blob: dc1535b995ed09305f19a4dfb73c7d9ac48c3bf1 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Jackson JSON-processor.
* Copyright (c) 2007- Tatu Saloranta,
package com.fasterxml.jackson.core;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* Interface that defines how Jackson package can interact with efficient
* pre-serialized or lazily-serialized and reused String representations.
* Typically implementations store possible serialized version(s) so that
* serialization of String can be done more efficiently, especially when
* used multiple times.
* Note that "quoted" in methods means quoting of 'special' characters using
* JSON backlash notation (and not use of actual double quotes).
* @see
public interface SerializableString
* Returns unquoted String that this object represents (and offers
* serialized forms for)
String getValue();
* Returns length of the (unquoted) String as characters.
* Functionally equvalent to:
* getValue().length();
int charLength();
/* Accessors for byte sequences
* Returns JSON quoted form of the String, as character array.
* Result can be embedded as-is in textual JSON as property name or JSON String.
char[] asQuotedChars();
* Returns UTF-8 encoded version of unquoted String.
* Functionally equivalent to (but more efficient than):
* getValue().getBytes("UTF-8");
byte[] asUnquotedUTF8();
* Returns UTF-8 encoded version of JSON-quoted String.
* Functionally equivalent to (but more efficient than):
* new String(asQuotedChars()).getBytes("UTF-8");
byte[] asQuotedUTF8();
/* Helper methods for appending byte/char sequences
* Method that will append quoted UTF-8 bytes of this String into given
* buffer, if there is enough room; if not, returns -1.
* Functionally equivalent to:
* byte[] bytes = str.asQuotedUTF8();
* System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, buffer, offset, bytes.length);
* return bytes.length;
* @return Number of bytes appended, if successful, otherwise -1
int appendQuotedUTF8(byte[] buffer, int offset);
* Method that will append quoted characters of this String into given
* buffer. Functionally equivalent to:
* char[] ch = str.asQuotedChars();
* System.arraycopy(ch, 0, buffer, offset, ch.length);
* return ch.length;
* @return Number of characters appended, if successful, otherwise -1
int appendQuoted(char[] buffer, int offset);
* Method that will append unquoted ('raw') UTF-8 bytes of this String into given
* buffer. Functionally equivalent to:
* byte[] bytes = str.asUnquotedUTF8();
* System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, buffer, offset, bytes.length);
* return bytes.length;
* @return Number of bytes appended, if successful, otherwise -1
int appendUnquotedUTF8(byte[] buffer, int offset);
* Method that will append unquoted characters of this String into given
* buffer. Functionally equivalent to:
* char[] ch = str.getValue().toCharArray();
* System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, buffer, offset, ch.length);
* return ch.length;
* @return Number of characters appended, if successful, otherwise -1
int appendUnquoted(char[] buffer, int offset);
/* Helper methods for writing out byte sequences
* @return Number of bytes written
int writeQuotedUTF8(OutputStream out) throws IOException;
* @return Number of bytes written
int writeUnquotedUTF8(OutputStream out) throws IOException;
* @return Number of bytes put, if successful, otherwise -1
int putQuotedUTF8(ByteBuffer buffer) throws IOException;
* @return Number of bytes put, if successful, otherwise -1
int putUnquotedUTF8(ByteBuffer out) throws IOException;