blob: 4459e7faa4e83dd0f2e92f8f39db5ab668c10f8d [file] [log] [blame]
package com.fasterxml.jackson.core.filter;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.JsonParserDelegate;
import static com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonTokenId.*;
* Specialized {@link JsonParserDelegate} that allows use of
* {@link TokenFilter} for outputting a subset of content that
* is visible to caller
* @since 2.6
public class FilteringParserDelegate extends JsonParserDelegate
/* Configuration
* Object consulted to determine whether to write parts of content generator
* is asked to write or not.
protected TokenFilter rootFilter;
* Flag that determines whether filtering will continue after the first
* match is indicated or not: if `false`, output is based on just the first
* full match (returning {@link TokenFilter#INCLUDE_ALL}) and no more
* checks are made; if `true` then filtering will be applied as necessary
* until end of content.
protected boolean _allowMultipleMatches;
* Flag that determines whether path leading up to included content should
* also be automatically included or not. If `false`, no path inclusion is
* done and only explicitly included entries are output; if `true` then
* path from main level down to match is also included as necessary.
protected boolean _includePath;
/* NOTE: this feature is included in the first version (2.6), but
* there is no public API to enable it, yet, since there isn't an
* actual use case. But it seemed possible need could arise, which
* is feature has not yet been removed. If no use is found within
* first version or two, just remove.
* Marked as deprecated since its status is uncertain.
protected boolean _includeImmediateParent;
/* State
* Last token retrieved via {@link #nextToken}, if any.
* Null before the first call to <code>nextToken()</code>,
* as well as if token has been explicitly cleared
protected JsonToken _currToken;
* Last cleared token, if any: that is, value that was in
* effect when {@link #clearCurrentToken} was called.
protected JsonToken _lastClearedToken;
* During traversal this is the actual "open" parse tree, which sometimes
* is the same as {@link #_exposedContext}, and at other times is ahead
* of it. Note that this context is never null.
protected TokenFilterContext _headContext;
* In cases where {@link #_headContext} is "ahead" of context exposed to
* caller, this context points to what is currently exposed to caller.
* When the two are in sync, this context reference will be <code>null</code>.
protected TokenFilterContext _exposedContext;
* State that applies to the item within container, used where applicable.
* Specifically used to pass inclusion state between property name and
* property, and also used for array elements.
protected TokenFilter _itemFilter;
* Number of tokens for which {@link TokenFilter#INCLUDE_ALL}
* has been returned.
protected int _matchCount;
/* Construction, initialization
public FilteringParserDelegate(JsonParser p, TokenFilter f,
boolean includePath, boolean allowMultipleMatches)
rootFilter = f;
// and this is the currently active filter for root values
_itemFilter = f;
_headContext = TokenFilterContext.createRootContext(f);
_includePath = includePath;
_allowMultipleMatches = allowMultipleMatches;
/* Extended API
public TokenFilter getFilter() { return rootFilter; }
* Accessor for finding number of matches, where specific token and sub-tree
* starting (if structured type) are passed.
