blob: d16abf99222067a574ef6ddc5c646149421c6850 [file] [log] [blame]
--- libicu/ndk_headers/unicode/utext.h 2020-11-21 00:51:06.071856434 +0000
+++ libicu/ndk_headers/unicode/utext.h 2020-11-21 00:50:57.371794900 +0000
@@ -676,787 +676,6 @@
- *
- * #define inline versions of selected performance-critical text access functions
- * Caution: do not use auto increment++ or decrement-- expressions
- * as parameters to these macros.
- *
- * For most use, where there is no extreme performance constraint, the
- * normal, non-inline functions are a better choice. The resulting code
- * will be smaller, and, if the need ever arises, easier to debug.
- *
- * These are implemented as #defines rather than real functions
- * because there is no fully portable way to do inline functions in plain C.
- *
- ************************************************************************************/
- * inline version of utext_current32(), for performance-critical situations.
- *
- * Get the code point at the current iteration position of the UText.
- * Returns U_SENTINEL (-1) if the position is at the end of the
- * text.
- *
- * @internal ICU 4.4 technology preview
- */
-#define UTEXT_CURRENT32(ut) \
- ((ut)->chunkOffset < (ut)->chunkLength && ((ut)->chunkContents)[(ut)->chunkOffset]<0xd800 ? \
- ((ut)->chunkContents)[((ut)->chunkOffset)] : utext_current32(ut))
-#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
- * inline version of utext_next32(), for performance-critical situations.
- *
- * Get the code point at the current iteration position of the UText, and
- * advance the position to the first index following the character.
- * This is a post-increment operation.
- * Returns U_SENTINEL (-1) if the position is at the end of the
- * text.
- *
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
-#define UTEXT_NEXT32(ut) \
- ((ut)->chunkOffset < (ut)->chunkLength && ((ut)->chunkContents)[(ut)->chunkOffset]<0xd800 ? \
- ((ut)->chunkContents)[((ut)->chunkOffset)++] : utext_next32(ut))
- * inline version of utext_previous32(), for performance-critical situations.
- *
- * Move the iterator position to the character (code point) whose
- * index precedes the current position, and return that character.
- * This is a pre-decrement operation.
- * Returns U_SENTINEL (-1) if the position is at the start of the text.
- *
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
-#define UTEXT_PREVIOUS32(ut) \
- ((ut)->chunkOffset > 0 && \
- (ut)->chunkContents[(ut)->chunkOffset-1] < 0xd800 ? \
- (ut)->chunkContents[--((ut)->chunkOffset)] : utext_previous32(ut))
- * inline version of utext_getNativeIndex(), for performance-critical situations.
- *
- * Get the current iterator position, which can range from 0 to
- * the length of the text.
- * The position is a native index into the input text, in whatever format it
- * may have (possibly UTF-8 for example), and may not always be the same as
- * the corresponding UChar (UTF-16) index.
- * The returned position will always be aligned to a code point boundary.
- *
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- ((ut)->chunkOffset <= (ut)->nativeIndexingLimit? \
- (ut)->chunkNativeStart+(ut)->chunkOffset : \
- (ut)->pFuncs->mapOffsetToNative(ut))
- * inline version of utext_setNativeIndex(), for performance-critical situations.
- *
- * Set the current iteration position to the nearest code point
- * boundary at or preceding the specified index.
- * The index is in the native units of the original input text.
- * If the index is out of range, it will be pinned to be within
- * the range of the input text.
- *
- * @stable ICU 3.8
- */
- int64_t __offset = (ix) - (ut)->chunkNativeStart; \
- if (__offset>=0 && __offset<(int64_t)(ut)->nativeIndexingLimit && (ut)->chunkContents[__offset]<0xdc00) { \
- (ut)->chunkOffset=(int32_t)__offset; \
- } else { \
- utext_setNativeIndex((ut), (ix)); \
- } \
- *
- * Functions related to writing or modifying the text.
- * These will work only with modifiable UTexts. Attempting to
- * modify a read-only UText will return an error status.
- *
- ************************************************************************************/
- * UText provider properties (bit field indexes).
- *
- * @see UText
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
-enum {
- /**
- * It is potentially time consuming for the provider to determine the length of the text.
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
- /**
- * Text chunks remain valid and usable until the text object is modified or
- * deleted, not just until the next time the access() function is called
- * (which is the default).
