blob: d74ac64c3e7d42d703bb5a5b64afbb3d92a0a6ec [file] [log] [blame]
package com.fasterxml.jackson.core.async;
* Interface used by non-blocking {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser}
* implementations to feed input to parse.
* Feeder is used by entity that feeds content to parse; at any given point
* only one chunk of content can be processed so caller has to take care to
* only feed more content when existing content has been parsed (which occurs
* when parser's <code>nextToken</code> is called). Once application using
* non-blocking parser has no more data to feed it should call
* {@link #endOfInput} to indicate end of logical input (stream) to parse.
* @since 2.9
public interface NonBlockingInputFeeder
* Method called to check whether it is ok to feed more data: parser returns true
* if it has no more content to parse (and it is ok to feed more); otherwise false
* (and no data should yet be fed).
public boolean needMoreInput();
* Method that should be called after last chunk of data to parse has been fed
* (with <code>feedInput</code> in sub-class); can be called regardless of what {@link #needMoreInput}
* returns. After calling this method, no more data can be fed; and parser assumes
* no more data will be available.
public void endOfInput();