsortCmp(const void *a, const void *b)
memMap_t *pA = (memMap_t *) a;
memMap_t *pB = (memMap_t *) b;
if (pA->start < pB->start) {
return -1;
} else if (pA->start > pB->start) {
return 1;
} else {
/* Normally we should never hit that case */
LOG_W("Duplicate map start addr detected");
return 0;
static bool sancov_sanCovParseRaw(honggfuzz_t * hfuzz, fuzzer_t * fuzzer)
int dataFd = -1;
uint8_t *dataBuf = NULL;
off_t dataFileSz = 0, pos = 0;
bool is32bit = true, ret = false;
char covFile[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
pid_t targetPid = (hfuzz->pid > 0) ? hfuzz->pid : fuzzer->pid;
/* Fuzzer local runtime data structs - need free() before exit */
uint64_t *startMapsIndex = NULL;
memMap_t *mapsBuf = NULL;
/* Local counters */
uint64_t nBBs = 0; /* Total BB hits found in raw file */
uint64_t nZeroBBs = 0; /* Number of non-hit instrumented BBs */
uint64_t mapsNum = 0; /* Total number of entries in map file */
uint64_t noCovMapsNum = 0; /* Loaded DSOs not compiled with coverage */
/* File line-by-line read help buffers */
char *pLine = NULL;
size_t lineSz = 0;
/* Coverage data analysis starts by parsing map file listing */
snprintf(covFile, sizeof(covFile), "%s/%s/", hfuzz->workDir, _HF_SANCOV_DIR,
if (!files_exists(covFile)) {
LOG_D("sancov map file not found");
return false;
FILE *fCovMap = fopen(covFile, "rb");
if (fCovMap == NULL) {
PLOG_E("Couldn't open '%s' - R/O mode", covFile);
goto bail;
/* First line contains PC length (32/64-bit) */
if (getline(&pLine, &lineSz, fCovMap) == -1) {
LOG_E("Invalid map file '%s'", covFile);
goto bail;
int pcLen = atoi(pLine);
if (pcLen == 32) {
is32bit = true;
} else if (pcLen == 64) {
is32bit = false;
} else {
LOG_E("Invalid PC length (%d) in map file '%s'", pcLen, covFile);
/* See if #maps is available from previous run to avoid realloc inside loop */
uint64_t prevMapsNum = ATOMIC_GET(hfuzz->sanCovCnts.dsoCnt);
if (prevMapsNum > 0) {
if ((mapsBuf = malloc(prevMapsNum * sizeof(memMap_t))) == NULL) {
PLOG_E("malloc failed (sz=%" PRIu64 ")", prevMapsNum * sizeof(memMap_t));
/* This will be picked-up later from realloc branch */
prevMapsNum = 0;
/* Iterate map entries */
for (;;) {
if (getline(&pLine, &lineSz, fCovMap) == -1) {
/* Trim trailing whitespaces, not sure if needed copied from upstream */
char *lineEnd = pLine + strlen(pLine) - 1;
while (lineEnd > pLine && isspace((int)*lineEnd)) {
*(lineEnd + 1) = 0;
* Each line has following format:
* Start End Base bin/DSO name
* b5843000 b584e6ac b5843000
memMap_t mapData = {.start = 0 };
char *savePtr = NULL;
mapData.start = strtoull(strtok_r(pLine, " ", &savePtr), NULL, 16);
mapData.end = strtoull(strtok_r(NULL, " ", &savePtr), NULL, 16);
mapData.base = strtoull(strtok_r(NULL, " ", &savePtr), NULL, 16);
char *mapName = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &savePtr);
memcpy(mapData.mapName, mapName, strlen(mapName));
/* Interaction with global Trie should mutex wrap to avoid threads races */
/* Add entry to Trie with zero data if not already */
if (!sancov_trieSearch(hfuzz->covMetadata->children, mapData.mapName)) {
sancov_trieAdd(&hfuzz->covMetadata, mapData.mapName);
/* If not DSO number history (first run) or new DSO loaded, realloc local maps metadata buf */
