Add CtsIcu4cTestCases for ICU4C API coverage - Attempt 2

Attempt 2: The test is only for primary ABI, until the Soong limitation
is resolved.
- cintltest and intltest are the executable binaries
  running the devices.
- cintltest and intltest are basically compiled against
  libicuuc and libicui18n, except if the APIs are available
  in the NDK surface in libicu, the test will link that in favour
  of NDK. So the APIs provided in the NDK will have the API coverge,
  while the test can keep using the hidden APIs in libicuuc, and
  cts_headers/ are the same as libicuuc and libicui18n headers, except
  that unicode/urename.h is modified by the to select
  the NDK API surface.

Bug: 160350521
Test: atest CtsIcu4cTestCases
Test: Inspect the symbol table manually by "objdump -TC cintltst"
Test: build/soong/build_test.bash
Test: Test: OUT_DIR=ndk_out build/soong/scripts/
Change-Id: Icf51b09c36eb3b4ef30a5032bdef7af1a76567d9
diff --git a/libicu/cts_headers/collationiterator.h b/libicu/cts_headers/collationiterator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12e05b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libicu/cts_headers/collationiterator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+* Copyright (C) 2010-2014, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
+* collationiterator.h
+* created on: 2010oct27
+* created by: Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "cmemory.h"
+#include "collation.h"
+#include "collationdata.h"
+class SkippedState;
+class UCharsTrie;
+class UVector32;
+/* Large enough for CEs of most short strings. */
+// Export an explicit template instantiation of the MaybeStackArray that
+//    is used as a data member of CEBuffer.
+//    When building DLLs for Windows this is required even though
+//    no direct access to the MaybeStackArray leaks out of the i18n library.
+// See digitlst.h, pluralaffix.h, datefmt.h, and others for similar examples.
+template class U_I18N_API MaybeStackArray<int64_t, CEBUFFER_INITIAL_CAPACITY>;
+ * Collation element iterator and abstract character iterator.
+ *
+ * When a method returns a code point value, it must be in 0..10FFFF,
+ * except it can be negative as a sentinel value.
+ */
+class U_I18N_API CollationIterator : public UObject {
+    class U_I18N_API CEBuffer {
+    private:
+        /** Large enough for CEs of most short strings. */
+    public:
+        CEBuffer() : length(0) {}
+        ~CEBuffer();
+        inline void append(int64_t ce, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+            if(length < INITIAL_CAPACITY || ensureAppendCapacity(1, errorCode)) {
+                buffer[length++] = ce;
+            }
+        }
+        inline void appendUnsafe(int64_t ce) {
+            buffer[length++] = ce;
+        }
+        UBool ensureAppendCapacity(int32_t appCap, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+        inline UBool incLength(UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+            // Use INITIAL_CAPACITY for a very simple fastpath.
+            // (Rather than buffer.getCapacity().)
+            if(length < INITIAL_CAPACITY || ensureAppendCapacity(1, errorCode)) {
+                ++length;
+                return TRUE;
+            } else {
+                return FALSE;
+            }
+        }
+        inline int64_t set(int32_t i, int64_t ce) {
+            return buffer[i] = ce;
+        }
+        inline int64_t get(int32_t i) const { return buffer[i]; }
+        const int64_t *getCEs() const { return buffer.getAlias(); }
+        int32_t length;
+    private:
+        CEBuffer(const CEBuffer &);
+        void operator=(const CEBuffer &);
+        MaybeStackArray<int64_t, INITIAL_CAPACITY> buffer;
+    };
+    CollationIterator(const CollationData *d, UBool numeric)
+            : trie(d->trie),
+              data(d),
+              cesIndex(0),
+              skipped(NULL),
+              numCpFwd(-1),
+              isNumeric(numeric) {}
+    virtual ~CollationIterator();
+    virtual UBool operator==(const CollationIterator &other) const;
+    inline UBool operator!=(const CollationIterator &other) const {
+        return !operator==(other);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Resets the iterator state and sets the position to the specified offset.
+     * Subclasses must implement, and must call the parent class method,
+     * or CollationIterator::reset().
+     */
+    virtual void resetToOffset(int32_t newOffset) = 0;
+    virtual int32_t getOffset() const = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the next collation element.
+     */
+    inline int64_t nextCE(UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+        if(cesIndex < ceBuffer.length) {
+            // Return the next buffered CE.
+            return ceBuffer.get(cesIndex++);
+        }
+        // assert cesIndex == ceBuffer.length;
+        if(!ceBuffer.incLength(errorCode)) {
+            return Collation::NO_CE;
+        }
+        UChar32 c;
+        uint32_t ce32 = handleNextCE32(c, errorCode);
+        uint32_t t = ce32 & 0xff;
+        if(t < Collation::SPECIAL_CE32_LOW_BYTE) {  // Forced-inline of isSpecialCE32(ce32).
+            // Normal CE from the main data.
+            // Forced-inline of ceFromSimpleCE32(ce32).
+            return ceBuffer.set(cesIndex++,
+                    ((int64_t)(ce32 & 0xffff0000) << 32) | ((ce32 & 0xff00) << 16) | (t << 8));
+        }
+        const CollationData *d;
+        // The compiler should be able to optimize the previous and the following
+        // comparisons of t with the same constant.
+        if(t == Collation::SPECIAL_CE32_LOW_BYTE) {
+            if(c < 0) {
+                return ceBuffer.set(cesIndex++, Collation::NO_CE);
+            }
+            d = data->base;
+            ce32 = d->getCE32(c);
+            t = ce32 & 0xff;
+            if(t < Collation::SPECIAL_CE32_LOW_BYTE) {
+                // Normal CE from the base data.
