blob: 0fecc8251c16464fa3d3f1af3012ef89aac05287 [file] [log] [blame]
Version: 2.1.1
Release date:
* [Issue#34] `JsonParser.nextFieldName()` fails on buffer boundary
(reported by gsson@github)
* [Issue#38] `JsonParser.nextFieldName()` problems when handling
names with trailing spaces
(reported by matjazs@github)
=== History: ===
2.1.0 (08-Oct-2012)
A new minor version for 2.x.
New features:
* [Issue#14]: add 'readBinaryValue(...)' method in JsonParser
* [Issue#16]: add 'writeBinary(InputStream, int)' method in JsonGenerator
(and implement for JSON backend)
* [Issue#26]: Allow overriding "root value separator"
(suggested by Henning S)
* [JACKSON-837]: Made JsonGenerator implement Flushable.
(suggested by Matt G)
* [Issue#10]: add 'JsonProcessingException.getOriginalMessage()' for accessing
message without location info
* [Issue#31]: make `JsonFactory` (via JDK)
* [Issue-25]: Add 'createParser' and 'createGenerator' (as eventual replacements
for 'createJsonParser'/'createJsonGenerator') in 'JsonFactory'
* Try to improve locking aspects of symbol tables, by reducing scope of
synchronized sections when creating, merging table contents.
* Added 'JsonFactory.copy()' method to support databinding's 'ObjectMapper.copy()'
* Added method 'requiresCustomCodec()' for JsonFactory and JsonParser
* Added 'JsonParser.getValueAsString()' method (to support flexible conversions)
* Added META-INF/services/com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonFactory SPI to register
`JsonFactory` for even more automatic format discovery in future.
2.0.4 (26-Jun-2012)
* [Issue-6] PrettyPrinter, count wrong for end-object case
* 1.9.x fixes up to 1.9.8
2.0.3: skipped; only some modules use this version
2.0.2 (14-May-2012)
* 1.9.x fixes up to 1.9.7
2.0.1 (22-Apr-2012)
* [JACKSON-827] Fix incompatibilities with JDK 1.5 (2.0.0 accidentally
required 1.6)
(reported Pascal G)
2.0.0 (25-Mar-2012)
(all fixes up until 1.9.6)
* [JACKSON-730]: Add checks to ensure that Features are applicable for
instances (parsers, generators), or if not, throw IllegalArgumentException
* [JACKSON-742]: Add append-methods in SerializableString
New features:
* [JACKSON-782]: Add 'JsonParser.overrideCurrentName()', needed as a workaround
for some exotic data binding cases (and/or formats)
[entries for versions 1.x and earlier not retained; refer to earlier releases)