blob: 763c93be94d4414db80ea016561c6fc85ae01a22 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// File-backed log of protos with append-only writes and position based reads.
// There should only be one instance of a FileBackedProtoLog of the same file at
// a time; using multiple instances at the same time may lead to undefined
// behavior.
// The entire checksum is computed on initialization to verify the contents are
// valid. On failure, the log will be truncated to the last verified state when
// PersistToDisk() was called. If the log cannot successfully restore the last
// state due to disk corruption or some other inconsistency, then the entire log
// will be lost.
// Each proto written to the file will have a metadata written just before it.
// The metadata consists of
// {
// 1 bytes of kProtoMagic;
// 3 bytes of the proto size
// n bytes of the proto itself
// }
// Example usage:
// ICING_ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto create_result,
// FileBackedProtoLog<DocumentProto>::Create(filesystem, file_path_,
// options));
// auto proto_log = create_result.proto_log;
// Document document;
// document.set_namespace("");
// document.set_uri("");
// int64_t document_offset = proto_log->WriteProto(document));
// Document same_document = proto_log->ReadProto(document_offset));
// proto_log->PersistToDisk();
// TODO(b/136514769): Add versioning to the header and a UpgradeToVersion
// migration method.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "icing/text_classifier/lib3/utils/base/status.h"
#include "icing/text_classifier/lib3/utils/base/statusor.h"
#include <google/protobuf/io/gzip_stream.h>
#include <google/protobuf/io/zero_copy_stream_impl_lite.h>
#include "icing/absl_ports/canonical_errors.h"
#include "icing/absl_ports/str_cat.h"
#include "icing/file/filesystem.h"
#include "icing/file/memory-mapped-file.h"
#include "icing/legacy/core/icing-string-util.h"
#include "icing/portable/zlib.h"
#include "icing/util/crc32.h"
#include "icing/util/data-loss.h"
#include "icing/util/logging.h"
#include "icing/util/status-macros.h"
namespace icing {
namespace lib {
namespace {
bool IsEmptyBuffer(const char* buffer, int size) {
return std::all_of(buffer, buffer + size,
[](const char byte) { return byte == 0; });
// Helper function to get stored proto size from the metadata.
// Metadata format: 8 bits magic + 24 bits size
int GetProtoSize(int metadata) { return metadata & 0x00FFFFFF; }
// Helper function to get stored proto magic from the metadata.
// Metadata format: 8 bits magic + 24 bits size
uint8_t GetProtoMagic(int metadata) { return metadata >> 24; }
} // namespace
template <typename ProtoT>
class FileBackedProtoLog {
struct Options {
// Whether to compress each proto before writing to the proto log.
bool compress;
// Byte-size limit for each proto written to the store. This does not
// include the bytes needed for the metadata of each proto.
// NOTE: Currently, we only support protos up to 16MiB. We store the proto
// size in 3 bytes within the metadata.
// NOTE: This limit is only enforced for future writes. If the store
// previously had a higher limit, then reading older entries could return
// larger protos.
// NOTE: The max_proto_size is the upper limit for input protos into the
// ProtoLog. Even if the proto is larger than max_proto_size, but compresses
// to a smaller size, ProtoLog will not accept it. Protos that result in a
// compressed size larger than max_proto_size are also not accepted.
const int32_t max_proto_size;
// Must specify values for options.
Options() = delete;
explicit Options(bool compress_in,
const int32_t max_proto_size_in = kMaxProtoSize)
: compress(compress_in), max_proto_size(max_proto_size_in) {}
// Header stored at the beginning of the file before the rest of the log
// contents. Stores metadata on the log.
// TODO(b/139375388): Migrate the Header struct to a proto. This makes
// migrations easier since we don't need to worry about different size padding
// (which would affect the checksum) and different endians.
struct Header {
static constexpr int32_t kMagic = 0xf4c6f67a;
// Holds the magic as a quick sanity check against file corruption.
int32_t magic = kMagic;
// Whether to compress the protos before writing to the log.
bool compress = true;
// The maximum proto size that can be written to the log.
int32_t max_proto_size = 0;
// Checksum of the log elements, doesn't include the header fields.
uint32_t log_checksum = 0;
// Last known good offset at which the log and its checksum were updated.
