blob: 53a4abd095502ccdefc0d9b236a0c0e6d73537d0 [file] [log] [blame]
Version: 2.1.0
Release date:
New minor version for 2.x.
* [JACKSON-830]/[Issue-19]: Change OSGi bundle name to be fully-qualified
* [JACKSON-851]: State corruption with ObjectWriter, DefaultPrettyPrinter
(reported by Duncan A)
* Minor fix wrt [Issue-11], coercion needed extra checks
* [JACKSON-758]: Remove 'IOException' from throws clauses of "writeValueAsString"
and "writeValueAsBytes" of ObjectMapper/ObjectWriter
(suggested by G-T Chen)
* [JACKSON-839]: Allow "upgrade" of integer number types for
UntypedObjectDeserializer, even with default typing enabled.
* [JACKSON-850]: Allow use of zero-arg factory methods as "default creator"
(suggested by Razvan D)
* [Issue#9]: Implement 'required' JSON Schema attribute for bean properties
* [Issue#20]: Add new exception type, InvalidFormatException (sub-type of
JsonMappingException) to indicate data format problems
(suggested by HolySamosa@github)
* [Issue#30] ObjectReader and ObjectWriter now try to pre-fetch root
(de)serializer if possible; minor performance improvement (2% for small POJOs).
* [Issue#33] Simplified/clarified definition of 'ObjectReader.readValues()';
minor change in behavior for JSON Array "wrapped" sequences
New features:
* [Issue#21]: Add 'ObjectNode.set(...)' method (and related) to improve
chaining, semantic consistency of Tree Model API
(suggested by fge@Github)
* [Issue#22]: Add 'ObjectMapper.setAnnotationIntrospectors()' which allows
defining different introspectors for serialization, deserialization
* [Issue#24]: Allow serialization of Enums as JSON Objects
(suggested by rveloso@github)
* [Issue#28]: Add 'ObjectMapper.copy()', to create non-linked copy of
mapper, with same configuration settings
* [Issue#29]: Allow serializing, deserializing POJOs as JSON Arrays
by using `@JsonFormat(shape=Shape.ARRAY)`
* [Issue#40]: Allow serialization of Collections as JSON Objects
(and deserialization from)
(suggested by rveloso@github)
* [Issue#45]: Add '@JsonNaming' annotation to define per-class PropertyNamingStrategy
(suggested by Mark W)
* (issue #4 of jackson-annotations): Add `@JsonIdentityInfo(firstAsId=true)`
to force ALL references to an object written as Object Id, even the first one.
* Added 'ObjectReader#withHandler' to allow for reconfiguring deserialization
problem handler
(suggested by 'electricmonk')
Other changes:
* New variant of AnnotationIntrospector.getFormat(), to support class
* It is now possible to serialize instances of plain old Object, iff
'FAIL_ON_EMPTY_BEANS' is disabled.
* Note that [Issue#33] (see above) is, technically speaking, backwards
imcompatible change. It is estimated that it should NOT affect most
users, as changes are to edge cases (and undocumented ones at that).
However, it can potentially cause problems with upgrade.
=== History: ===
2.0.4 (26-Jun-2012)
* [Issue#6]: element count for PrettyPrinter, endObject wrong
(reported by "thebluemountain")
* [JACKSON-838]: Utf8StreamParser._reportInvalidToken() skips letters
from reported token name
(reported by Lóránt Pintér)
* [JACKSON-841] Data is doubled in SegmentedStringWriter output
(reported by Scott S)
* [JACKSON-842] ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when skipping C-style comments
(reported by Sebastien R)
2.0.3: no version 2.0.3 released -- only used for extension modules
2.0.2 [14-May-2012]
* [Issue#14]: Annotations were not included from parent classes of
mix-in classes
(reported by @guillaup)
* [JACKSON-824]: Combination of JSON Views, ObjectMapper.readerForUpdating()
was not working
(reported by Nir S)
(and all fixes from 1.9.7)
* [Issue#11]: Improve ObjectMapper.convertValue()/.treeToValue() to use
cast if possible
2.0.1 [23-Apr-2012]
* [JACKSON-827] Ensure core packages work on JDK 1.5
(reported by Pascal g)
* [JACKSON-829] Custom serializers not working for List<String> properties,
(reported by James R)
* [Issue#5]: Add support for maps with java.util.Locale keys to the set of
(contributed by Ryan G)
2.0.0 [25-Mar-2012]
* [JACKSON-368]: Problems with managed references, abstract types
* [JACKSON-711]: Delegating @JsonCreator did not work with Injectable values