if (prevMapsNum == 0 || prevMapsNum < mapsNum) {
if ((mapsBuf = realloc(mapsBuf, (size_t) (mapsNum + 1) * sizeof(memMap_t))) == NULL) {
PLOG_E("realloc failed (sz=%" PRIu64 ")", (mapsNum + 1) * sizeof(memMap_t));
goto bail;
/* Add entry to local maps metadata array */
memcpy(&mapsBuf[mapsNum], &mapData, sizeof(memMap_t));
/* Increase loaded maps counter (includes non-instrumented DSOs too) */
/* Delete file */
if (hfuzz->pid == 0) {
/* Create a quick index array with maps start addresses */
startMapsIndex = malloc(mapsNum * sizeof(uint64_t));
if (startMapsIndex == NULL) {
PLOG_E("malloc failed (sz=%" PRIu64 ")", mapsNum * sizeof(uint64_t));
goto bail;
/* Sort quick maps index */
qsort(mapsBuf, mapsNum, sizeof(memMap_t), sancov_qsortCmp);
for (size_t i = 0; i < mapsNum; i++) {
startMapsIndex[i] = mapsBuf[i].start;
/* mmap() .sancov.raw file */
snprintf(covFile, sizeof(covFile), "%s/%s/%d.sancov.raw", hfuzz->workDir, _HF_SANCOV_DIR,
dataBuf = files_mapFile(covFile, &dataFileSz, &dataFd, false);
if (dataBuf == NULL) {
LOG_E("Couldn't open and map '%s' in R/O mode", covFile);
goto bail;
* Avoid cost of size checks inside raw data read loop by defining the read function
* & pivot size based on PC length.
uint64_t(*pReadRawBBAddrFunc) (const uint8_t *) = NULL;
uint8_t pivot = 0;
if (is32bit) {
pReadRawBBAddrFunc = &util_getUINT32;
pivot = 4;
} else {
pReadRawBBAddrFunc = &util_getUINT64;
pivot = 8;
* Take advantage of data locality (next processed addr is very likely to belong
* to same map) to avoid Trie node search for each read entry.
node_t *curMap = NULL;
uint64_t prevIndex = 0;
/* Iterate over data buffer containing list of hit BB addresses */
while (pos < dataFileSz) {
uint64_t bbAddr = pReadRawBBAddrFunc(dataBuf + pos);
pos += pivot;
/* Don't bother for zero BB addr (inserted checks without hit) */
if (bbAddr == 0x0) {
} else {
/* Find best hit based on start addr & verify range for errors */
uint64_t bestFit = sancov_interpSearch(startMapsIndex, mapsNum, bbAddr);
if (bbAddr >= mapsBuf[bestFit].start && bbAddr < mapsBuf[bestFit].end) {
/* Increase exe/DSO total BB counter */
/* Update current Trie node if map changed */
if (curMap == NULL || (prevIndex != bestFit)) {
prevIndex = bestFit;
/* Interaction with global Trie should mutex wrap to avoid threads races */
curMap =
if (curMap == NULL) {
LOG_E("Corrupted Trie - '%s' not found", mapsBuf[bestFit].mapName);
/* Maintain bitmaps only for exec/DSOs with coverage enabled - allocate on first use */
if (curMap->data.pBM == NULL) {
LOG_D("Allocating bitmap for map '%s'", mapsBuf[bestFit].mapName);
curMap->data.pBM = sancov_newBitmap(_HF_BITMAP_SIZE);
* If bitmap allocation failed, unset cached Trie node ptr
* to execute this selection branch again.
if (curMap->data.pBM == NULL) {
curMap = NULL;
/* If new relative BB addr update DSO's bitmap */
uint32_t relAddr = (uint32_t) (bbAddr - mapsBuf[bestFit].base);
if (!sancov_queryBitmap(curMap->data.pBM, relAddr)) {
/* Interaction with global Trie should mutex wrap to avoid threads races */
sancov_setBitmap(curMap->data.pBM, relAddr);
/* Also increase new BBs counter at worker's thread runtime data */
} else {
* Normally this should never get executed. If hit, sanitizer
* coverage data collection come across some kind of bug.