// If we crash between writing to the log and updating the checksum, we can
// try to rewind the log to this offset and verify the checksum is still
// valid instead of throwing away the entire log.
int64_t rewind_offset = sizeof(Header);
// Must be at the end. Contains the crc checksum of the preceding fields.
uint32_t header_checksum = 0;
uint32_t CalculateHeaderChecksum() const {
Crc32 crc;
std::string_view header_str(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(this),
offsetof(Header, header_checksum));
return crc.Get();
struct CreateResult {
// A successfully initialized log.
std::unique_ptr<FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>> proto_log;
// The data status after initializing from a previous state. Data loss can
// happen if the file is corrupted or some previously added data was
// unpersisted. This may be used to signal that any derived data off of the
// proto log may need to be regenerated.
DataLoss data_loss;
bool has_data_loss() {
return data_loss == DataLoss::PARTIAL || data_loss == DataLoss::COMPLETE;
// Factory method to create, initialize, and return a FileBackedProtoLog. Will
// create the file if it doesn't exist.
// If on re-initialization the log detects disk corruption or some previously
// added data was unpersisted, the log will rewind to the last-good state. The
// log saves these checkpointed "good" states when PersistToDisk() is called
// or the log is safely destructed. If the log rewinds successfully to the
// last-good state, then the returned CreateResult.data_loss indicates
// whether it has a data loss and what kind of data loss it is (partial or
// complete) so that any derived data may know that it needs to be updated. If
// the log re-initializes successfully without any data loss,
// CreateResult.data_loss will be NONE.
// Params:
// filesystem: Handles system level calls
// file_path: Path of the underlying file. Directory of the file should
// already exist
// options: Configuration options for the proto log
// Returns:
// FileBackedProtoLog::CreateResult on success
// INVALID_ARGUMENT on an invalid option
static libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<CreateResult> Create(
const Filesystem* filesystem, const std::string& file_path,
const Options& options);
// Not copyable
FileBackedProtoLog(const FileBackedProtoLog&) = delete;
FileBackedProtoLog& operator=(const FileBackedProtoLog&) = delete;
// This will update the checksum of the log as well.
// Writes the serialized proto to the underlying file. Writes are applied
// directly to the underlying file. Users do not need to sync the file after
// writing.
// Returns:
// Offset of the newly appended proto in file on success
// INVALID_ARGUMENT if proto is too large, as decided by
// Options.max_proto_size
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<int64_t> WriteProto(const ProtoT& proto);
// Reads out a proto located at file_offset from the file.
// Returns:
// A proto on success
// NOT_FOUND if the proto at the given offset has been erased
// OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR if file_offset exceeds file size
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<ProtoT> ReadProto(int64_t file_offset) const;
// Erases the data of a proto located at file_offset from the file.
// Returns:
// OK on success
// OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR if file_offset exceeds file size
libtextclassifier3::Status EraseProto(int64_t file_offset);
// Calculates and returns the disk usage in bytes. Rounds up to the nearest
// block size.
// Returns:
// Disk usage on success
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<int64_t> GetDiskUsage() const;
// Returns the file size of all the elements held in the log. File size is in
// bytes. This excludes the size of any internal metadata of the log, e.g. the
// log's header.
// Returns:
// File size on success
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<int64_t> GetElementsFileSize() const;
// An iterator helping to find offsets of all the protos in file.
// Example usage:
// while (iterator.Advance().ok()) {
// int64_t offset = iterator.GetOffset();
// // Do something
// }
class Iterator {
Iterator(const Filesystem& filesystem, const std::string& file_path,
int64_t initial_offset);
// Advances to the position of next proto whether it has been erased or not.
// Returns:
// OK on success
// OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR if it reaches the end
libtextclassifier3::Status Advance();
// Returns the file offset of current proto.
int64_t GetOffset();
static constexpr int64_t kInvalidOffset = -1;
// Used to read proto metadata
MemoryMappedFile mmapped_file_;
// Offset of first proto
int64_t initial_offset_;
int64_t current_offset_;
int64_t file_size_;
// Returns an iterator of current proto log. The caller needs to keep the
// proto log unchanged while using the iterator, otherwise unexpected
// behaviors could happen.