* [JACKSON-798]: Problem with external type id, creators
(reported by Casey L)
(and all fixes up until and including 1.9.6)
* [JACKSON-546]: Indicate end-of-input with JsonMappingException instead
of EOFException, when there is no parsing exception
* [JACKSON-664]: Reduce overhead of type resolution by adding caching
in TypeFactory
* [JACKSON-690]: Pass DeserializationContext through ValueInstantiator
* [JACKSON-695]: Add 'isEmpty(value)' in JsonSerializer to allow
customizing handling of serialization of empty values
* [JACKSON-710]: 'ObjectMapper.convertValue()' should ignore root value
wrapping/unwrapping settings
* [JACKSON-730] Split various features (JsonParser, JsonGenerator,
SerializationConfig, DeserializationConfig) into per-factory
features (MapperFeature, JsonFactory.Feature) an per
instance features (existing ones)
* [JACKSON-732]: Allow 'AnnotationIntrospector.findContentDeserializer()'
(and similar) to return instance, not just Class<?> for instance
(requested by James R)
* [JACKSON-736]: Add (more) access to array, container and map serializers
* [JACKSON-737]: Allow accessing of "creator properties" for BeanDeserializer
* [JACKSON-748]: Add 'registerSubtypes' to 'Module.setupContext' (and SimpleModule)
* [JACKSON-749]: Make @JsonValue work for Enum deserialization
* [JACKSON-769]: ObjectNode/ArrayNode: change 'put', 'insert', 'add' to return
'this node' (unless already returning something)
* [JACKSON-770]: Simplify method naming for JsonNode, drop unnecessary 'get' prefix
from methods like 'getTextValue()' (becomes 'textValue()')
* [JACKSON-777]: Rename 'SerializationConfig.Feature' as 'SerializationFeature',
'DeserializationConfig.Feature' as 'DeserializationFeature'
* [JACKSON-780]: MissingNode, NullNode should return 'defaultValue' from 'asXxx' methods,
(not 0 for numbers), as they are not numeric types
* [JACKSON-787]: Allow use of @JsonIgnoreProperties for properties (fields, getters, setters)
* [JACKSON-795]: @JsonValue was not working for Maps, Collections
* [JACKSON-800]: Add 'Module.SetupContext#addDeserializationProblemHandler'
(suggested by James R)
New features:
* [JACKSON-107]: Add support for Object Identity (to handled cycles, shared refs),
with @JsonIdentityInfo
* [JACKSON-435]: Allow per-property Date formatting using @JsonFormat.
* [JACKSON-437]: Allow injecting of type id as POJO property, by setting
new '@JsonTypeInfo.visible' property to true.
* [JACKSON-469]: Support "Builder pattern" for deserialiation; that is, allow
use of separate Builder object for data binding, creating actual value
* [JACKSON-608]: Allow use of JSON Views for deserialization
* [JACKSON-636]: Add 'SerializationFeature.ORDER_MAP_ENTRIES_BY_KEYS' to allow
forced sorting of Maps during serialization
(suggested by Joern H)
* [JACKSON-669]: Allow prefix/suffix for @JsonUnwrapped properties
(requested by Aner P)
* [JACKSON-707]: Add 'JsonNode.deepCopy()', to create safe deep copies
of ObjectNodes, ArrayNodes.
* [JACKSON-714]: Add general-purpose @JsonFormat annotation
* [JACKSON-718]: Added 'JsonNode.canConvertToInt()', 'JsonNode.canConvertToLong()'
* [JACKSON-747]: Allow changing of 'SerializationFeature' for ObjectWriter,
'DeserializationFeature' for ObjectReader.
* [JACKSON-752]: Add @JsonInclude (replacement of @JsonSerialize.include)
* [JACKSON-754]: Add @JacksonAnnotationsInside for creating "annotation
bundles" (also: AnnotationIntrospector.isAnnotationBundle())
* [JACKSON-762]: Allow using @JsonTypeId to specify property to use as
type id, instead of using separate type id resolver.
* [JACKSON-764]: Allow specifying "root name" to use for root wrapping
via ObjectReader, ObjectWriter.
* [JACKSON-772]: Add 'JsonNode.withArray()' to use for traversing Array nodes.
* [JACKSON-793]: Add support for configurable Locale, TimeZone to use
(via SerializationConfig, DeserializationConfig)
to improve interoperability with BadgerFish/Jettison
* [JACKSON-810]: Deserialization Feature: Allow unknown Enum values via
(suggested by Raymond R)
* [JACKSON-813]: Add '' attribute, to indicate
'id' value to add to generated JSON Schemas.
[entries for versions 1.x and earlier not retained; refer to earlier releases)