blob: ef03fda3e1a52d4901724df1d6526983b8a0af23 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind;
import java.util.Arrays;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;
//import static org.junit.Assert.*;
public abstract class BaseTest
extends TestCase
/* Some sample documents:
protected final static int SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_WIDTH = 800;
protected final static int SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_HEIGHT = 600;
protected final static String SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_TITLE = "View from 15th Floor";
protected final static String SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_TN_URL = "";
protected final static int SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_TN_HEIGHT = 125;
protected final static String SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_TN_WIDTH = "100";
protected final static int SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_TN_ID1 = 116;
protected final static int SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_TN_ID2 = 943;
protected final static int SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_TN_ID3 = 234;
protected final static int SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_TN_ID4 = 38793;
protected final static String SAMPLE_DOC_JSON_SPEC =
+" \"Image\" : {\n"
+" \"Width\" : "+SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_WIDTH+",\n"
+" \"Height\" : "+SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_HEIGHT+","
+"\"Title\" : \""+SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_TITLE+"\",\n"
+" \"Thumbnail\" : {\n"
+" \"Url\" : \""+SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_TN_URL+"\",\n"
+"\"Height\" : "+SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_TN_HEIGHT+",\n"
+" \"Width\" : \""+SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_TN_WIDTH+"\"\n"
+" },\n"
+" }"
/* Helper classes (beans)
* Sample class from Jackson tutorial ("JacksonInFiveMinutes")
protected static class FiveMinuteUser {
public enum Gender { MALE, FEMALE };
public static class Name
private String _first, _last;
public Name() { }
public Name(String f, String l) {
_first = f;
_last = l;
public String getFirst() { return _first; }
public String getLast() { return _last; }
public void setFirst(String s) { _first = s; }
public void setLast(String s) { _last = s; }
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (o == this) return true;
if (o == null || o.getClass() != getClass()) return false;
Name other = (Name) o;
return _first.equals(other._first) && _last.equals(other._last);
private Gender _gender;
private Name _name;
private boolean _isVerified;
private byte[] _userImage;
public FiveMinuteUser() { }
public FiveMinuteUser(String first, String last, boolean verified, Gender g, byte[] data)
_name = new Name(first, last);
_isVerified = verified;
_gender = g;
_userImage = data;
public Name getName() { return _name; }
public boolean isVerified() { return _isVerified; }
public Gender getGender() { return _gender; }
public byte[] getUserImage() { return _userImage; }
public void setName(Name n) { _name = n; }
public void setVerified(boolean b) { _isVerified = b; }
public void setGender(Gender g) { _gender = g; }
public void setUserImage(byte[] b) { _userImage = b; }
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (o == this) return true;
if (o == null || o.getClass() != getClass()) return false;
FiveMinuteUser other = (FiveMinuteUser) o;
if (_isVerified != other._isVerified) return false;
if (_gender != other._gender) return false;
if (!_name.equals(other._name)) return false;
byte[] otherImage = other._userImage;
if (otherImage.length != _userImage.length) return false;
for (int i = 0, len = _userImage.length; i < len; ++i) {
if (_userImage[i] != otherImage[i]) {
return false;
return true;
/* High-level helpers
protected void verifyJsonSpecSampleDoc(JsonParser jp, boolean verifyContents)
throws IOException
verifyJsonSpecSampleDoc(jp, verifyContents, true);
protected void verifyJsonSpecSampleDoc(JsonParser jp, boolean verifyContents,
boolean requireNumbers)
throws IOException
if (!jp.hasCurrentToken()) {
assertToken(JsonToken.START_OBJECT, jp.getCurrentToken()); // main object
assertToken(JsonToken.FIELD_NAME, jp.nextToken()); // 'Image'
if (verifyContents) {
verifyFieldName(jp, "Image");
assertToken(JsonToken.START_OBJECT, jp.nextToken()); // 'image' object
assertToken(JsonToken.FIELD_NAME, jp.nextToken()); // 'Width'
if (verifyContents) {
verifyFieldName(jp, "Width");
verifyIntToken(jp.nextToken(), requireNumbers);
if (verifyContents) {
verifyIntValue(jp, SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_WIDTH);
assertToken(JsonToken.FIELD_NAME, jp.nextToken()); // 'Height'
if (verifyContents) {
verifyFieldName(jp, "Height");
verifyIntToken(jp.nextToken(), requireNumbers);
if (verifyContents) {
assertToken(JsonToken.FIELD_NAME, jp.nextToken()); // 'Title'
if (verifyContents) {
verifyFieldName(jp, "Title");
assertToken(JsonToken.VALUE_STRING, jp.nextToken());
assertEquals(SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_TITLE, getAndVerifyText(jp));
assertToken(JsonToken.FIELD_NAME, jp.nextToken()); // 'Thumbnail'
if (verifyContents) {
verifyFieldName(jp, "Thumbnail");
assertToken(JsonToken.START_OBJECT, jp.nextToken()); // 'thumbnail' object
assertToken(JsonToken.FIELD_NAME, jp.nextToken()); // 'Url'
if (verifyContents) {
verifyFieldName(jp, "Url");
assertToken(JsonToken.VALUE_STRING, jp.nextToken());
if (verifyContents) {