LOG_E("Invalid BB addr (%#" PRIx64 ") at offset %" PRId64, bbAddr, (uint64_t) pos);
/* Finally iterate over all instrumented maps to sum-up the number of newly met BB addresses */
for (uint64_t i = 0; i < mapsNum; i++) {
if (mapsBuf[i].bbCnt > 0) {
fuzzer->sanCovCnts.newBBCnt += mapsBuf[i].newBBCnt;
} else {
/* Successful parsing - update fuzzer worker's counters */
fuzzer->sanCovCnts.hitBBCnt = nBBs;
fuzzer->sanCovCnts.totalBBCnt = nBBs + nZeroBBs;
fuzzer->sanCovCnts.dsoCnt = mapsNum;
fuzzer->sanCovCnts.iDsoCnt = mapsNum - noCovMapsNum; /* Instrumented DSOs */
ret = true;
if (hfuzz->pid == 0) {
if (dataBuf) {
munmap(dataBuf, dataFileSz);
if (dataFd != -1) {
if (mapsBuf) {
if (startMapsIndex) {
if (pLine) {
return ret;
static bool sancov_sanCovParse(honggfuzz_t * hfuzz, fuzzer_t * fuzzer)
int dataFd = -1;
uint8_t *dataBuf = NULL;
off_t dataFileSz = 0, pos = 0;
bool is32bit = true;
char covFile[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
DIR *pSanCovDir = NULL;
bool ret = false;
pid_t targetPid = (hfuzz->pid > 0) ? hfuzz->pid : fuzzer->pid;
snprintf(covFile, sizeof(covFile), "%s/%s/%s.%d.sancov", hfuzz->workDir, _HF_SANCOV_DIR,
files_basename(hfuzz->cmdline[0]), targetPid);
if (!files_exists(covFile)) {
LOG_D("Target sancov file not found");
return false;
/* Local cache file suffix to use for file search of target pid data */
char pidFSuffix[13] = { 0 };
snprintf(pidFSuffix, sizeof(pidFSuffix), "%d.sancov", targetPid);
/* Total BBs counter summarizes all DSOs */
uint64_t nBBs = 0;
/* Iterate sancov dir for files generated against target pid */
snprintf(covFile, sizeof(covFile), "%s/%s", hfuzz->workDir, _HF_SANCOV_DIR);
pSanCovDir = opendir(covFile);
struct dirent *pDir = NULL;
while ((pDir = readdir(pSanCovDir)) != NULL) {
/* Parse files with target's pid */
if (strstr(pDir->d_name, pidFSuffix)) {
snprintf(covFile, sizeof(covFile), "%s/%s/%s", hfuzz->workDir, _HF_SANCOV_DIR,
dataBuf = files_mapFile(covFile, &dataFileSz, &dataFd, false);
if (dataBuf == NULL) {
LOG_E("Couldn't open and map '%s' in R/O mode", covFile);
goto bail;
if (dataFileSz < 8) {
LOG_E("Coverage data file too short");
goto bail;
/* Check magic values & derive PC length */
uint64_t magic = util_getUINT64(dataBuf);
if (magic == kMagic32) {
is32bit = true;
} else if (magic == kMagic64) {
is32bit = false;
} else {
LOG_E("Invalid coverage data file");
goto bail;
pos += 8;
* Avoid cost of size checks inside raw data read loop by defining the read function
* & pivot size based on PC length.