Iterator GetIterator();
// Persists all changes since initialization or the last call to
// PersistToDisk(). Any changes that aren't persisted may be lost if the
// system fails to close safely.
// Example use case:
// Document document;
// document.set_namespace("");
// document.set_uri("");
// {
// ICING_ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto create_result,
// FileBackedProtoLog<DocumentProto>::Create(filesystem, file_path,
// options));
// auto proto_log = std::move(create_result.proto_log);
// int64_t document_offset = proto_log->WriteProto(document));
// // We lose the document here since it wasn't persisted.
// }
// {
// // Can still successfully create after a crash since the log can
// // rewind/truncate to recover into a previously good state
// ICING_ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto create_result,
// FileBackedProtoLog<DocumentProto>::Create(filesystem, file_path,
// options));
// auto proto_log = std::move(create_result.proto_log);
// // Lost the proto since we didn't PersistToDisk before the crash
// proto_log->ReadProto(document_offset)); // INVALID_ARGUMENT error
// int64_t document_offset = proto_log->WriteProto(document));
// // Persisted this time, so we should be ok.
// ICING_ASSERT_OK(proto_log->PersistToDisk());
// }
// {
// ICING_ASSERT_OK_AND_ASSIGN(auto create_result,
// FileBackedProtoLog<DocumentProto>::Create(filesystem, file_path,
// options));
// auto proto_log = std::move(create_result.proto_log);
// Document same_document = proto_log->ReadProto(document_offset));
// }
// NOTE: Since all protos are already written to the file directly, this
// just updates the checksum and rewind position. Without these updates,
// future initializations will truncate the file and discard unpersisted
// changes.
// Returns:
// OK on success
libtextclassifier3::Status PersistToDisk();
// Calculates the checksum of the log contents. Excludes the header content.
// Returns:
// Crc of the log content
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<Crc32> ComputeChecksum();
// Object can only be instantiated via the ::Create factory.
FileBackedProtoLog(const Filesystem* filesystem, const std::string& file_path,
std::unique_ptr<Header> header);
// Initializes a new proto log.
// Returns:
// std::unique_ptr<CreateResult> on success
static libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<CreateResult> InitializeNewFile(
const Filesystem* filesystem, const std::string& file_path,
const Options& options);
// Verifies that the existing proto log is in a good state. If not in a good
// state, then the proto log may be truncated to the last good state and
// content will be lost.
// Returns:
// std::unique_ptr<CreateResult> on success
// INTERNAL_ERROR on IO error or internal inconsistencies in the file
// INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR if options aren't consistent with previous
// instances
static libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<CreateResult> InitializeExistingFile(
const Filesystem* filesystem, const std::string& file_path,
const Options& options, int64_t file_size);
// Takes an initial checksum and updates it with the content between `start`
// and `end` offsets in the file.
// Returns:
// Crc of the content between `start`, inclusive, and `end`, exclusive.
// INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR if start and end aren't within the file size
static libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<Crc32> ComputeChecksum(
const Filesystem* filesystem, const std::string& file_path,
Crc32 initial_crc, int64_t start, int64_t end);
// Magic number added in front of every proto. Used when reading out protos
// as a first check for corruption in each entry in the file. Even if there is
// a corruption, the best we can do is roll back to our last recovery point
// and throw away un-flushed data. We can discard/reuse this byte if needed so
// that we have 4 bytes to store the size of protos, and increase the size of
// protos we support.
static constexpr uint8_t kProtoMagic = 0x5C;
// Our internal max for protos.
// WARNING: Changing this to a larger number may invalidate our assumption
// that that proto size can safely be stored in the last 3 bytes of the proto
// header.
static constexpr int kMaxProtoSize = (1 << 24) - 1; // 16MiB
static_assert(kMaxProtoSize <= 0x00FFFFFF,
"kMaxProtoSize doesn't fit in 3 bytes");
// Level of compression, BEST_SPEED = 1, BEST_COMPRESSION = 9
static constexpr int kDeflateCompressionLevel = 3;
// Chunks of the file to mmap at a time, so we don't mmap the entire file.
static constexpr int kMmapChunkSize = 4 * 1024;
ScopedFd fd_;
const Filesystem* const filesystem_;
const std::string file_path_;
// Reads out the metadata of a proto located at file_offset from the file.
