blob: a829f0b6d8c4f4b1438d49c46b0228240ba6134f [file] [log] [blame]
package com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.async;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base.ParserBase;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.JsonReadContext;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.sym.ByteQuadsCanonicalizer;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.ByteArrayBuilder;
import static com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonTokenId.*;
* Intermediate base class for non-blocking JSON parsers.
public abstract class NonBlockingJsonParserBase
extends ParserBase
/* Major state constants
* State right after parser has been constructed, before seeing the first byte
* to know if there's header.
protected final static int MAJOR_INITIAL = 0;
* State right after parser a root value has been
* finished, but next token has not yet been recognized.
protected final static int MAJOR_ROOT = 1;
protected final static int MAJOR_OBJECT_FIELD_FIRST = 2;
protected final static int MAJOR_OBJECT_FIELD_NEXT = 3;
protected final static int MAJOR_OBJECT_VALUE = 4;
protected final static int MAJOR_ARRAY_ELEMENT_FIRST = 5;
protected final static int MAJOR_ARRAY_ELEMENT_NEXT = 6;
* State after non-blocking input source has indicated that no more input
* is forthcoming AND we have exhausted all the input
protected final static int MAJOR_CLOSED = 7;
/* Minor state constants
* State between root-level value, waiting for at least one white-space
* character as separator
protected final static int MINOR_ROOT_NEED_SEPARATOR = 1;
* State between root-level value, having processed at least one white-space
* character, and expecting either more, start of a value, or end of input
* stream.
protected final static int MINOR_ROOT_GOT_SEPARATOR = 2;
// state before field name itself, waiting for quote (or unquoted name)
protected final static int MINOR_FIELD_LEADING_WS = 3;
// state before field name, expecting comma (or closing curly), then field name
protected final static int MINOR_FIELD_LEADING_COMMA = 4;
// State within regular (double-quoted) field name
protected final static int MINOR_FIELD_NAME = 7;
// State within regular (double-quoted) field name, within escape (having
// encountered either just backslash, or backslash and 'u' and 0 - 3 hex digits,
protected final static int MINOR_FIELD_NAME_ESCAPE = 8;
protected final static int MINOR_FIELD_APOS_NAME = 9;
protected final static int MINOR_FIELD_UNQUOTED_NAME = 10;
protected final static int MINOR_VALUE_LEADING_WS = 12;
protected final static int MINOR_VALUE_WS_AFTER_COMMA = 13;
protected final static int MINOR_VALUE_EXPECTING_COMMA = 14;
protected final static int MINOR_VALUE_EXPECTING_COLON = 15;
protected final static int MINOR_VALUE_TOKEN_NULL = 17;
protected final static int MINOR_VALUE_TOKEN_TRUE = 18;
protected final static int MINOR_VALUE_TOKEN_FALSE = 19;
protected final static int MINOR_NUMBER_MINUS = 20;
protected final static int MINOR_NUMBER_ZERO = 21; // zero as first, possibly trimming multiple
protected final static int MINOR_NUMBER_MINUSZERO = 22; // "-0" (and possibly more zeroes) receive
protected final static int MINOR_NUMBER_INTEGER_DIGITS = 23;
protected final static int MINOR_NUMBER_FRACTION_DIGITS = 24;
protected final static int MINOR_NUMBER_EXPONENT_MARKER = 25;
protected final static int MINOR_NUMBER_EXPONENT_DIGITS = 27;
protected final static int MINOR_VALUE_STRING = 30;
protected final static int MINOR_VALUE_STRING_ESCAPE = 31;
protected final static int MINOR_VALUE_STRING_UTF8_2 = 32;
protected final static int MINOR_VALUE_STRING_UTF8_3 = 33;
protected final static int MINOR_VALUE_STRING_UTF8_4 = 34;
protected final static int MINOR_VALUE_APOS_STRING = 35;
* Special state at which point decoding of a non-quoted token has encountered
* a problem; that is, either not matching fully (like "truf" instead of "true",
* at "tru"), or not having trailing separator (or end of input), like "trueful".