uint64_t(*pReadRawBBAddrFunc) (const uint8_t *) = NULL;
uint8_t pivot = 0;
if (is32bit) {
pReadRawBBAddrFunc = &util_getUINT32;
pivot = 4;
} else {
pReadRawBBAddrFunc = &util_getUINT64;
pivot = 8;
while (pos < dataFileSz) {
uint32_t bbAddr = pReadRawBBAddrFunc(dataBuf + pos);
pos += pivot;
if (bbAddr == 0x0) {
/* Successful parsing - update fuzzer worker counters */
fuzzer->sanCovCnts.hitBBCnt = nBBs;
ret = true;
if (hfuzz->pid == 0) {
if (dataBuf) {
munmap(dataBuf, dataFileSz);
if (dataFd != -1) {
if (pSanCovDir) {
return ret;
* Sanitizer coverage data are stored in FS can be parsed via two methods:
* raw unpack & separate bin/DSO sancov file. Separate bin/DSO sancov file
* method is usually avoided since coverage data are lost if sanitizer unhandled
* signal. Additionally, the FS I/O overhead is bigger compared to raw unpack
* method which uses runtime data structures.
* Enabled methods are controlled from sanitizer flags in arch.c
void sancov_Analyze(honggfuzz_t * hfuzz, fuzzer_t * fuzzer)
if (!hfuzz->useSanCov) {
* For now supported methods are implemented in fail-over nature. This will
* change in the future when best method is concluded.
if (sancov_sanCovParseRaw(hfuzz, fuzzer) == false) {
sancov_sanCovParse(hfuzz, fuzzer);
bool sancov_Init(honggfuzz_t * hfuzz)
if (hfuzz->useSanCov == false) {
return true;
if (hfuzz->pid > 0) {
return true;
char sanCovOutDir[PATH_MAX] = { 0 };
snprintf(sanCovOutDir, sizeof(sanCovOutDir), "%s/%s", hfuzz->workDir, _HF_SANCOV_DIR);
if (!files_exists(sanCovOutDir)) {
if (mkdir(sanCovOutDir, S_IRWXU | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH) != 0) {
PLOG_E("mkdir() '%s' failed", sanCovOutDir);
/* Set sanitizer flags once to avoid performance overhead per worker spawn */
size_t flagsSz = 0;
size_t bufSz = sizeof(kASAN_OPTS) + (2 * PATH_MAX); // Larger constant + 2 dynamic paths
char *san_opts = malloc(bufSz);
if (san_opts == NULL) {
PLOG_E("malloc(%zu) failed", bufSz);
return false;
/* AddressSanitizer (ASan) */
memset(san_opts, 0, bufSz);
if (hfuzz->useSanCov) {
/* Write reports in FS only if abort_on_error is disabled */
snprintf(san_opts, bufSz, "%s:%s:%s%s/%s:%s%s/%s", kASAN_OPTS, kSAN_COV_OPTS,
kSANCOVDIR, hfuzz->workDir, _HF_SANCOV_DIR, kSANLOGDIR, hfuzz->workDir,
snprintf(san_opts, bufSz, "%s:%s:%s%s/%s", kASAN_OPTS, kSAN_COV_OPTS,
kSANCOVDIR, hfuzz->workDir, _HF_SANCOV_DIR);
} else {
snprintf(san_opts, bufSz, "%s:%s%s/%s", kASAN_OPTS, kSANLOGDIR, hfuzz->workDir, kLOGPREFIX);
flagsSz = strlen(san_opts) + 1;
hfuzz->sanOpts.asanOpts = malloc(flagsSz);