// Returns:
// Proto's metadata on success
// OUT_OF_RANGE_ERROR if file_offset exceeds file_size
// INTERNAL_ERROR if the metadata is invalid or any IO errors happen
static libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<int> ReadProtoMetadata(
MemoryMappedFile* mmapped_file, int64_t file_offset, int64_t file_size);
std::unique_ptr<Header> header_;
template <typename ProtoT>
constexpr uint8_t FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::kProtoMagic;
template <typename ProtoT>
FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::FileBackedProtoLog(const Filesystem* filesystem,
const std::string& file_path,
std::unique_ptr<Header> header)
: filesystem_(filesystem),
header_(std::move(header)) {
template <typename ProtoT>
FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::~FileBackedProtoLog() {
if (!PersistToDisk().ok()) {
<< "Error persisting to disk during destruction of FileBackedProtoLog: "
<< file_path_;
template <typename ProtoT>
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<typename FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::CreateResult>
FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::Create(const Filesystem* filesystem,
const std::string& file_path,
const Options& options) {
if (options.max_proto_size <= 0) {
return absl_ports::InvalidArgumentError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf(
"options.max_proto_size must be greater than 0, was %d",
// Since we store the proto_size in 3 bytes, we can only support protos of up
// to 16MiB.
if (options.max_proto_size > kMaxProtoSize) {
return absl_ports::InvalidArgumentError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf(
"options.max_proto_size must be under 16MiB, was %d",
if (!filesystem->FileExists(file_path.c_str())) {
return InitializeNewFile(filesystem, file_path, options);
int64_t file_size = filesystem->GetFileSize(file_path.c_str());
if (file_size == Filesystem::kBadFileSize) {
return absl_ports::InternalError(
absl_ports::StrCat("Bad file size '", file_path, "'"));
if (file_size == 0) {
return InitializeNewFile(filesystem, file_path, options);
return InitializeExistingFile(filesystem, file_path, options, file_size);
template <typename ProtoT>
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<typename FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::CreateResult>
FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::InitializeNewFile(const Filesystem* filesystem,
const std::string& file_path,
const Options& options) {
// Create the header
std::unique_ptr<Header> header = std::make_unique<Header>();
header->compress = options.compress;
header->max_proto_size = options.max_proto_size;
header->header_checksum = header->CalculateHeaderChecksum();
if (!filesystem->Write(file_path.c_str(), header.get(), sizeof(Header))) {
return absl_ports::InternalError(
absl_ports::StrCat("Failed to write header for file: ", file_path));
CreateResult create_result = {
new FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>(filesystem, file_path,
return create_result;
template <typename ProtoT>
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<typename FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::CreateResult>
FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::InitializeExistingFile(const Filesystem* filesystem,
const std::string& file_path,
const Options& options,
int64_t file_size) {
if (file_size < sizeof(Header)) {
return absl_ports::InternalError(
absl_ports::StrCat("File header too short for: ", file_path));
std::unique_ptr<Header> header = std::make_unique<Header>();
if (!filesystem->PRead(file_path.c_str(), header.get(), sizeof(Header),
/*offset=*/0)) {
return absl_ports::InternalError(
absl_ports::StrCat("Failed to read header for file: ", file_path));
// Make sure the header is still valid before we use any of its values. This
// is covered by the header_checksum check below, but this is a quick check
// that can save us from an extra crc computation.
if (header->magic != Header::kMagic) {
return absl_ports::InternalError(
absl_ports::StrCat("Invalid header kMagic for file: ", file_path));
if (header->header_checksum != header->CalculateHeaderChecksum()) {
return absl_ports::InternalError(
absl_ports::StrCat("Invalid header checksum for: ", file_path));
if (header->compress != options.compress) {
return absl_ports::InvalidArgumentError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf(
"Inconsistent compress option, expected %d, actual %d",
header->compress, options.compress));
if (header->max_proto_size > options.max_proto_size) {
return absl_ports::InvalidArgumentError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf(
"Max proto size cannot be smaller than previous "
"instantiations, previous size %d, wanted size %d",
header->max_proto_size, options.max_proto_size));
header->max_proto_size = options.max_proto_size;
DataLoss data_loss = DataLoss::NONE;
ICING_ASSIGN_OR_RETURN(Crc32 calculated_log_checksum,
ComputeChecksum(filesystem, file_path, Crc32(),
sizeof(Header), file_size));
// Double check that the log checksum is the same as the one that was
// persisted last time. If not, we start recovery logic.
if (header->log_checksum != calculated_log_checksum.Get()) {
// Need to rewind the proto log since the checksums don't match.
