| This directory contains test lists that are used by Intel's CI. The |
| files are passed to piglit with the --test-list parameter directly. |
| |
| The test lists are contained in the IGT repository for several |
| reasons: |
| |
| - The lists stay synchronized with the IGT codebase. |
| - Public availability. Kernel developers can see what tests are run, |
| and can see what changes are done to the set, when, and why. |
| - Explicit test lists in general make it possible to implement a new |
| test without having it run in CI (accidentally or on purpose) before |
| CI is ready for it, and for CI to stop running a test without |
| removing the test or changing its name. The previous method of test |
| selection was based on name patterns. |
| |
| Changing the test lists should only happen with approval from the CI |
| people. If you make a new test that should be tested by CI regularly, |
| ask a maintainer (see MAINTAINERS). |
| |
| ====================== |
| fast-feedback.testlist |
| ====================== |
| |
| Fast-feedback contains tests that roughly tests a wide coverage of |
| features in a short time. If the tests in fast-feedback report no |
| regressions, the (almost) full suite of IGT tests is executed for |
| proper testing. Results of a fast-feedback test round should only be |
| considered to mean that the kernel is not obviously broken. |
| |
| The results of CI runs on drm-tip and various other kernel trees can |
| be found in https://intel-gfx-ci.01.org/CI/ |
| |
| ============= |
| blacklist.txt |
| ============= |
| |
| This file contains regular expressions (one per line) for tests that |
| are not to be executed in full suite test rounds. |
| |
| ============= |
| meta.testlist |
| ============= |
| |
| Meta-testlist contains tests that are hardcoded to generate various |
| different test results. It is used to test CI systems for proper |
| result reporting, notification systems, etc. |