public int getMatchCount() {
return _matchCount;
/* Public API, token accessors
@Override public JsonToken getCurrentToken() { return _currToken; }
@Override public JsonToken currentToken() { return _currToken; }
@Override public final int getCurrentTokenId() {
final JsonToken t = _currToken;
return (t == null) ? JsonTokenId.ID_NO_TOKEN :;
@Override public final int currentTokenId() {
final JsonToken t = _currToken;
return (t == null) ? JsonTokenId.ID_NO_TOKEN :;
@Override public boolean hasCurrentToken() { return _currToken != null; }
@Override public boolean hasTokenId(int id) {
final JsonToken t = _currToken;
if (t == null) {
return (JsonTokenId.ID_NO_TOKEN == id);
return == id;
@Override public final boolean hasToken(JsonToken t) {
return (_currToken == t);
@Override public boolean isExpectedStartArrayToken() { return _currToken == JsonToken.START_ARRAY; }
@Override public boolean isExpectedStartObjectToken() { return _currToken == JsonToken.START_OBJECT; }
@Override public JsonLocation getCurrentLocation() { return delegate.getCurrentLocation(); }
public JsonStreamContext getParsingContext() {
return _filterContext();
// !!! TODO: Verify it works as expected: copied from standard JSON parser impl
public String getCurrentName() throws IOException {
JsonStreamContext ctxt = _filterContext();
if (_currToken == JsonToken.START_OBJECT || _currToken == JsonToken.START_ARRAY) {
JsonStreamContext parent = ctxt.getParent();
return (parent == null) ? null : parent.getCurrentName();
return ctxt.getCurrentName();
/* Public API, token state overrides
public void clearCurrentToken() {
if (_currToken != null) {
_lastClearedToken = _currToken;
_currToken = null;
public JsonToken getLastClearedToken() { return _lastClearedToken; }
public void overrideCurrentName(String name) {
/* 14-Apr-2015, tatu: Not sure whether this can be supported, and if so,
* what to do with it... Delegation won't work for sure, so let's for
* now throw an exception
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can not currently override name during filtering read");
/* Public API, traversal
public JsonToken nextToken() throws IOException
// 23-May-2017, tatu: To be honest, code here is rather hairy and I don't like all
// conditionals; and it seems odd to return `null` but NOT considering input
// as closed... would love a rewrite to simplify/clear up logic here.
// Check for _allowMultipleMatches - false and at least there is one token - which is _currToken
// check for no buffered context _exposedContext - null
// If all the conditions matches then check for scalar / non-scalar property
if (!_allowMultipleMatches && (_currToken != null) && (_exposedContext == null)) {
// if scalar, and scalar not present in obj/array and !includePath and INCLUDE_ALL
// matched once, return null
if (_currToken.isScalarValue() && !_headContext.isStartHandled() && !_includePath
&& (_itemFilter == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL)) {
return (_currToken = null);
// Anything buffered?
TokenFilterContext ctxt = _exposedContext;
if (ctxt != null) {
while (true) {
JsonToken t = ctxt.nextTokenToRead();
if (t != null) {
_currToken = t;
return t;
// all done with buffered stuff?
if (ctxt == _headContext) {
_exposedContext = null;
if (ctxt.inArray()) {
t = delegate.getCurrentToken();
// Is this guaranteed to work without further checks?
// if (t != JsonToken.START_ARRAY) {
_currToken = t;
return t;
// Almost! Most likely still have the current token;
// with the sole exception of
t = delegate.getCurrentToken();
if (t != JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
_currToken = t;
return t;
// If not, traverse down the context chain
ctxt = _headContext.findChildOf(ctxt);
_exposedContext = ctxt;
if (ctxt == null) { // should never occur
throw _constructError("Unexpected problem: chain of filtered context broken");
// If not, need to read more. If we got any:
JsonToken t = delegate.nextToken();
if (t == null) {
// no strict need to close, since we have no state here
_currToken = t;
return t;
// otherwise... to include or not?
TokenFilter f;
switch ( {
f = _itemFilter;
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
_headContext = _headContext.createChildArrayContext(f, true);
return (_currToken = t);
if (f == null) { // does this occur?
// Otherwise still iffy, need to check
f = _headContext.checkValue(f);
if (f == null) {
if (f != TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
f = f.filterStartArray();
_itemFilter = f;
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
_headContext = _headContext.createChildArrayContext(f, true);
return (_currToken = t);
_headContext = _headContext.createChildArrayContext(f, false);
// Also: only need buffering if parent path to be included
if (_includePath) {
t = _nextTokenWithBuffering(_headContext);
if (t != null) {
_currToken = t;
return t;
f = _itemFilter;
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
_headContext = _headContext.createChildObjectContext(f, true);
return (_currToken = t);
if (f == null) { // does this occur?