* Attempt is made, then, to decode likely full input token to report suitable
* error.
protected final static int MINOR_VALUE_TOKEN_ERROR = 60;
/* Helper objects, symbols (field names)
* Symbol table that contains field names encountered so far
final protected ByteQuadsCanonicalizer _symbols;
* Temporary buffer used for name parsing.
protected int[] _quadBuffer = new int[8];
protected int _quadLength;
protected int _quad1;
protected int _pending32;
protected int _pendingBytes;
protected int _quoted32;
protected int _quotedDigits;
/* Additional parsing state
* Current main decoding state within logical tree
protected int _majorState;
* Value of {@link #_majorState} after completing a scalar value
protected int _majorStateAfterValue;
* Additional indicator within state; contextually relevant for just that state
protected int _minorState;
* Secondary minor state indicator used during decoding of escapes and/or
* multi-byte Unicode characters
protected int _minorStateAfterSplit;
* Flag that is sent when calling application indicates that there will
* be no more input to parse.
protected boolean _endOfInput = false;
/* Location tracking, additional
* Alternate row tracker, used to keep track of position by `\r` marker
* (whereas <code>_currInputRow</code> tracks `\n`). Used to simplify
* tracking of linefeeds, assuming that input typically uses various
* linefeed combinations (`\r`, `\n` or `\r\n`) consistently, in which
* case we can simply choose max of two row candidates.
protected int _currInputRowAlt = 1;
/* Life-cycle
public NonBlockingJsonParserBase(IOContext ctxt, int parserFeatures,
ByteQuadsCanonicalizer sym)
super(ctxt, parserFeatures);
_symbols = sym;
_currToken = null;
_majorState = MAJOR_INITIAL;
_majorStateAfterValue = MAJOR_ROOT;
public ObjectCodec getCodec() {
return null;
public void setCodec(ObjectCodec c) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can not use ObjectMapper with non-blocking parser");
* @since 2.9
public boolean canParseAsync() { return true; }
/* Test support
protected ByteQuadsCanonicalizer symbolTableForTests() {
return _symbols;
/* Abstract methods from JsonParser
public abstract int releaseBuffered(OutputStream out) throws IOException;
protected void _releaseBuffers() throws IOException
// Merge found symbols, if any:
// any other temp buffers?
public Object getInputSource() {
// since input is "pushed", to traditional source...
return null;
protected void _closeInput() throws IOException {
// 30-May-2017, tatu: Seems like this is the most certain way to prevent
// further decoding... not the optimal place, but due to inheritance
// hierarchy most convenient.
_inputEnd = 0;
/* Overridden methods
public boolean hasTextCharacters()
if (_currToken == JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
// yes; is or can be made available efficiently as char[]
return _textBuffer.hasTextAsCharacters();
if (_currToken == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
// not necessarily; possible but:
return _nameCopied;
// other types, no benefit from accessing as char[]
return false;
public JsonLocation getCurrentLocation()
int col = _inputPtr - _currInputRowStart + 1; // 1-based
// Since we track CR and LF separately, max should gives us right answer
int row = Math.max(_currInputRow, _currInputRowAlt);
return new JsonLocation(_getSourceReference(),
_currInputProcessed + _inputPtr, -1L, // bytes, chars
row, col);
/* Public API, access to token information, text
* Method for accessing textual representation of the current event;
* if no current event (before first call to {@link #nextToken}, or
* after encountering end-of-input), returns null.