// Worst case, we have to rewind the entire log back to just the header
int64_t last_known_good = sizeof(Header);
// Calculate the checksum of the log contents just up to the last rewind
// offset point. This will be valid if we just appended contents to the log
// without updating the checksum, and we can rewind back to this point
// safely.
ComputeChecksum(filesystem, file_path, Crc32(), sizeof(Header),
if (header->log_checksum == calculated_log_checksum.Get()) {
// Check if it matches our last rewind state. If so, this becomes our last
// good state and we can safely truncate and recover from here.
last_known_good = header->rewind_offset;
data_loss = DataLoss::PARTIAL;
} else {
// Otherwise, we're going to truncate the entire log and this resets the
// checksum to an empty log state.
header->log_checksum = 0;
data_loss = DataLoss::COMPLETE;
if (!filesystem->Truncate(file_path.c_str(), last_known_good)) {
return absl_ports::InternalError(
absl_ports::StrCat("Error truncating file: ", file_path));
ICING_LOG(INFO) << "Truncated '" << file_path << "' to size "
<< last_known_good;
CreateResult create_result = {
new FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>(filesystem, file_path,
return create_result;
template <typename ProtoT>
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<Crc32> FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::ComputeChecksum(
const Filesystem* filesystem, const std::string& file_path,
Crc32 initial_crc, int64_t start, int64_t end) {
auto mmapped_file = MemoryMappedFile(*filesystem, file_path,
Crc32 new_crc(initial_crc.Get());
if (start < 0) {
return absl_ports::InvalidArgumentError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf(
"Starting checksum offset of file '%s' must be greater than 0, was "
file_path.c_str(), static_cast<long long>(start)));
int64_t file_size = filesystem->GetFileSize(file_path.c_str());
if (end > file_size) {
return absl_ports::InvalidArgumentError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf(
"Ending checksum offset of file '%s' must be within "
"file size of %lld, was %lld",
file_path.c_str(), static_cast<long long>(file_size),
static_cast<long long>(end)));
for (int i = start; i < end; i += kMmapChunkSize) {
// Don't read past the file size.
int next_chunk_size = kMmapChunkSize;
if ((i + kMmapChunkSize) >= end) {
next_chunk_size = end - i;
ICING_RETURN_IF_ERROR(mmapped_file.Remap(i, next_chunk_size));
auto mmap_str = std::string_view(mmapped_file.region(), next_chunk_size);
return new_crc;
template <typename ProtoT>
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<int64_t> FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::WriteProto(
const ProtoT& proto) {
int64_t proto_size = proto.ByteSizeLong();
int32_t metadata;
int metadata_size = sizeof(metadata);
int64_t current_position = filesystem_->GetCurrentPosition(fd_.get());
if (proto_size > header_->max_proto_size) {
return absl_ports::InvalidArgumentError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf(
"proto_size, %lld, was too large to write. Max is %d",
static_cast<long long>(proto_size), header_->max_proto_size));
// At this point, we've guaranteed that proto_size is under kMaxProtoSize (see
// ::Create), so we can safely store it in an int.
int final_size = 0;
std::string proto_str;
google::protobuf::io::StringOutputStream proto_stream(&proto_str);
if (header_->compress) {
google::protobuf::io::GzipOutputStream::Options options;
options.format = google::protobuf::io::GzipOutputStream::ZLIB;
options.compression_level = kDeflateCompressionLevel;
google::protobuf::io::GzipOutputStream compressing_stream(&proto_stream,
bool success = proto.SerializeToZeroCopyStream(&compressing_stream) &&
if (!success) {
return absl_ports::InternalError("Error compressing proto.");
final_size = proto_str.size();
// In case the compressed proto is larger than the original proto, we also
// can't write it.
if (final_size > header_->max_proto_size) {
return absl_ports::InvalidArgumentError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf(
"Compressed proto size, %d, was greater than "
"max_proto_size, %d",
final_size, header_->max_proto_size));
} else {
// Serialize the proto directly into the write buffer at an offset of the
// metadata.