// Otherwise still iffy, need to check
f = _headContext.checkValue(f);
if (f == null) {
if (f != TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
f = f.filterStartObject();
_itemFilter = f;
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
_headContext = _headContext.createChildObjectContext(f, true);
return (_currToken = t);
_headContext = _headContext.createChildObjectContext(f, false);
// Also: only need buffering if parent path to be included
if (_includePath) {
t = _nextTokenWithBuffering(_headContext);
if (t != null) {
_currToken = t;
return t;
// note: inclusion of surrounding Object handled separately via
boolean returnEnd = _headContext.isStartHandled();
f = _headContext.getFilter();
if ((f != null) && (f != TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL)) {
_headContext = _headContext.getParent();
_itemFilter = _headContext.getFilter();
if (returnEnd) {
return (_currToken = t);
final String name = delegate.getCurrentName();
// note: this will also set 'needToHandleName'
f = _headContext.setFieldName(name);
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
_itemFilter = f;
if (!_includePath) {
// Minor twist here: if parent NOT included, may need to induce output of
if (_includeImmediateParent && !_headContext.isStartHandled()) {
t = _headContext.nextTokenToRead(); // returns START_OBJECT but also marks it handled
_exposedContext = _headContext;
return (_currToken = t);
if (f == null) {
f = f.includeProperty(name);
if (f == null) {
_itemFilter = f;
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
if (_verifyAllowedMatches() && _includePath) {
return (_currToken = t);
if (_includePath) {
t = _nextTokenWithBuffering(_headContext);
if (t != null) {
_currToken = t;
return t;
default: // scalar value
f = _itemFilter;
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
return (_currToken = t);
if (f != null) {
f = _headContext.checkValue(f);
if ((f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL)
|| ((f != null) && f.includeValue(delegate))) {
if (_verifyAllowedMatches()) {
return (_currToken = t);
// Otherwise not included (leaves must be explicitly included)
// We get here if token was not yet found; offlined handling
return _nextToken2();
* Offlined handling for cases where there was no buffered token to
* return, and the token read next could not be returned as-is,
* at least not yet, but where we have not yet established that
* buffering is needed.
protected final JsonToken _nextToken2() throws IOException
while (true) {
JsonToken t = delegate.nextToken();
if (t == null) { // is this even legal?
_currToken = t;
return t;
TokenFilter f;
switch ( {
f = _itemFilter;
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
_headContext = _headContext.createChildArrayContext(f, true);
return (_currToken = t);
if (f == null) { // does this occur?
continue main_loop;
// Otherwise still iffy, need to check
f = _headContext.checkValue(f);
if (f == null) {
continue main_loop;
if (f != TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
f = f.filterStartArray();
_itemFilter = f;
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
_headContext = _headContext.createChildArrayContext(f, true);
return (_currToken = t);
_headContext = _headContext.createChildArrayContext(f, false);
// but if we didn't figure it out yet, need to buffer possible events
if (_includePath) {
t = _nextTokenWithBuffering(_headContext);
if (t != null) {
_currToken = t;
return t;
continue main_loop;
f = _itemFilter;
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
_headContext = _headContext.createChildObjectContext(f, true);
return (_currToken = t);
if (f == null) { // does this occur?
continue main_loop;
// Otherwise still iffy, need to check
f = _headContext.checkValue(f);
if (f == null) {
continue main_loop;
if (f != TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
f = f.filterStartObject();
_itemFilter = f;
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
_headContext = _headContext.createChildObjectContext(f, true);
return (_currToken = t);
_headContext = _headContext.createChildObjectContext(f, false);
if (_includePath) {
t = _nextTokenWithBuffering(_headContext);
if (t != null) {
_currToken = t;
return t;
continue main_loop;
boolean returnEnd = _headContext.isStartHandled();
f = _headContext.getFilter();
if ((f != null) && (f != TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL)) {
_headContext = _headContext.getParent();
_itemFilter = _headContext.getFilter();
if (returnEnd) {
return (_currToken = t);
continue main_loop;
final String name = delegate.getCurrentName();
f = _headContext.setFieldName(name);
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
_itemFilter = f;
return (_currToken = t);
if (f == null) { // filter out the value
continue main_loop;
f = f.includeProperty(name);
if (f == null) { // filter out the value
continue main_loop;
_itemFilter = f;
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
if (_verifyAllowedMatches() && _includePath) {
return (_currToken = t);
// if (_includeImmediateParent) { ...
