blob: 3a8c6c0e0c3301269970206a97e66a090d1fd5a3 [file] [log] [blame]
# This check the time we take to read the content of all the possible connectors.
# Without the edid -ENXIO patch (,
# we sometimes take a *really* long time. So let's just check for some reasonable timing here
TIME1=$(date +%s%N)
cat $(find /sys/devices/|grep drm | grep /status) > /dev/null
TIME2=$(date +%s%N)
# time in ms
RES=$(((TIME2 - TIME1) / 1000000))
if [ $RES -gt 600 ]; then
echo "Talking to outputs took ${RES}ms, something is wrong"
exit 1
exit 0