blob: 9023810d0837b6e1a53ad90de91b394415a3590d [file] [log] [blame]
Project: jackson-annotations
Version: 2.2.0 (22-Apr-2013)
New minor version, but no changes since 2.1.0.
=== History: ===
2.1.1 (11-Nov-2012)
* Make ObjectIdGenerator (needed when serializing
2.1.0 (08-Oct-2012)
New features:
* [Issue#4]: Add '@JsonIdentityReference', to support use case where values of
a specific reference property are always serialized as ids, never as full POJO
* Added '@JsonIdentityInfo.firstAsID' property, to allow forcing all references
to an Object to be serialized as id, including first one.
* Fix OSGi artifact name to be fully-qualified
2.0.2 (14-May-2012)
* OSGi bundle name was accidentally changed in 2.0.1; reverted back to one
used in 2.0.0, earlier
(reported Pascal G)
2.0.1 (22-Apr-2012)
* [JACKSON-827] Fix incompatibilities with JDK 1.5 (2.0.0 accidentally
required 1.6)
(reported Pascal G)
2.0.0 (25-Mar-2012)
* [JACKSON-437]: Allow injecting of type id as POJO property, by setting
new '@JsonTypeInfo.visible' property to true.
* [JACKSON-669]: Allow prefix/suffix for @JsonUnwrapped properties
(requested by Aner P)
* [JACKSON-787]: @JsonIgnoredProperties can be used on properties too
New features:
* [JACKSON-107]: Add support for Object Identity (to handled cycles, shared refs),
with @JsonIdentityInfo
* [JACKSON-714] Add general-purpose '@JsonFormat' annotation
* [JACKSON-752]: Add @JsonInclude (replacement of @JsonSerialize.include)
* [JACKSON-754]: Add @JacksonAnnotationsInside for creating "annotation
bundles" (also: AnnotationIntrospector.isAnnotationBundle())
* Lots of miscellaneous refactoring; moving most annotations from
databind into this package; only leaving ones that depend on
databind package types
=== History: ===
[entries for versions 1.x and earlier not retained; refer to earlier releases)