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
- /**
- * The provider supports modifying the text via the replace() and copy()
- * functions.
- * @see Replaceable
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
- /**
- * There is meta data associated with the text.
- * @see Replaceable::hasMetaData()
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
- /**
- * Text provider owns the text storage.
- * Generally occurs as the result of a deep clone of the UText.
- * When closing the UText, the associated text must
- * also be closed/deleted/freed/ whatever is appropriate.
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- * Function type declaration for UText.clone().
- *
- * clone a UText. Much like opening a UText where the source text is itself
- * another UText.
- *
- * A deep clone will copy both the UText data structures and the underlying text.
- * The original and cloned UText will operate completely independently; modifications
- * made to the text in one will not effect the other. Text providers are not
- * required to support deep clones. The user of clone() must check the status return
- * and be prepared to handle failures.
- *
- * A shallow clone replicates only the UText data structures; it does not make
- * a copy of the underlying text. Shallow clones can be used as an efficient way to
- * have multiple iterators active in a single text string that is not being
- * modified.
- *
- * A shallow clone operation must not fail except for truly exceptional conditions such
- * as memory allocation failures.
- *
- * A UText and its clone may be safely concurrently accessed by separate threads.
- * This is true for both shallow and deep clones.
- * It is the responsibility of the Text Provider to ensure that this thread safety
- * constraint is met.
- *
- * @param dest A UText struct to be filled in with the result of the clone operation,
- * or NULL if the clone function should heap-allocate a new UText struct.
- * @param src The UText to be cloned.
- * @param deep TRUE to request a deep clone, FALSE for a shallow clone.
- * @param status Errors are returned here. For deep clones, U_UNSUPPORTED_ERROR
- * should be returned if the text provider is unable to clone the
- * original text.
- * @return The newly created clone, or NULL if the clone operation failed.
- *
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
-typedef UText * U_CALLCONV
-UTextClone(UText *dest, const UText *src, UBool deep, UErrorCode *status);
- * Function type declaration for UText.nativeLength().
- *
- * @param ut the UText to get the length of.
- * @return the length, in the native units of the original text string.
- * @see UText
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
-typedef int64_t U_CALLCONV
-UTextNativeLength(UText *ut);
- * Function type declaration for UText.access(). Get the description of the text chunk
- * containing the text at a requested native index. The UText's iteration
- * position will be left at the requested index. If the index is out
- * of bounds, the iteration position will be left at the start or end
- * of the string, as appropriate.
- *
- * Chunks must begin and end on code point boundaries. A single code point
- * comprised of multiple storage units must never span a chunk boundary.
- *
- *
- * @param ut the UText being accessed.
- * @param nativeIndex Requested index of the text to be accessed.
- * @param forward If TRUE, then the returned chunk must contain text
- * starting from the index, so that start<=index<limit.
- * If FALSE, then the returned chunk must contain text
- * before the index, so that start<index<=limit.
- * @return True if the requested index could be accessed. The chunk
- * will contain the requested text.
- * False value if a chunk cannot be accessed
- * (the requested index is out of bounds).
- *
- * @see UText
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
-typedef UBool U_CALLCONV
-UTextAccess(UText *ut, int64_t nativeIndex, UBool forward);
- * Function type declaration for UText.extract().
- *
- * Extract text from a UText into a UChar buffer. The range of text to be extracted
- * is specified in the native indices of the UText provider. These may not necessarily
- * be UTF-16 indices.
- * <p>
- * The size (number of 16 bit UChars) in the data to be extracted is returned. The
- * full amount is returned, even when the specified buffer size is smaller.
- * <p>
- * The extracted string will (if you are a user) / must (if you are a text provider)
- * be NUL-terminated if there is sufficient space in the destination buffer.
- *
- * @param ut the UText from which to extract data.
- * @param nativeStart the native index of the first character to extract.
- * @param nativeLimit the native string index of the position following the last
- * character to extract.
- * @param dest the UChar (UTF-16) buffer into which the extracted text is placed
- * @param destCapacity The size, in UChars, of the destination buffer. May be zero
- * for precomputing the required size.
- * @param status receives any error status.
- * If U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR: Returns number of UChars for
- * preflighting.
