Add CtsIcu4cTestCases for ICU4C API coverage - Attempt 2

Attempt 2: The test is only for primary ABI, until the Soong limitation
is resolved.
- cintltest and intltest are the executable binaries
  running the devices.
- cintltest and intltest are basically compiled against
  libicuuc and libicui18n, except if the APIs are available
  in the NDK surface in libicu, the test will link that in favour
  of NDK. So the APIs provided in the NDK will have the API coverge,
  while the test can keep using the hidden APIs in libicuuc, and
  cts_headers/ are the same as libicuuc and libicui18n headers, except
  that unicode/urename.h is modified by the to select
  the NDK API surface.

Bug: 160350521
Test: atest CtsIcu4cTestCases
Test: Inspect the symbol table manually by "objdump -TC cintltst"
Test: build/soong/build_test.bash
Test: Test: OUT_DIR=ndk_out build/soong/scripts/
Change-Id: Icf51b09c36eb3b4ef30a5032bdef7af1a76567d9
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationdatareader.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationdatareader.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44e6939
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationdatareader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2013-2015, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collationdatareader.h
+* created on: 2013feb07
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/udata.h"
+struct UDataMemory;
+struct CollationTailoring;
+ * Collation binary data reader.
+ */
+struct U_I18N_API CollationDataReader /* all static */ {
+    // The following constants are also copied into source/common/ucol_swp.cpp.
+    // Keep them in sync!
+    enum {
+        /**
+         * Number of int32_t indexes.
+         *
+         * Can be 2 if there are only options.
+         * Can be 7 or 8 if there are only options and a script reordering.
+         * The loader treats any index>=indexes[IX_INDEXES_LENGTH] as 0.
+         */
+        IX_INDEXES_LENGTH,  // 0
+        /**
+         * Bits 31..24: numericPrimary, for numeric collation
+         *      23..16: fast Latin format version (0 = no fast Latin table)
+         *      15.. 0: options bit set
+         */
+        IX_OPTIONS,
+        IX_RESERVED2,
+        IX_RESERVED3,
+        /** Array offset to Jamo CE32s in ce32s[], or <0 if none. */
+        IX_JAMO_CE32S_START,  // 4
+        // Byte offsets from the start of the data, after the generic header.
+        // The indexes[] are at byte offset 0, other data follows.
+        // Each data item is aligned properly.
+        // The data items should be in descending order of unit size,
+        // to minimize the need for padding.
+        // Each item's byte length is given by the difference between its offset and
+        // the next index/offset value.
+        /** Byte offset to int32_t reorderCodes[]. */
+        /**
+         * Byte offset to uint8_t reorderTable[].
+         * Empty table if <256 bytes (padding only).
+         * Otherwise 256 bytes or more (with padding).
+         */
+        /** Byte offset to the collation trie. Its length is a multiple of 8 bytes. */
+        IX_TRIE_OFFSET,
+        IX_RESERVED8_OFFSET,  // 8
+        /** Byte offset to int64_t ces[]. */
+        IX_CES_OFFSET,
+        /** Byte offset to uint32_t ce32s[]. */
+        IX_CE32S_OFFSET,
+        /** Byte offset to uint32_t rootElements[]. */
+        IX_ROOT_ELEMENTS_OFFSET,  // 12
+        /** Byte offset to UChar *contexts[]. */
+        /** Byte offset to uint16_t [] with serialized unsafeBackwardSet. */
+        /** Byte offset to uint16_t fastLatinTable[]. */
+        /** Byte offset to uint16_t scripts[]. */
+        IX_SCRIPTS_OFFSET,  // 16
+        /**
+         * Byte offset to UBool compressibleBytes[].
+         * Empty table if <256 bytes (padding only).
+         * Otherwise 256 bytes or more (with padding).
+         */
+        IX_TOTAL_SIZE
+    };
+    static void read(const CollationTailoring *base, const uint8_t *inBytes, int32_t inLength,
+                     CollationTailoring &tailoring, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    static UBool U_CALLCONV
+    isAcceptable(void *context, const char *type, const char *name, const UDataInfo *pInfo);
+    CollationDataReader();  // no constructor
+ * Format of collation data (, binary data in coll/ *.res files).
+ * Format version 5.
+ *
+ * The root collation data is stored in the file.
+ * Tailorings are stored inside .res resource bundle files, with a complete file header.
+ *
+ * Collation data begins with a standard ICU data file header
+ * (DataHeader, see ucmndata.h and unicode/udata.h).
+ * The UDataInfo.dataVersion field contains the UCA and other version numbers,
+ * see the comments for CollationTailoring.version.
+ *
+ * After the header, the file contains the following parts.
+ * Constants are defined as enum values of the CollationDataReader class.
+ * See also the Collation class.
+ *
+ * int32_t indexes[indexesLength];
+ *      The indexes array has variable length.
+ *      Some tailorings only need the length and the options,
+ *      others only add reorderCodes and the reorderTable,
+ *      some need to store mappings.
+ *      Only as many indexes are stored as needed to read all of the data.
+ *
+ *      Index 0: indexesLength
+ *      Index 1: numericPrimary, CollationFastLatin::VERSION, and options: see IX_OPTIONS
+ *      Index 2..3: Unused/reserved/0.
