blob: f05c38998fc2b176b9594fb0d2982fedcc27000a [file] [log] [blame]
Here are people who have contributed to the development of Jackson JSON processor
core component, version 2.x
(version numbers in brackets indicate release in which the problem was fixed)
(note: for older credits, check out release notes for 1.x versions)
Tatu Saloranta, author
Pascal Glinas:
* Reported [JACKSON-827]: 2.0.0 was accidentally requiring JDK 1.6
(should still be 1.5)
Ben Gertzfield (bgertzfield@github):
* Contributed [Issue#49]: Improvements to VersionUtil to more efficiently
read dynamically generated/embedded version information, to improve
Android startup time
Klaus Brunner (KlausBrunner@github)
* Reported [Issue#48]: Problem with URLs, spaces
Eugene Brevdo (ebrevdo@github)
* Contributed #84: Support 'Infinity' as alternative (no leading plus)
Marcin Zukowski (eruure@github)
* Reported #115: JsonGenerator writeRawValue problem with surrogate UTF-8 characters
Steve van Loben Sels
* Reported #116: WriterBasedJsonGenerator produces truncated Unicode escape sequences
Shay Banon
* Reported #145: NPE at BytesToNameCanonicalizer
* Reported #146: Error while parsing negative floats at the end of the input buffer
* Reported #148: BytesToNameCanonicalizer can mishandle leading null byte(s).
Alex Soto: (lordofthejars@github)
* Reported #173: An exception is thrown for a valid JsonPointer expression
Aaron Digulla:
* Contributed #166: Allow to configure line endings and indentation
Derek Clarkson (drekka@github)
(2.4.6 / 2.5.2)
Masaru Hasegawa (masaruh@github):
* Reported, contributed fix for#182: Inconsistent TextBuffer#getTextBuffer behavior
Ruediger Moeller (RuedigerMoeller@github)
* Requested #195: Add `JsonGenerator.getOutputBuffered()` to find out amount of content buffered,
not yet flushed.
Florian Schoppmann (fschopp@github@github)
* Reported #207: `ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException` in `ByteQuadsCanonicalizer`
Iskren Ivov Chernev (ichernev@github)
* Reported #213: Parser is sometimes wrong when using CANONICALIZE_FIELD_NAMES
Michael Lehenbauer (mikelehen@github)
* Reported #37: JsonParser.getTokenLocation() doesn't update after field names
Lokesh Kumar N (LokeshN@github)
* Contributed #209: Make use of `_allowMultipleMatches` in `FilteringParserDelegate`
Tanguy Leroux (tlrx@github)
* Reported, contributed fix for #280: FilteringGeneratorDelegate.writeUTF8String()
should delegate to writeUTF8String()