+                return ceBuffer.set(cesIndex++,
+                        ((int64_t)(ce32 & 0xffff0000) << 32) | ((ce32 & 0xff00) << 16) | (t << 8));
+            }
+        } else {
+            d = data;
+        }
+        if(t == Collation::LONG_PRIMARY_CE32_LOW_BYTE) {
+            // Forced-inline of ceFromLongPrimaryCE32(ce32).
+            return ceBuffer.set(cesIndex++,
+                    ((int64_t)(ce32 - t) << 32) | Collation::COMMON_SEC_AND_TER_CE);
+        }
+        return nextCEFromCE32(d, c, ce32, errorCode);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Fetches all CEs.
+     * @return getCEsLength()
+     */
+    int32_t fetchCEs(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Overwrites the current CE (the last one returned by nextCE()).
+     */
+    void setCurrentCE(int64_t ce) {
+        // assert cesIndex > 0;
+        ceBuffer.set(cesIndex - 1, ce);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the previous collation element.
+     */
+    int64_t previousCE(UVector32 &offsets, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    inline int32_t getCEsLength() const {
+        return ceBuffer.length;
+    }
+    inline int64_t getCE(int32_t i) const {
+        return ceBuffer.get(i);
+    }
+    const int64_t *getCEs() const {
+        return ceBuffer.getCEs();
+    }
+    void clearCEs() {
+        cesIndex = ceBuffer.length = 0;
+    }
+    void clearCEsIfNoneRemaining() {
+        if(cesIndex == ceBuffer.length) { clearCEs(); }
+    }
+    /**
+     * Returns the next code point (with post-increment).
+     * Public for identical-level comparison and for testing.
+     */
+    virtual UChar32 nextCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the previous code point (with pre-decrement).
+     * Public for identical-level comparison and for testing.
+     */
+    virtual UChar32 previousCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode) = 0;
+    CollationIterator(const CollationIterator &other);
+    void reset();
+    /**
+     * Returns the next code point and its local CE32 value.
+     * Returns Collation::FALLBACK_CE32 at the end of the text (c<0)
+     * or when c's CE32 value is to be looked up in the base data (fallback).
+     *
+     * The code point is used for fallbacks, context and implicit weights.
+     * It is ignored when the returned CE32 is not special (e.g., FFFD_CE32).
+     */
+    virtual uint32_t handleNextCE32(UChar32 &c, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Called when handleNextCE32() returns a LEAD_SURROGATE_TAG for a lead surrogate code unit.
+     * Returns the trail surrogate in that case and advances past it,
+     * if a trail surrogate follows the lead surrogate.
+     * Otherwise returns any other code unit and does not advance.
+     */
+    virtual UChar handleGetTrailSurrogate();
+    /**
+     * Called when handleNextCE32() returns with c==0, to see whether it is a NUL terminator.
+     * (Not needed in Java.)
+     */
+    virtual UBool foundNULTerminator();
+    /**
+     * @return FALSE if surrogate code points U+D800..U+DFFF
+     *         map to their own implicit primary weights (for UTF-16),
+     *         or TRUE if they map to CE(U+FFFD) (for UTF-8)
+     */
+    virtual UBool forbidSurrogateCodePoints() const;
+    virtual void forwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode &errorCode) = 0;
+    virtual void backwardNumCodePoints(int32_t num, UErrorCode &errorCode) = 0;
+    /**
+     * Returns the CE32 from the data trie.
+     * Normally the same as data->getCE32(), but overridden in the builder.
+     * Call this only when the faster data->getCE32() cannot be used.
+     */
+    virtual uint32_t getDataCE32(UChar32 c) const;
+    virtual uint32_t getCE32FromBuilderData(uint32_t ce32, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void appendCEsFromCE32(const CollationData *d, UChar32 c, uint32_t ce32,
+                           UBool forward, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    // Main lookup trie of the data object.
+    const UTrie2 *trie;
+    const CollationData *data;
+    int64_t nextCEFromCE32(const CollationData *d, UChar32 c, uint32_t ce32,
+                           UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    uint32_t getCE32FromPrefix(const CollationData *d, uint32_t ce32,
+                               UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    UChar32 nextSkippedCodePoint(UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    void backwardNumSkipped(int32_t n, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    uint32_t nextCE32FromContraction(
+            const CollationData *d, uint32_t contractionCE32,
+            const UChar *p, uint32_t ce32, UChar32 c,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    uint32_t nextCE32FromDiscontiguousContraction(
+            const CollationData *d, UCharsTrie &suffixes, uint32_t ce32,
+            int32_t lookAhead, UChar32 c,
+            UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Returns the previous CE when data->isUnsafeBackward(c, isNumeric).
+     */
+    int64_t previousCEUnsafe(UChar32 c, UVector32 &offsets, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Turns a string of digits (bytes 0..9)
+     * into a sequence of CEs that will sort in numeric order.
+     *
+     * Starts from this ce32's digit value and consumes the following/preceding digits.
+     * The digits string must not be empty and must not have leading zeros.
+     */
+    void appendNumericCEs(uint32_t ce32, UBool forward, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    /**
+     * Turns 1..254 digits into a sequence of CEs.
+     * Called by appendNumericCEs() for each segment of at most 254 digits.
+     */
+    void appendNumericSegmentCEs(const char *digits, int32_t length, UErrorCode &errorCode);
+    CEBuffer ceBuffer;
+    int32_t cesIndex;
+    SkippedState *skipped;
+    // Number of code points to read forward, or -1.
+    // Used as a forward iteration limit in previousCEUnsafe().
+    int32_t numCpFwd;
+    // Numeric collation (CollationSettings::NUMERIC).
+    UBool isNumeric;