* Method can be called for any event.
public String getText() throws IOException
if (_currToken == JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
return _textBuffer.contentsAsString();
return _getText2(_currToken);
protected final String _getText2(JsonToken t)
if (t == null) {
return null;
switch ( {
return null;
return _parsingContext.getCurrentName();
// fall through
return _textBuffer.contentsAsString();
return t.asString();
@Override // since 2.8
public int getText(Writer writer) throws IOException
JsonToken t = _currToken;
if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
return _textBuffer.contentsToWriter(writer);
if (t == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
String n = _parsingContext.getCurrentName();
return n.length();
if (t != null) {
if (t.isNumeric()) {
return _textBuffer.contentsToWriter(writer);
if (t == JsonToken.NOT_AVAILABLE) {
_reportError("Current token not available: can not call this method");
char[] ch = t.asCharArray();
return ch.length;
return 0;
// // // Let's override default impls for improved performance
// @since 2.1
public String getValueAsString() throws IOException
if (_currToken == JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
return _textBuffer.contentsAsString();
if (_currToken == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
return getCurrentName();
return super.getValueAsString(null);
// @since 2.1
public String getValueAsString(String defValue) throws IOException
if (_currToken == JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
return _textBuffer.contentsAsString();
if (_currToken == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
return getCurrentName();
return super.getValueAsString(defValue);
public char[] getTextCharacters() throws IOException
if (_currToken != null) { // null only before/after document
switch ( {
if (!_nameCopied) {
String name = _parsingContext.getCurrentName();
int nameLen = name.length();
if (_nameCopyBuffer == null) {
_nameCopyBuffer = _ioContext.allocNameCopyBuffer(nameLen);
} else if (_nameCopyBuffer.length < nameLen) {
_nameCopyBuffer = new char[nameLen];
name.getChars(0, nameLen, _nameCopyBuffer, 0);
_nameCopied = true;
return _nameCopyBuffer;
// fall through
return _textBuffer.getTextBuffer();
return _currToken.asCharArray();
return null;
public int getTextLength() throws IOException
if (_currToken != null) { // null only before/after document
switch ( {
return _parsingContext.getCurrentName().length();
// fall through
return _textBuffer.size();
return _currToken.asCharArray().length;
return 0;
public int getTextOffset() throws IOException
// Most have offset of 0, only some may have other values:
if (_currToken != null) {
switch ( {
return 0;
// fall through
return _textBuffer.getTextOffset();
return 0;
/* Public API, access to token information, binary
public byte[] getBinaryValue(Base64Variant b64variant) throws IOException
if (_currToken != JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
_reportError("Current token (%s) not VALUE_STRING or VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT, can not access as binary",
if (_binaryValue == null) {
ByteArrayBuilder builder = _getByteArrayBuilder();
_decodeBase64(getText(), builder, b64variant);
_binaryValue = builder.toByteArray();
return _binaryValue;
public int readBinaryValue(Base64Variant b64variant, OutputStream out) throws IOException
byte[] b = getBinaryValue(b64variant);
return b.length;
public Object getEmbeddedObject() throws IOException
if (_currToken == JsonToken.VALUE_EMBEDDED_OBJECT ) {
return _binaryValue;
return null;
/* Handling of nested scope, state
protected final JsonToken _startArrayScope() throws IOException
_parsingContext = _parsingContext.createChildArrayContext(-1, -1);
_majorStateAfterValue = MAJOR_ARRAY_ELEMENT_NEXT;
