blob: 29fd860d98514c437b6490e8407c90a71c269e44 [file] [log] [blame]
0) If you want to try some fun extensions, try:
% make patch-o-matic KERNEL_DIR=<<where-your-kernel-is>>
1) If /usr/src/linux contains the kernel headers of a recent 2.4
% make
% make KERNEL_DIR=<<where-your-kernel-is>>
2) Finally, you need to to install the shared libraries, and the binary:
# make install
# make install KERNEL_DIR=<<where-your-kernel-is>>
That's it!
Problems you may encounter:
1) This package requires a 2.4.0 test9 kernel, or above.
2) If you get the kernel directory wrong, you may see a message like:
Please try `make KERNEL_DIR=path-to-correct-kernel'
3) If you want to specify alternate directories for installation
(instead of /usr/local/ bin lib man), do this:
% make BINDIR=/usr/bin LIBDIR=/usr/lib MANDIR=/usr/man
# make BINDIR=/usr/bin LIBDIR=/usr/lib MANDIR=/usr/man install
NOTE: make sure you build with at least the correct LIBDIR=
specification, otherwise iptables(8) won't know where to find the
dynamic objects.
0) If you wish to install iptables development libraries
and related components, type:
% make install-devel
Development libraries currently installed by the above are:
libipq: Userspace packet queueing API