blob: 83cd4e1ac7715d78443c27a27100f30d3cbfc0b6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef ICU_REGISTRATION_H_included
#define ICU_REGISTRATION_H_included
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
#ifdef __ANDROID__
#include <android-base/logging.h>
#include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
#include <log/log.h>
#define AICU_LOGE(...) ALOGE(__VA_ARGS__)
#define AICU_LOGW(...) ALOGW(__VA_ARGS__)
#define AICU_LOGD(...) ALOGD(__VA_ARGS__)
#define AICU_LOGV(...) ALOGV(__VA_ARGS__)
// http://b/171371690 Avoid dependency on liblog and libbase on host for
// downstream unbundled branches. In this case, liblog and libbase are not
// very useful on host and we just try to avoid it here in our best effort.
#define AICU_LOGE(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
#define AICU_LOGW(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
#define AICU_LOGD(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
#define AICU_LOGV(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__)
#ifndef CHECK
#define CHECK(cond) \
if (!(cond)) { \
AICU_LOGE(#cond "\n"); \
abort(); \
namespace androidicuinit {
namespace impl {
* Handles ICU data mapping for a single ICU .dat file.
* The Create method handles mapping the file into memory and calling
* udata_setCommonData(). The file is unmapped on object destruction.
class IcuDataMap final {
// Maps in ICU data at the path and call udata_setCommonData(), returning
// null if it failed (prints error to ALOGE).
static std::unique_ptr<IcuDataMap> Create(const std::string& path);
// Unmaps the ICU data.
IcuDataMap(const std::string& path)
: path_(path), data_(nullptr), data_length_(0) {}
bool TryMap();
bool TryUnmap();
std::string path_; // Save for error messages.
void* data_; // Save for munmap.
size_t data_length_; // Save for munmap.
// Disable copy constructor and assignment operator
IcuDataMap(const IcuDataMap&) = delete;
void operator=(const IcuDataMap&) = delete;
} // namespace impl
* Handles the mapping of all ICU data files into memory for the various files
* used on Android. All data files are unmapped on object destruction.
class IcuRegistration final {
static void Register();
static void Deregister();
// Required to be public so it can be destructed by unique_ptr.
static bool pathExists(const std::string& path);
static std::string getDataTimeZonePath();
static std::string getTimeZoneModulePath();
static std::string getI18nModulePath();
std::unique_ptr<impl::IcuDataMap> icu_datamap_from_data_;
std::unique_ptr<impl::IcuDataMap> icu_datamap_from_tz_module_;
std::unique_ptr<impl::IcuDataMap> icu_datamap_from_i18n_module_;
// Disable copy constructor and assignment operator
IcuRegistration(const IcuRegistration&) = delete;
void operator=(const IcuRegistration&) = delete;
} // namespace androidicuinit
* Initialize the ICU and load the data from .dat files from system image and
* various mainline modules.
* If ICU has already been registered, the function calls abort() and the process terminates.
* This function is NOT thread-safe.
void android_icu_register();
* Unregister and unload the data. After this call, user can re-register.
void android_icu_deregister();
* @return true if ICU has been registered.
bool android_icu_is_registered();
#endif // ICU_REGISTRATION_H_included