return (_currToken = JsonToken.START_ARRAY);
protected final JsonToken _startObjectScope() throws IOException
_parsingContext = _parsingContext.createChildObjectContext(-1, -1);
_majorStateAfterValue = MAJOR_OBJECT_FIELD_NEXT;
return (_currToken = JsonToken.START_OBJECT);
protected final JsonToken _closeArrayScope() throws IOException
if (!_parsingContext.inArray()) {
_reportMismatchedEndMarker(']', '}');
JsonReadContext ctxt = _parsingContext.getParent();
_parsingContext = ctxt;
int st;
if (ctxt.inObject()) {
} else if (ctxt.inArray()) {
} else {
_majorState = st;
_majorStateAfterValue = st;
return (_currToken = JsonToken.END_ARRAY);
protected final JsonToken _closeObjectScope() throws IOException
if (!_parsingContext.inObject()) {
_reportMismatchedEndMarker('}', ']');
JsonReadContext ctxt = _parsingContext.getParent();
_parsingContext = ctxt;
int st;
if (ctxt.inObject()) {
} else if (ctxt.inArray()) {
} else {
_majorState = st;
_majorStateAfterValue = st;
return (_currToken = JsonToken.END_OBJECT);
/* Internal methods, symbol (name) handling
protected final String _findName(int q1, int lastQuadBytes) throws JsonParseException
q1 = _padLastQuad(q1, lastQuadBytes);
// Usually we'll find it from the canonical symbol table already
String name = _symbols.findName(q1);
if (name != null) {
return name;
// If not, more work. We'll need add stuff to buffer
_quadBuffer[0] = q1;
return _addName(_quadBuffer, 1, lastQuadBytes);
protected final String _findName(int q1, int q2, int lastQuadBytes) throws JsonParseException
q2 = _padLastQuad(q2, lastQuadBytes);
// Usually we'll find it from the canonical symbol table already
String name = _symbols.findName(q1, q2);
if (name != null) {
return name;
// If not, more work. We'll need add stuff to buffer
_quadBuffer[0] = q1;
_quadBuffer[1] = q2;
return _addName(_quadBuffer, 2, lastQuadBytes);
protected final String _findName(int q1, int q2, int q3, int lastQuadBytes) throws JsonParseException
q3 = _padLastQuad(q3, lastQuadBytes);
String name = _symbols.findName(q1, q2, q3);
if (name != null) {
return name;
int[] quads = _quadBuffer;
quads[0] = q1;
quads[1] = q2;
quads[2] = _padLastQuad(q3, lastQuadBytes);
return _addName(quads, 3, lastQuadBytes);
* This is the main workhorse method used when we take a symbol
* table miss. It needs to demultiplex individual bytes, decode
* multi-byte chars (if any), and then construct Name instance
* and add it to the symbol table.
protected final String _addName(int[] quads, int qlen, int lastQuadBytes) throws JsonParseException
/* Ok: must decode UTF-8 chars. No other validation is
* needed, since unescaping has been done earlier as necessary
* (as well as error reporting for unescaped control chars)
// 4 bytes per quad, except last one maybe less
int byteLen = (qlen << 2) - 4 + lastQuadBytes;
/* And last one is not correctly aligned (leading zero bytes instead
* need to shift a bit, instead of trailing). Only need to shift it
* for UTF-8 decoding; need revert for storage (since key will not
* be aligned, to optimize lookup speed)
int lastQuad;
if (lastQuadBytes < 4) {
lastQuad = quads[qlen-1];
// 8/16/24 bit left shift
quads[qlen-1] = (lastQuad << ((4 - lastQuadBytes) << 3));
} else {
lastQuad = 0;
// Need some working space, TextBuffer works well:
char[] cbuf = _textBuffer.emptyAndGetCurrentSegment();
int cix = 0;
for (int ix = 0; ix < byteLen; ) {
int ch = quads[ix >> 2]; // current quad, need to shift+mask
int byteIx = (ix & 3);
ch = (ch >> ((3 - byteIx) << 3)) & 0xFF;
if (ch > 127) { // multi-byte
int needed;
if ((ch & 0xE0) == 0xC0) { // 2 bytes (0x0080 - 0x07FF)
ch &= 0x1F;
needed = 1;
} else if ((ch & 0xF0) == 0xE0) { // 3 bytes (0x0800 - 0xFFFF)
ch &= 0x0F;
needed = 2;
} else if ((ch & 0xF8) == 0xF0) { // 4 bytes; double-char with surrogates and all...