continue main_loop;
if (_includePath) {
t = _nextTokenWithBuffering(_headContext);
if (t != null) {
_currToken = t;
return t;
continue main_loop;
default: // scalar value
f = _itemFilter;
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
return (_currToken = t);
if (f != null) {
f = _headContext.checkValue(f);
if ((f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL)
|| ((f != null) && f.includeValue(delegate))) {
if (_verifyAllowedMatches()) {
return (_currToken = t);
// Otherwise not included (leaves must be explicitly included)
* Method called when a new potentially included context is found.
protected final JsonToken _nextTokenWithBuffering(final TokenFilterContext buffRoot)
throws IOException
while (true) {
JsonToken t = delegate.nextToken();
if (t == null) { // is this even legal?
return t;
TokenFilter f;
// One simplification here: we know for a fact that the item filter is
// neither null nor 'include all', for most cases; the only exception
// being FIELD_NAME handling
switch ( {
f = _headContext.checkValue(_itemFilter);
if (f == null) {
continue main_loop;
if (f != TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
f = f.filterStartArray();
_itemFilter = f;
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
_headContext = _headContext.createChildArrayContext(f, true);
return _nextBuffered(buffRoot);
_headContext = _headContext.createChildArrayContext(f, false);
continue main_loop;
f = _itemFilter;
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
_headContext = _headContext.createChildObjectContext(f, true);
return t;
if (f == null) { // does this occur?
continue main_loop;
// Otherwise still iffy, need to check
f = _headContext.checkValue(f);
if (f == null) {
continue main_loop;
if (f != TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
f = f.filterStartObject();
_itemFilter = f;
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
_headContext = _headContext.createChildObjectContext(f, true);
return _nextBuffered(buffRoot);
_headContext = _headContext.createChildObjectContext(f, false);
continue main_loop;
// Unlike with other loops, here we know that content was NOT
// included (won't get this far otherwise)
f = _headContext.getFilter();
if ((f != null) && (f != TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL)) {
boolean gotEnd = (_headContext == buffRoot);
boolean returnEnd = gotEnd && _headContext.isStartHandled();
_headContext = _headContext.getParent();
_itemFilter = _headContext.getFilter();
if (returnEnd) {
return t;
// Hmmh. Do we need both checks, or should above suffice?
if (gotEnd || (_headContext == buffRoot)) {
return null;
continue main_loop;
final String name = delegate.getCurrentName();
f = _headContext.setFieldName(name);
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
_itemFilter = f;
return _nextBuffered(buffRoot);
if (f == null) { // filter out the value
continue main_loop;
f = f.includeProperty(name);
if (f == null) { // filter out the value
continue main_loop;
_itemFilter = f;
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL && _verifyAllowedMatches()) {
return _nextBuffered(buffRoot);
continue main_loop;
default: // scalar value
f = _itemFilter;
if (f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL) {
return _nextBuffered(buffRoot);
if (f != null) {
f = _headContext.checkValue(f);
if ((f == TokenFilter.INCLUDE_ALL)
|| ((f != null) && f.includeValue(delegate))) {
if (_verifyAllowedMatches()) {
return _nextBuffered(buffRoot);
// Otherwise not included (leaves must be explicitly included)
continue main_loop;
private JsonToken _nextBuffered(TokenFilterContext buffRoot) throws IOException
_exposedContext = buffRoot;
TokenFilterContext ctxt = buffRoot;
JsonToken t = ctxt.nextTokenToRead();
if (t != null) {
return t;
while (true) {
// all done with buffered stuff?
if (ctxt == _headContext) {
throw _constructError("Internal error: failed to locate expected buffered tokens");
_exposedContext = null;
// If not, traverse down the context chain
ctxt = _exposedContext.findChildOf(ctxt);
_exposedContext = ctxt;
if (ctxt == null) { // should never occur
throw _constructError("Unexpected problem: chain of filtered context broken");
t = _exposedContext.nextTokenToRead();
if (t != null) {
return t;
private final boolean _verifyAllowedMatches() throws IOException {
if (_matchCount == 0 || _allowMultipleMatches) {
return true;
return false;
public JsonToken nextValue() throws IOException {
// Re-implemented same as ParserMinimalBase:
JsonToken t = nextToken();
if (t == JsonToken.FIELD_NAME) {
t = nextToken();
return t;
* Need to override, re-implement similar to how method defined in
* {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base.ParserMinimalBase}, to keep
* state correct here.