final_size = proto_str.size();
// 1st byte for magic, next 3 bytes for proto size.
metadata = (kProtoMagic << 24) | final_size;
// Actually write metadata, has to be done after we know the possibly
// compressed proto size
if (!filesystem_->Write(fd_.get(), &metadata, metadata_size)) {
return absl_ports::InternalError(
absl_ports::StrCat("Failed to write proto metadata to: ", file_path_));
// Write the serialized proto
if (!filesystem_->Write(fd_.get(),, proto_str.size())) {
return absl_ports::InternalError(
absl_ports::StrCat("Failed to write proto to: ", file_path_));
return current_position;
template <typename ProtoT>
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<ProtoT> FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::ReadProto(
int64_t file_offset) const {
int64_t file_size = filesystem_->GetFileSize(fd_.get());
MemoryMappedFile mmapped_file(*filesystem_, file_path_,
if (file_offset >= file_size) {
// file_size points to the next byte to write at, so subtract one to get the
// inclusive, actual size of file.
return absl_ports::OutOfRangeError(
IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf("Trying to read from a location, %lld, "
"out of range of the file size, %lld",
static_cast<long long>(file_offset),
static_cast<long long>(file_size - 1)));
// Read out the metadata
int metadata, ReadProtoMetadata(&mmapped_file, file_offset, file_size));
// Copy out however many bytes it says the proto is
int stored_size = GetProtoSize(metadata);
mmapped_file.Remap(file_offset + sizeof(metadata), stored_size));
if (IsEmptyBuffer(mmapped_file.region(), mmapped_file.region_size())) {
return absl_ports::NotFoundError("The proto data has been erased.");
google::protobuf::io::ArrayInputStream proto_stream(
mmapped_file.mutable_region(), stored_size);
// Deserialize proto
ProtoT proto;
if (header_->compress) {
google::protobuf::io::GzipInputStream decompress_stream(&proto_stream);
} else {
return proto;
template <typename ProtoT>
libtextclassifier3::Status FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::EraseProto(
int64_t file_offset) {
int64_t file_size = filesystem_->GetFileSize(fd_.get());
if (file_offset >= file_size) {
// file_size points to the next byte to write at, so subtract one to get the
// inclusive, actual size of file.
return absl_ports::OutOfRangeError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf(
"Trying to erase data at a location, %lld, "
"out of range of the file size, %lld",
static_cast<long long>(file_offset),
static_cast<long long>(file_size - 1)));
MemoryMappedFile mmapped_file(
*filesystem_, file_path_,
// Read out the metadata
int metadata, ReadProtoMetadata(&mmapped_file, file_offset, file_size));
ICING_RETURN_IF_ERROR(mmapped_file.Remap(file_offset + sizeof(metadata),
// We need to update the crc checksum if the erased area is before the rewind
// position.
if (file_offset + sizeof(metadata) < header_->rewind_offset) {
// We need to calculate [original string xor 0s].
// The xored string is the same as the original string because 0 xor 0 = 0,
// 1 xor 0 = 1.