ch &= 0x07;
needed = 3;
} else { // 5- and 6-byte chars not valid xml chars
needed = ch = 1; // never really gets this far
if ((ix + needed) > byteLen) {
_reportInvalidEOF(" in field name", JsonToken.FIELD_NAME);
// Ok, always need at least one more:
int ch2 = quads[ix >> 2]; // current quad, need to shift+mask
byteIx = (ix & 3);
ch2 = (ch2 >> ((3 - byteIx) << 3));
if ((ch2 & 0xC0) != 0x080) {
ch = (ch << 6) | (ch2 & 0x3F);
if (needed > 1) {
ch2 = quads[ix >> 2];
byteIx = (ix & 3);
ch2 = (ch2 >> ((3 - byteIx) << 3));
if ((ch2 & 0xC0) != 0x080) {
ch = (ch << 6) | (ch2 & 0x3F);
if (needed > 2) { // 4 bytes? (need surrogates on output)
ch2 = quads[ix >> 2];
byteIx = (ix & 3);
ch2 = (ch2 >> ((3 - byteIx) << 3));
if ((ch2 & 0xC0) != 0x080) {
_reportInvalidOther(ch2 & 0xFF);
ch = (ch << 6) | (ch2 & 0x3F);
if (needed > 2) { // surrogate pair? once again, let's output one here, one later on
ch -= 0x10000; // to normalize it starting with 0x0
if (cix >= cbuf.length) {
cbuf = _textBuffer.expandCurrentSegment();
cbuf[cix++] = (char) (0xD800 + (ch >> 10));
ch = 0xDC00 | (ch & 0x03FF);
if (cix >= cbuf.length) {
cbuf = _textBuffer.expandCurrentSegment();
cbuf[cix++] = (char) ch;
// Ok. Now we have the character array, and can construct the String
String baseName = new String(cbuf, 0, cix);
// And finally, un-align if necessary
if (lastQuadBytes < 4) {
quads[qlen-1] = lastQuad;
return _symbols.addName(baseName, quads, qlen);
* Helper method needed to fix [jackson-core#148], masking of 0x00 character
protected final static int _padLastQuad(int q, int bytes) {
return (bytes == 4) ? q : (q | (-1 << (bytes << 3)));
/* Internal methods, state changes
* Helper method called at point when all input has been exhausted and
* input feeder has indicated no more input will be forthcoming.
protected final JsonToken _eofAsNextToken() throws IOException {
_majorState = MAJOR_CLOSED;
if (!_parsingContext.inRoot()) {
return (_currToken = null);
protected final JsonToken _fieldComplete(String name) throws IOException
return (_currToken = JsonToken.FIELD_NAME);
protected final JsonToken _valueComplete(JsonToken t) throws IOException
_majorState = _majorStateAfterValue;
_currToken = t;
return t;
protected final JsonToken _valueCompleteInt(int value, String asText) throws IOException
_intLength = asText.length();
_numTypesValid = NR_INT; // to force parsing
_numberInt = value;
_majorState = _majorStateAfterValue;
JsonToken t = JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT;
_currToken = t;
return t;
/* Internal methods, error reporting, related
protected final void _updateLocation()
_tokenInputRow = Math.max(_currInputRow, _currInputRowAlt);
final int ptr = _inputPtr;
_tokenInputTotal = _currInputProcessed + ptr;
_tokenInputCol = ptr - _currInputRowStart;
protected void _reportInvalidChar(int c) throws JsonParseException {
// Either invalid WS or illegal UTF-8 start char
if (c < INT_SPACE) {
protected void _reportInvalidInitial(int mask) throws JsonParseException {
_reportError("Invalid UTF-8 start byte 0x"+Integer.toHexString(mask));
protected void _reportInvalidOther(int mask, int ptr) throws JsonParseException {
_inputPtr = ptr;
protected void _reportInvalidOther(int mask) throws JsonParseException {
_reportError("Invalid UTF-8 middle byte 0x"+Integer.toHexString(mask));