- * @return Number of UChars in the data. Does not include a trailing NUL.
- *
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
-typedef int32_t U_CALLCONV
-UTextExtract(UText *ut,
- int64_t nativeStart, int64_t nativeLimit,
- UChar *dest, int32_t destCapacity,
- UErrorCode *status);
- * Function type declaration for UText.replace().
- *
- * Replace a range of the original text with a replacement text.
- *
- * Leaves the current iteration position at the position following the
- * newly inserted replacement text.
- *
- * This function need only be implemented on UText types that support writing.
- *
- * When using this function, there should be only a single UText opened onto the
- * underlying native text string. The function is responsible for updating the
- * text chunk within the UText to reflect the updated iteration position,
- * taking into account any changes to the underlying string's structure caused
- * by the replace operation.
- *
- * @param ut the UText representing the text to be operated on.
- * @param nativeStart the index of the start of the region to be replaced
- * @param nativeLimit the index of the character following the region to be replaced.
- * @param replacementText pointer to the replacement text
- * @param replacmentLength length of the replacement text in UChars, or -1 if the text is NUL terminated.
- * @param status receives any error status. Possible errors include
- *
- * @return The signed number of (native) storage units by which
- * the length of the text expanded or contracted.
- *
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
-typedef int32_t U_CALLCONV
-UTextReplace(UText *ut,
- int64_t nativeStart, int64_t nativeLimit,
- const UChar *replacementText, int32_t replacmentLength,
- UErrorCode *status);
- * Function type declaration for UText.copy().
- *
- * Copy or move a substring from one position to another within the text,
- * while retaining any metadata associated with the text.
- * This function is used to duplicate or reorder substrings.
- * The destination index must not overlap the source range.
- *
- * The text to be copied or moved is inserted at destIndex;
- * it does not replace or overwrite any existing text.
- *
- * This function need only be implemented for UText types that support writing.
- *
- * When using this function, there should be only a single UText opened onto the
- * underlying native text string. The function is responsible for updating the
- * text chunk within the UText to reflect the updated iteration position,
- * taking into account any changes to the underlying string's structure caused
- * by the replace operation.
- *
- * @param ut The UText representing the text to be operated on.
- * @param nativeStart The index of the start of the region to be copied or moved
- * @param nativeLimit The index of the character following the region to be replaced.
- * @param nativeDest The destination index to which the source substring is copied or moved.
- * @param move If TRUE, then the substring is moved, not copied/duplicated.
- * @param status receives any error status. Possible errors include U_NO_WRITE_PERMISSION
- *
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
-typedef void U_CALLCONV
-UTextCopy(UText *ut,
- int64_t nativeStart, int64_t nativeLimit,
- int64_t nativeDest,
- UBool move,
- UErrorCode *status);
- * Function type declaration for UText.mapOffsetToNative().
- * Map from the current UChar offset within the current text chunk to
- * the corresponding native index in the original source text.
- *
- * This is required only for text providers that do not use native UTF-16 indexes.
- *
- * @param ut the UText.
- * @return Absolute (native) index corresponding to chunkOffset in the current chunk.
- * The returned native index should always be to a code point boundary.
- *
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
-typedef int64_t U_CALLCONV
-UTextMapOffsetToNative(const UText *ut);
- * Function type declaration for UText.mapIndexToUTF16().
- * Map from a native index to a UChar offset within a text chunk.
- * Behavior is undefined if the native index does not fall within the
- * current chunk.
- *
- * This function is required only for text providers that do not use native UTF-16 indexes.
- *
- * @param ut The UText containing the text chunk.
- * @param nativeIndex Absolute (native) text index, chunk->start<=index<=chunk->limit.
- * @return Chunk-relative UTF-16 offset corresponding to the specified native
- * index.
- *
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
-typedef int32_t U_CALLCONV
-UTextMapNativeIndexToUTF16(const UText *ut, int64_t nativeIndex);
- * Function type declaration for UText.utextClose().
- *
- * A Text Provider close function is only required for provider types that make
- * allocations in their open function (or other functions) that must be
- * cleaned when the UText is closed.
- *
- * The allocation of the UText struct itself and any "extra" storage
- * associated with the UText is handled by the common UText implementation
- * and does not require provider specific cleanup in a close function.
- *
- * Most UText provider implementations do not need to implement this function.
