blob: eaf9eb5b0c6a7f335110cabb0ae0c2a614fbd4b5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2019 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <queue>
#include <random>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "icing/text_classifier/lib3/utils/base/statusor.h"
#include "icing/absl_ports/mutex.h"
#include "icing/proto/scoring.pb.h"
#include "icing/proto/search.pb.h"
#include "icing/result/page-result-state.h"
#include "icing/result/result-state.h"
namespace icing {
namespace lib {
// This should be the same as the default value of
// SearchResultProto.next_page_token.
inline constexpr uint64_t kInvalidNextPageToken = 0;
// Used to store and manage ResultState.
class ResultStateManager {
explicit ResultStateManager(int max_hits_per_query, int max_result_states);
ResultStateManager(const ResultStateManager&) = delete;
ResultStateManager& operator=(const ResultStateManager&) = delete;
// Ranks the results and returns the first page of them. The result object
// PageResultState contains a next_page_token which can be used to fetch more
// pages later. It will be set to a default value 0 if there're no more pages.
// NOTE: it's caller's responsibility not to call this method with the same
// ResultState more than once, otherwise duplicate states will be stored
// internally.
// Returns:
// A PageResultState on success
// INVALID_ARGUMENT if the input state contains no results
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<PageResultState> RankAndPaginate(
ResultState result_state) ICING_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(mutex_);
// Retrieves and returns the next page of results wrapped in PageResultState.
// The returned results won't exist in ResultStateManager anymore. If the
// query has no more pages after this retrieval, the input token will be
// invalidated.
// Returns:
// PageResultState on success, guaranteed to have non-empty results
// NOT_FOUND if failed to find any more results
libtextclassifier3::StatusOr<PageResultState> GetNextPage(
uint64_t next_page_token) ICING_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(mutex_);
// Invalidates the result state associated with the given next-page token.
void InvalidateResultState(uint64_t next_page_token)
// Invalidates all result states / tokens currently in ResultStateManager.
void InvalidateAllResultStates() ICING_LOCKS_EXCLUDED(mutex_);
absl_ports::shared_mutex mutex_;
// The maximum number of scored document hits to return for a query. When we
// have more than the maximum number, extra hits will be truncated.
const int max_hits_per_query_;
// The maximum number of result states. When we have more than the maximum
// number, the oldest / firstly added result state will be removed.
const int max_result_states_;
// A hash map of (next-page token -> result state)
std::unordered_map<uint64_t, ResultState> result_state_map_
// A queue used to track the insertion order of tokens
std::queue<uint64_t> token_queue_ ICING_GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// A set to temporarily store the invalidated tokens before they're finally
// removed from token_queue_. We store the invalidated tokens to ensure the
// uniqueness of new generated tokens.
std::unordered_set<uint64_t> invalidated_token_set_ ICING_GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// A random 64-bit number generator
std::mt19937_64 random_generator_ ICING_GUARDED_BY(mutex_);
// Puts a new result state into the internal storage and returns a next-page
// token associated with it. The token is guaranteed to be unique among all
// currently valid tokens. When the maximum number of result states is
// reached, the oldest / firstly added result state will be removed to make
// room for the new state.
uint64_t Add(ResultState result_state) ICING_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_);
// Helper method to generate a next-page token that is unique among all
// existing tokens in token_queue_.
uint64_t GetUniqueToken() ICING_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_);
// Helper method to remove old states to make room for incoming states.
void RemoveStatesIfNeeded() ICING_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKS_REQUIRED(mutex_);
// Helper method to remove a result state from result_state_map_, the token
// will then be temporarily kept in invalidated_token_set_ until it's finally
// removed from token_queue_.
void InternalInvalidateResultState(uint64_t token)
} // namespace lib
} // namespace icing