const std::string_view xored_str(mmapped_file.region(),
Crc32 crc(header_->log_checksum);
uint32_t new_crc,
/*full_data_size=*/header_->rewind_offset - sizeof(Header),
/*position=*/file_offset + sizeof(metadata) - sizeof(Header)));
header_->log_checksum = new_crc;
header_->header_checksum = header_->CalculateHeaderChecksum();
if (!filesystem_->PWrite(fd_.get(), /*offset=*/0, header_.get(),
sizeof(Header))) {
return absl_ports::InternalError(
absl_ports::StrCat("Failed to update header to: ", file_path_));
memset(mmapped_file.mutable_region(), '\0', mmapped_file.region_size());
return libtextclassifier3::Status::OK;
template <typename ProtoT>
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<int64_t> FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::GetDiskUsage()
const {
int64_t size = filesystem_->GetDiskUsage(file_path_.c_str());
if (size == Filesystem::kBadFileSize) {
return absl_ports::InternalError("Failed to get disk usage of proto log");
return size;
template <typename ProtoT>
FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::GetElementsFileSize() const {
int64_t total_file_size = filesystem_->GetFileSize(file_path_.c_str());
if (total_file_size == Filesystem::kBadFileSize) {
return absl_ports::InternalError(
"Failed to get file size of elments in the proto log");
return total_file_size - sizeof(Header);
template <typename ProtoT>
FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::Iterator::Iterator(const Filesystem& filesystem,
const std::string& file_path,
int64_t initial_offset)
: mmapped_file_(filesystem, file_path,
file_size_(filesystem.GetFileSize(file_path.c_str())) {
if (file_size_ == Filesystem::kBadFileSize) {
// Fails all Advance() calls
file_size_ = 0;
template <typename ProtoT>
libtextclassifier3::Status FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::Iterator::Advance() {
if (current_offset_ == kInvalidOffset) {
// First Advance() call
current_offset_ = initial_offset_;
} else {
// Jumps to the next proto position
int metadata,
ReadProtoMetadata(&mmapped_file_, current_offset_, file_size_));
current_offset_ += sizeof(metadata) + GetProtoSize(metadata);
if (current_offset_ < file_size_) {
return libtextclassifier3::Status::OK;
} else {
return absl_ports::OutOfRangeError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf(
"The next proto offset, %lld, is out of file range [0, %lld)",
static_cast<long long>(current_offset_),
static_cast<long long>(file_size_)));
template <typename ProtoT>
int64_t FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::Iterator::GetOffset() {
return current_offset_;
template <typename ProtoT>
typename FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::Iterator
FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::GetIterator() {
return Iterator(*filesystem_, file_path_, /*initial_offset=*/sizeof(Header));
template <typename ProtoT>
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<int> FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::ReadProtoMetadata(
MemoryMappedFile* mmapped_file, int64_t file_offset, int64_t file_size) {
// Checks file_offset
if (file_offset >= file_size) {
return absl_ports::OutOfRangeError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf(
"offset, %lld, is out of file range [0, %lld)",
static_cast<long long>(file_offset),
static_cast<long long>(file_size)));
int metadata;
int metadata_size = sizeof(metadata);
if (file_offset + metadata_size >= file_size) {
return absl_ports::InternalError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf(
"Wrong metadata offset %lld, metadata doesn't fit in "
"with file range [0, %lld)",
static_cast<long long>(file_offset),
static_cast<long long>(file_size)));
// Reads metadata
ICING_RETURN_IF_ERROR(mmapped_file->Remap(file_offset, metadata_size));
memcpy(&metadata, mmapped_file->region(), metadata_size);
// Checks magic number
uint8_t stored_k_proto_magic = GetProtoMagic(metadata);
if (stored_k_proto_magic != kProtoMagic) {
return absl_ports::InternalError(IcingStringUtil::StringPrintf(
"Failed to read kProtoMagic, expected %d, actual %d", kProtoMagic,
return metadata;
template <typename ProtoT>
libtextclassifier3::Status FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::PersistToDisk() {
int64_t file_size = filesystem_->GetFileSize(file_path_.c_str());
if (file_size == header_->rewind_offset) {
// No new protos appended, don't need to update the checksum.
return libtextclassifier3::Status::OK;
int64_t new_content_size = file_size - header_->rewind_offset;
Crc32 crc;
if (new_content_size < 0) {
// File shrunk, recalculate the entire checksum.
crc, ComputeChecksum(filesystem_, file_path_, Crc32(), sizeof(Header),
} else {
// Append new changes to the existing checksum.
ComputeChecksum(filesystem_, file_path_, Crc32(header_->log_checksum),
header_->rewind_offset, file_size));
header_->log_checksum = crc.Get();
header_->rewind_offset = file_size;
header_->header_checksum = header_->CalculateHeaderChecksum();
if (!filesystem_->PWrite(fd_.get(), /*offset=*/0, header_.get(),
sizeof(Header))) {
return absl_ports::InternalError(
absl_ports::StrCat("Failed to update header to: ", file_path_));
return libtextclassifier3::Status::OK;
template <typename ProtoT>
FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::ComputeChecksum() {
return FileBackedProtoLog<ProtoT>::ComputeChecksum(
filesystem_, file_path_, Crc32(), /*start=*/sizeof(Header),
} // namespace lib
} // namespace icing