+ *      Index 4: Index into the ce32s array where the CE32s of the conjoining Jamo
+ *               are stored in a short, contiguous part of the ce32s array.
+ *
+ *      Indexes 5..19 are byte offsets in ascending order.
+ *      Each byte offset marks the start of the next part in the data file,
+ *      and the end of the previous one.
+ *      When two consecutive byte offsets are the same (or too short),
+ *      then the corresponding part is empty.
+ *      Byte offsets are offsets from after the header,
+ *      that is, from the beginning of the indexes[].
+ *      Each part starts at an offset with proper alignment for its data.
+ *      If necessary, the previous part may include padding bytes to achieve this alignment.
+ *      The last byte offset that is stored in the indexes indicates the total size of the data
+ *      (starting with the indexes).
+ *
+ * int32_t reorderCodes[]; -- empty in root
+ *      The list of script and reordering codes.
+ *
+ *      Beginning with format version 5, this array may optionally
+ *      have trailing entries with a full list of reorder ranges
+ *      as described for CollationSettings::reorderRanges.
+ *
+ *      Script or reorder codes are first and do not exceed 16-bit values.
+ *      Range limits are stored in the upper 16 bits, and are never 0.
+ *      Split this array into reorder codes and ranges at the first entry
+ *      with non-zero upper 16 bits.
+ *
+ *      If the ranges are missing but needed for split-reordered primary lead bytes,
+ *      then they are regenerated at load time.
+ *
+ * uint8_t reorderTable[256]; -- empty in root; can be longer to include padding bytes
+ *      Primary-weight lead byte permutation table.
+ *      Normally present when the reorderCodes are, but can be built at load time.
+ *
+ *      Beginning with format version 5, a 0 entry at a non-zero index
+ *      (which is otherwise an illegal value)
+ *      means that the primary lead byte is "split"
+ *      (there are different offsets for primaries that share that lead byte)
+ *      and the reordering offset must be determined via the reorder ranges
+ *      that are either stored as part of the reorderCodes array
+ *      or regenerated at load time.
+ *
+ * UTrie2 trie; -- see utrie2_impl.h and utrie2.h
+ *      The trie holds the main collation data. Each code point is mapped to a 32-bit value.
+ *      It encodes a simple collation element (CE) in compact form, unless bits 7..6 are both set,
+ *      in which case it is a special CE32 and contains a 4-bit tag and further data.
+ *      See the Collation class for details.
+ *
+ *      The trie has a value for each lead surrogate code unit with some bits encoding
+ *      collective properties of the 1024 supplementary characters whose UTF-16 form starts with
+ *      the lead surrogate. See Collation::LEAD_SURROGATE_TAG..
+ *
+ * int64_t ces[];
+ *      64-bit CEs and expansions that cannot be stored in a more compact form.
+ *
+ * uint32_t ce32s[];
+ *      CE32s for expansions in compact form, and for characters whose trie values
+ *      contain special data.
+ *
+ * uint32_t rootElements[]; -- empty in all tailorings
+ *      Compact storage for all of the CEs that occur in the root collation.
+ *      See the CollationRootElements class.
+ *
+ * UChar *contexts[];
+ *      Serialized UCharsTrie structures with prefix (pre-context) and contraction mappings.
+ *
+ * uint16_t unsafeBackwardSet[]; -- see UnicodeSet::serialize()
+ *      Serialized form of characters that are unsafe when iterating backwards,
+ *      and at the end of an identical string prefix.
+ *      Back up to a safe character.
+ *      Lead surrogates are "unsafe" when any of their corresponding supplementary
+ *      code points are unsafe.
+ *      Does not include [:^lccc=0:][:^tccc=0:].
+ *      For each tailoring, the root unsafeBackwardSet is subtracted.
+ *      (As a result, in many tailorings no set needs to be stored.)
+ *
+ * uint16_t fastLatinTable[];
+ *      Optional optimization for Latin text.
+ *      See the CollationFastLatin class.
+ *
+ * uint16_t scripts[]; -- empty in all tailorings
+ *      Format version 5:
+ *      uint16_t numScripts;
+ *      uint16_t scriptsIndex[numScripts+16];
+ *      uint16_t scriptStarts[];
+ *      See CollationData::numScripts etc.
+ *
+ *      Format version 4:
+ *      Table of the reordering groups with their first and last lead bytes,
+ *      and their script and reordering codes.
+ *      See CollationData::scripts.
+ *
+ * UBool compressibleBytes[]; -- empty in all tailorings
+ *      Flag for getSortKey(), indicating primary weight lead bytes that are compressible.
+ *
+ * -----------------
+ * Changes for formatVersion 5 (ICU 55)
+ *
+ * Reordering moves single scripts, not groups of scripts.
+ * Reorder ranges are optionally appended to the reorderCodes,
+ * and a 0 entry in the reorderTable indicates a split lead byte.
+ * The scripts data has a new format.
+ *
+ * The rootElements may contain secondary and tertiary weights below common=05.
+ * (Used for small Hiragana letters.)
+ * Where is occurs, there is also an explicit unit with common secondary & tertiary weights.
+ * There are no other data structure changes, but builder code needs to be able to handle such data.
+ *
+ * The collation element for the merge separator code point U+FFFE
+ * does not necessarily have special, unique secondary/tertiary weights any more.
+ */