public JsonParser skipChildren() throws IOException
if ((_currToken != JsonToken.START_OBJECT)
&& (_currToken != JsonToken.START_ARRAY)) {
return this;
int open = 1;
// Since proper matching of start/end markers is handled
// by nextToken(), we'll just count nesting levels here
while (true) {
JsonToken t = nextToken();
if (t == null) { // not ideal but for now, just return
return this;
if (t.isStructStart()) {
} else if (t.isStructEnd()) {
if (--open == 0) {
return this;
/* Public API, access to token information, text
@Override public String getText() throws IOException { return delegate.getText(); }
@Override public boolean hasTextCharacters() { return delegate.hasTextCharacters(); }
@Override public char[] getTextCharacters() throws IOException { return delegate.getTextCharacters(); }
@Override public int getTextLength() throws IOException { return delegate.getTextLength(); }
@Override public int getTextOffset() throws IOException { return delegate.getTextOffset(); }
/* Public API, access to token information, numeric
public BigInteger getBigIntegerValue() throws IOException { return delegate.getBigIntegerValue(); }
public boolean getBooleanValue() throws IOException { return delegate.getBooleanValue(); }
public byte getByteValue() throws IOException { return delegate.getByteValue(); }
public short getShortValue() throws IOException { return delegate.getShortValue(); }
public BigDecimal getDecimalValue() throws IOException { return delegate.getDecimalValue(); }
public double getDoubleValue() throws IOException { return delegate.getDoubleValue(); }
public float getFloatValue() throws IOException { return delegate.getFloatValue(); }
public int getIntValue() throws IOException { return delegate.getIntValue(); }
public long getLongValue() throws IOException { return delegate.getLongValue(); }
public NumberType getNumberType() throws IOException { return delegate.getNumberType(); }
public Number getNumberValue() throws IOException { return delegate.getNumberValue(); }
/* Public API, access to token information, coercion/conversion
@Override public int getValueAsInt() throws IOException { return delegate.getValueAsInt(); }
@Override public int getValueAsInt(int defaultValue) throws IOException { return delegate.getValueAsInt(defaultValue); }
@Override public long getValueAsLong() throws IOException { return delegate.getValueAsLong(); }
@Override public long getValueAsLong(long defaultValue) throws IOException { return delegate.getValueAsLong(defaultValue); }
@Override public double getValueAsDouble() throws IOException { return delegate.getValueAsDouble(); }
@Override public double getValueAsDouble(double defaultValue) throws IOException { return delegate.getValueAsDouble(defaultValue); }
@Override public boolean getValueAsBoolean() throws IOException { return delegate.getValueAsBoolean(); }
@Override public boolean getValueAsBoolean(boolean defaultValue) throws IOException { return delegate.getValueAsBoolean(defaultValue); }
@Override public String getValueAsString() throws IOException { return delegate.getValueAsString(); }
@Override public String getValueAsString(String defaultValue) throws IOException { return delegate.getValueAsString(defaultValue); }
/* Public API, access to token values, other
@Override public Object getEmbeddedObject() throws IOException { return delegate.getEmbeddedObject(); }
@Override public byte[] getBinaryValue(Base64Variant b64variant) throws IOException { return delegate.getBinaryValue(b64variant); }
@Override public int readBinaryValue(Base64Variant b64variant, OutputStream out) throws IOException { return delegate.readBinaryValue(b64variant, out); }
@Override public JsonLocation getTokenLocation() { return delegate.getTokenLocation(); }
/* Internal helper methods
protected JsonStreamContext _filterContext() {
if (_exposedContext != null) {
return _exposedContext;
return _headContext;