- *
- * @param ut A UText object to be closed.
- *
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
-typedef void U_CALLCONV
-UTextClose(UText *ut);
- * (public) Function dispatch table for UText.
- * Conceptually very much like a C++ Virtual Function Table.
- * This struct defines the organization of the table.
- * Each text provider implementation must provide an
- * actual table that is initialized with the appropriate functions
- * for the type of text being handled.
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
-struct UTextFuncs {
- /**
- * (public) Function table size, sizeof(UTextFuncs)
- * Intended for use should the table grow to accommodate added
- * functions in the future, to allow tests for older format
- * function tables that do not contain the extensions.
- *
- * Fields are placed for optimal alignment on
- * 32/64/128-bit-pointer machines, by normally grouping together
- * 4 32-bit fields,
- * 4 pointers,
- * 2 64-bit fields
- * in sequence.
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- int32_t tableSize;
- /**
- * (private) Alignment padding.
- * Do not use, reserved for use by the UText framework only.
- * @internal
- */
- int32_t reserved1, /** @internal */ reserved2, /** @internal */ reserved3;
- /**
- * (public) Function pointer for UTextClone
- *
- * @see UTextClone
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- UTextClone *clone;
- /**
- * (public) function pointer for UTextLength
- * May be expensive to compute!
- *
- * @see UTextLength
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- UTextNativeLength *nativeLength;
- /**
- * (public) Function pointer for UTextAccess.
- *
- * @see UTextAccess
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- UTextAccess *access;
- /**
- * (public) Function pointer for UTextExtract.
- *
- * @see UTextExtract
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- UTextExtract *extract;
- /**
- * (public) Function pointer for UTextReplace.
- *
- * @see UTextReplace
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- UTextReplace *replace;
- /**
- * (public) Function pointer for UTextCopy.
- *
- * @see UTextCopy
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- UTextCopy *copy;
- /**
- * (public) Function pointer for UTextMapOffsetToNative.
- *
- * @see UTextMapOffsetToNative
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- UTextMapOffsetToNative *mapOffsetToNative;
- /**
- * (public) Function pointer for UTextMapNativeIndexToUTF16.
- *
- * @see UTextMapNativeIndexToUTF16
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- UTextMapNativeIndexToUTF16 *mapNativeIndexToUTF16;
- /**
- * (public) Function pointer for UTextClose.
- *
- * @see UTextClose
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- UTextClose *close;
- /**
- * (private) Spare function pointer
- * @internal
- */
- UTextClose *spare1;
- /**
- * (private) Spare function pointer
- * @internal
- */
- UTextClose *spare2;
- /**
- * (private) Spare function pointer
- * @internal
- */
- UTextClose *spare3;
- * Function dispatch table for UText
- * @see UTextFuncs
- */
-typedef struct UTextFuncs UTextFuncs;
- /**
- * UText struct. Provides the interface between the generic UText access code
- * and the UText provider code that works on specific kinds of
- * text (UTF-8, noncontiguous UTF-16, whatever.)
- *
- * Applications that are using predefined types of text providers
- * to pass text data to ICU services will have no need to view the
- * internals of the UText structs that they open.
- *
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
-struct UText {
- /**
- * (private) Magic. Used to help detect when UText functions are handed
- * invalid or uninitialized UText structs.
- * utext_openXYZ() functions take an initialized,
- * but not necessarily open, UText struct as an
- * optional fill-in parameter. This magic field
- * is used to check for that initialization.
- * Text provider close functions must NOT clear
- * the magic field because that would prevent
- * reuse of the UText struct.
- * @internal
- */
- uint32_t magic;
- /**
- * (private) Flags for managing the allocation and freeing of
- * memory associated with this UText.
- * @internal
- */
- int32_t flags;
- /**
- * Text provider properties. This set of flags is maintained by the
- * text provider implementation.
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
- int32_t providerProperties;
- /**
- * (public) sizeOfStruct=sizeof(UText)
- * Allows possible backward compatible extension.
- *
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
- int32_t sizeOfStruct;
- /* ------ 16 byte alignment boundary ----------- */
- /**
- * (protected) Native index of the first character position following
- * the current chunk.
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- int64_t chunkNativeLimit;
- /**
- * (protected) Size in bytes of the extra space (pExtra).
