blob: fc309f36fb448388676d707d78c4f8d939b0a560 [file] [log] [blame]
* Registers
* g0 -- header
* g1 -- constant
* g2 -- calculate X/Y offset
* g4-g12 payload for write message
define(`ORIG', `g2.0<2,2,1>UD')
define(`ORIG_X', `g2.0<1>UD')
define(`ORIG_Y', `g2.4<1>UD')
define(`COLOR', `g1.0')
define(`COLORUB', `COLOR<0,1,0>UB')
define(`COLORUD', `COLOR<0,1,0>UD')
define(`X', `g0.4<0,1,0>UD')
define(`Y', `g0.24<0,1,0>UD')
mov(4) COLOR<1>UB COLORUB {align1};
/* WRITE */
/* count thread group ID for X/Y offset */
mul(1) ORIG_X X 0x10UD {align1};
mov(1) ORIG_Y Y {align1};
mov(8) g4.0<1>UD g0.0<8,8,1>UD {align1};
mov(2) g4.0<1>UD ORIG {align1};
/* Normal mode: for block height 1 row and block width 16 bytes */
mov(1) g4.8<1>UD 0x0000000fUD {align1};
mov(16) g5.0<1>UD COLORUD {align1 compr};
mov(16) g7.0<1>UD COLORUD {align1 compr};
mov(16) g9.0<1>UD COLORUD {align1 compr};
mov(16) g11.0<1>UD COLORUD {align1 compr};
* comment out the following instruction on Gen7
* write(0, 0, 10, 12)
* 10: media_block_write
* 12: data cache data port 1
send(16) 4 acc0<1>UW null write(0, 0, 10, 12) mlen 9 rlen 0 {align1};
* uncomment the following instruction on Gen7
* write(0, 0, 10, 0)
* 10: media_block_write
* 0: reander cache data port
/* send(16) 4 acc0<1>UW null write(0, 0, 10, 0) mlen 9 rlen 0 {align1}; */
/* EOT */
mov(8) g112.0<1>UD g0.0<8,8,1>UD {align1};
send(16) 112 null<1>UW null thread_spawner(0, 0, 1) mlen 1 rlen 0 {align1 EOT};