blob: a668c7e5a35987e68481cb402a8399e6b0ab75eb [file] [log] [blame]
package com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type;
* Type abstraction that represents Java type that has been resolved
* (i.e. has all generic information, if any, resolved to concrete
* types).
* Note that this is an intermediate type, and all concrete instances
* MUST be of type <code>JavaType</code> from "databind" bundle -- this
* abstraction is only needed so that types can be passed through
* {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser#readValueAs} methods.
* @since 2.0
public abstract class ResolvedType
/* Public API, simple property accessors
* Accessor for type-erased {@link Class} of resolved type.
public abstract Class<?> getRawClass();
public abstract boolean hasRawClass(Class<?> clz);
public abstract boolean isAbstract();
public abstract boolean isConcrete();
public abstract boolean isThrowable();
public abstract boolean isArrayType();
public abstract boolean isEnumType();
public abstract boolean isInterface();
public abstract boolean isPrimitive();
public abstract boolean isFinal();
public abstract boolean isContainerType();
public abstract boolean isCollectionLikeType();
* Whether this type is a referential type, meaning that values are
* basically pointers to "real" values (or null) and not regular
* values themselves. Typical examples include things like
* {@link java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference}, and various
* <code>Optional</code> types (in JDK8, Guava).
* @since 2.6
public boolean isReferenceType() {
return getReferencedType() != null;
public abstract boolean isMapLikeType();
/* Public API, type parameter access
* Method that can be used to find out if the type directly declares generic
* parameters (for its direct super-class and/or super-interfaces).
public abstract boolean hasGenericTypes();
* Accessor that can be used to find out type for which parameterization
* is applied: this is often NOT same as what {@link #getRawClass} returns,
* but rather one of it supertype.
* For example: for type like {@link java.util.HashMap}, raw type is
* {@link java.util.HashMap}; but this method would return
* {@link java.util.Map}, because relevant type parameters that are
* resolved (and accessible using {@link #containedType(int)} and
* {@link #getKeyType()}) are parameter for {@link java.util.Map}
* (which may or may not be same as type parameters for subtype;
* in case of {@link java.util.HashMap} they are, but for further
* subtypes they may be different parameters or possibly none at all).
* @since 2.5
* @deprecated Since 2.7: does not have meaning as parameters depend on type
* resolved.
@Deprecated // since 2.7
public Class<?> getParameterSource() {
return null;
* Method for accessing key type for this type, assuming type
* has such a concept (only Map types do)
public abstract ResolvedType getKeyType();
* Method for accessing content type of this type, if type has
* such a thing: simple types do not, structured types do
* (like arrays, Collections and Maps)
public abstract ResolvedType getContentType();
* Method for accessing type of value that instances of this
* type references, if any.
* @return Referenced type, if any; null if not.
* @since 2.6
public abstract ResolvedType getReferencedType();
* Method for checking how many contained types this type
* has. Contained types are usually generic types, so that
* generic Maps have 2 contained types.
public abstract int containedTypeCount();
* Method for accessing definitions of contained ("child")
* types.
* @param index Index of contained type to return
* @return Contained type at index, or null if no such type
* exists (no exception thrown)
public abstract ResolvedType containedType(int index);
* Method for accessing name of type variable in indicated
* position. If no name is bound, will use placeholders (derived
* from 0-based index); if no type variable or argument exists
* with given index, null is returned.
* @param index Index of contained type to return
* @return Contained type at index, or null if no such type
* exists (no exception thrown)
public abstract String containedTypeName(int index);
/* Public API, other
* Method that can be used to serialize type into form from which
* it can be fully deserialized from at a later point (using
* <code>TypeFactory</code> from mapper package).
* For simple types this is same as calling
* {@link Class#getName}, but for structured types it may additionally
* contain type information about contents.
public abstract String toCanonical();