if (hfuzz->sanOpts.asanOpts == NULL) {
PLOG_E("malloc(%zu) failed", flagsSz);
return false;
memset(hfuzz->sanOpts.asanOpts, 0, flagsSz);
memcpy(hfuzz->sanOpts.asanOpts, san_opts, flagsSz);
LOG_D("ASAN_OPTIONS=%s", hfuzz->sanOpts.asanOpts);
/* Undefined Behavior (UBSan) */
memset(san_opts, 0, bufSz);
if (hfuzz->useSanCov) {
/* Write reports in FS only if abort_on_error is disabled */
snprintf(san_opts, bufSz, "%s:%s:%s%s/%s:%s%s/%s", kUBSAN_OPTS, kSAN_COV_OPTS,
kSANCOVDIR, hfuzz->workDir, _HF_SANCOV_DIR, kSANLOGDIR, hfuzz->workDir,
snprintf(san_opts, bufSz, "%s:%s:%s%s/%s", kUBSAN_OPTS, kSAN_COV_OPTS,
kSANCOVDIR, hfuzz->workDir, _HF_SANCOV_DIR);
} else {
snprintf(san_opts, bufSz, "%s:%s%s/%s", kUBSAN_OPTS, kSANLOGDIR, hfuzz->workDir,
flagsSz = strlen(san_opts) + 1;
hfuzz->sanOpts.ubsanOpts = malloc(flagsSz);
if (hfuzz->sanOpts.ubsanOpts == NULL) {
PLOG_E("malloc(%zu) failed", flagsSz);
return false;
memset(hfuzz->sanOpts.ubsanOpts, 0, flagsSz);
memcpy(hfuzz->sanOpts.ubsanOpts, san_opts, flagsSz);
LOG_D("UBSAN_OPTIONS=%s", hfuzz->sanOpts.ubsanOpts);
/* MemorySanitizer (MSan) */
memset(san_opts, 0, bufSz);
const char *msan_reports_flag = "report_umrs=0";
if (hfuzz->msanReportUMRS) {
msan_reports_flag = "report_umrs=1";
if (hfuzz->useSanCov) {
/* Write reports in FS only if abort_on_error is disabled */
snprintf(san_opts, bufSz, "%s:%s:%s:%s%s/%s:%s%s/%s", kMSAN_OPTS, msan_reports_flag,
hfuzz->workDir, kLOGPREFIX);
snprintf(san_opts, bufSz, "%s:%s:%s:%s%s/%s", kMSAN_OPTS, msan_reports_flag,
} else {
snprintf(san_opts, bufSz, "%s:%s:%s%s/%s", kMSAN_OPTS, msan_reports_flag, kSANLOGDIR,
hfuzz->workDir, kLOGPREFIX);
flagsSz = strlen(san_opts) + 1;
hfuzz->sanOpts.msanOpts = malloc(flagsSz);
if (hfuzz->sanOpts.msanOpts == NULL) {
PLOG_E("malloc(%zu) failed", flagsSz);
return false;
memset(hfuzz->sanOpts.msanOpts, 0, flagsSz);
memcpy(hfuzz->sanOpts.msanOpts, san_opts, flagsSz);
LOG_D("MSAN_OPTIONS=%s", hfuzz->sanOpts.msanOpts);
return true;
bool sancov_prepareExecve(honggfuzz_t * hfuzz)
/* Address Sanitizer (ASan) */
if (hfuzz->sanOpts.asanOpts) {
if (setenv("ASAN_OPTIONS", hfuzz->sanOpts.asanOpts, 1) == -1) {
PLOG_E("setenv(ASAN_OPTIONS) failed");
return false;
/* Memory Sanitizer (MSan) */
if (hfuzz->sanOpts.msanOpts) {
if (setenv("MSAN_OPTIONS", hfuzz->sanOpts.msanOpts, 1) == -1) {
PLOG_E("setenv(MSAN_OPTIONS) failed");
return false;
/* Undefined Behavior Sanitizer (UBSan) */
if (hfuzz->sanOpts.ubsanOpts) {
if (setenv("UBSAN_OPTIONS", hfuzz->sanOpts.ubsanOpts, 1) == -1) {
PLOG_E("setenv(UBSAN_OPTIONS) failed");
return false;
return true;