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
- int32_t extraSize;
- /**
- * (protected) The highest chunk offset where native indexing and
- * chunk (UTF-16) indexing correspond. For UTF-16 sources, value
- * will be equal to chunkLength.
- *
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- int32_t nativeIndexingLimit;
- /* ---- 16 byte alignment boundary------ */
- /**
- * (protected) Native index of the first character in the text chunk.
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- int64_t chunkNativeStart;
- /**
- * (protected) Current iteration position within the text chunk (UTF-16 buffer).
- * This is the index to the character that will be returned by utext_next32().
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- int32_t chunkOffset;
- /**
- * (protected) Length the text chunk (UTF-16 buffer), in UChars.
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- int32_t chunkLength;
- /* ---- 16 byte alignment boundary-- */
- /**
- * (protected) pointer to a chunk of text in UTF-16 format.
- * May refer either to original storage of the source of the text, or
- * if conversion was required, to a buffer owned by the UText.
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- const UChar *chunkContents;
- /**
- * (public) Pointer to Dispatch table for accessing functions for this UText.
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- const UTextFuncs *pFuncs;
- /**
- * (protected) Pointer to additional space requested by the
- * text provider during the utext_open operation.
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
- void *pExtra;
- /**
- * (protected) Pointer to string or text-containing object or similar.
- * This is the source of the text that this UText is wrapping, in a format
- * that is known to the text provider functions.
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
- const void *context;
- /* --- 16 byte alignment boundary--- */
- /**
- * (protected) Pointer fields available for use by the text provider.
- * Not used by UText common code.
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- const void *p;
- /**
- * (protected) Pointer fields available for use by the text provider.
- * Not used by UText common code.
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- const void *q;
- /**
- * (protected) Pointer fields available for use by the text provider.
- * Not used by UText common code.
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- const void *r;
- /**
- * Private field reserved for future use by the UText framework
- * itself. This is not to be touched by the text providers.
- * @internal ICU 3.4
- */
- void *privP;
- /* --- 16 byte alignment boundary--- */
- /**
- * (protected) Integer field reserved for use by the text provider.
- * Not used by the UText framework, or by the client (user) of the UText.
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
- int64_t a;
- /**
- * (protected) Integer field reserved for use by the text provider.
- * Not used by the UText framework, or by the client (user) of the UText.
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
- int32_t b;
- /**
- * (protected) Integer field reserved for use by the text provider.
- * Not used by the UText framework, or by the client (user) of the UText.
- * @stable ICU 3.4
- */
- int32_t c;
- /* ---- 16 byte alignment boundary---- */
- /**
- * Private field reserved for future use by the UText framework
- * itself. This is not to be touched by the text providers.
- * @internal ICU 3.4
- */
- int64_t privA;
- /**
- * Private field reserved for future use by the UText framework
- * itself. This is not to be touched by the text providers.
- * @internal ICU 3.4
- */
- int32_t privB;
- /**
- * Private field reserved for future use by the UText framework
- * itself. This is not to be touched by the text providers.
- * @internal ICU 3.4
- */
- int32_t privC;
-// do not use #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API around the following!
- * @internal
- * Value used to help identify correctly initialized UText structs.
- * Note: must be publicly visible so that UTEXT_INITIALIZER can access it.
- */
-enum {
- UTEXT_MAGIC = 0x345ad82c
- * initializer to be used with local (stack) instances of a UText
- * struct. UText structs must be initialized before passing
- * them to one of the utext_open functions.
- *
- * @stable ICU 3.6
- */
- UTEXT_MAGIC, /* magic */ \
- 0, /* flags */ \
- 0, /* providerProps */ \
- sizeof(UText), /* sizeOfStruct */ \
- 0, /* chunkNativeLimit */ \
- 0, /* extraSize */ \
- 0, /* nativeIndexingLimit */ \
- 0, /* chunkNativeStart */ \
- 0, /* chunkOffset */ \
- 0, /* chunkLength */ \
- NULL, /* chunkContents */ \
- NULL, /* pFuncs */ \
- NULL, /* pExtra */ \
- NULL, /* context */ \
- NULL, NULL, NULL, /* p, q, r */ \
- NULL, /* privP */ \
- 0, 0, 0, /* a, b, c */ \
- 0, 0, 0 /* privA,B,C, */ \
- }