assertEquals(SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_TN_URL, getAndVerifyText(jp));
assertToken(JsonToken.FIELD_NAME, jp.nextToken()); // 'Height'
if (verifyContents) {
verifyFieldName(jp, "Height");
verifyIntToken(jp.nextToken(), requireNumbers);
if (verifyContents) {
assertToken(JsonToken.FIELD_NAME, jp.nextToken()); // 'Width'
if (verifyContents) {
verifyFieldName(jp, "Width");
// Width value is actually a String in the example
assertToken(JsonToken.VALUE_STRING, jp.nextToken());
if (verifyContents) {
assertEquals(SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_TN_WIDTH, getAndVerifyText(jp));
assertToken(JsonToken.END_OBJECT, jp.nextToken()); // 'thumbnail' object
assertToken(JsonToken.FIELD_NAME, jp.nextToken()); // 'IDs'
assertToken(JsonToken.START_ARRAY, jp.nextToken()); // 'ids' array
verifyIntToken(jp.nextToken(), requireNumbers); // ids[0]
if (verifyContents) {
verifyIntValue(jp, SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_TN_ID1);
verifyIntToken(jp.nextToken(), requireNumbers); // ids[1]
if (verifyContents) {
verifyIntValue(jp, SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_TN_ID2);
verifyIntToken(jp.nextToken(), requireNumbers); // ids[2]
if (verifyContents) {
verifyIntValue(jp, SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_TN_ID3);
verifyIntToken(jp.nextToken(), requireNumbers); // ids[3]
if (verifyContents) {
verifyIntValue(jp, SAMPLE_SPEC_VALUE_TN_ID4);
assertToken(JsonToken.END_ARRAY, jp.nextToken()); // 'ids' array
assertToken(JsonToken.END_OBJECT, jp.nextToken()); // 'image' object
assertToken(JsonToken.END_OBJECT, jp.nextToken()); // main object
private void verifyIntToken(JsonToken t, boolean requireNumbers)
if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT) {
if (requireNumbers) { // to get error
assertToken(JsonToken.VALUE_NUMBER_INT, t);
// if not number, must be String
if (t != JsonToken.VALUE_STRING) {
fail("Expected INT or STRING value, got "+t);
protected void verifyFieldName(JsonParser jp, String expName)
throws IOException
assertEquals(expName, jp.getText());
assertEquals(expName, jp.getCurrentName());
protected void verifyIntValue(JsonParser jp, long expValue)
throws IOException
// First, via textual
assertEquals(String.valueOf(expValue), jp.getText());
* Method that checks whether Unit tests appear to run from Ant build
* scripts.
* @since 1.6
protected static boolean runsFromAnt() {
return "true".equals(System.getProperty("FROM_ANT"));
/* Parser/generator construction
protected JsonParser createParserUsingReader(String input)
throws IOException, JsonParseException
return createParserUsingReader(new JsonFactory(), input);
protected JsonParser createParserUsingReader(JsonFactory f, String input)
throws IOException
return f.createParser(new StringReader(input));
protected JsonParser createParserUsingStream(String input, String encoding)
throws IOException
return createParserUsingStream(new JsonFactory(), input, encoding);
protected JsonParser createParserUsingStream(JsonFactory f,
String input, String encoding)
throws IOException
/* 23-Apr-2008, tatus: UTF-32 is not supported by JDK, have to
* use our own codec too (which is not optimal since there's
* a chance both encoder and decoder might have bugs, but ones
* that cancel each other out or such)
byte[] data;
if (encoding.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF-32")) {
data = encodeInUTF32BE(input);
} else {
data = input.getBytes(encoding);
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(data);
return f.createParser(is);
/* Additional assertion methods
protected void assertToken(JsonToken expToken, JsonToken actToken)
if (actToken != expToken) {
fail("Expected token "+expToken+", current token "+actToken);
protected void assertToken(JsonToken expToken, JsonParser jp)
assertToken(expToken, jp.getCurrentToken());
protected void assertType(Object ob, Class<?> expType)
if (ob == null) {
fail("Expected an object of type "+expType.getName()+", got null");
Class<?> cls = ob.getClass();
if (!expType.isAssignableFrom(cls)) {
fail("Expected type "+expType.getName()+", got "+cls.getName());
protected void assertValidLocation(JsonLocation location) {
assertNotNull("Should have non-null location", location);
assertTrue("Should have positive line number", location.getLineNr() > 0);
protected void verifyException(Throwable e, String... matches)
String msg = e.getMessage();
String lmsg = (msg == null) ? "" : msg.toLowerCase();
for (String match : matches) {
String lmatch = match.toLowerCase();
if (lmsg.indexOf(lmatch) >= 0) {
fail("Expected an exception with one of substrings ("
+Arrays.asList(matches)+"): got one (of type "+e.getClass().getName()
+") with message \""+msg+"\"");
* Method that gets textual contents of the current token using
* available methods, and ensures results are consistent, before
* returning them
protected String getAndVerifyText(JsonParser jp)
throws IOException, JsonParseException
// Ok, let's verify other accessors
int actLen = jp.getTextLength();
char[] ch = jp.getTextCharacters();
String str2 = new String(ch, jp.getTextOffset(), actLen);
String str = jp.getText();
if (str.length() != actLen) {
fail("Internal problem (jp.token == "+jp.getCurrentToken()+"): jp.getText().length() ['"+str+"'] == "+str.length()+"; jp.getTextLength() == "+actLen);
assertEquals("String access via getText(), getTextXxx() must be the same", str, str2);
return str;
/* And other helpers
protected byte[] encodeInUTF32BE(String input)
int len = input.length();
byte[] result = new byte[len * 4];
int ptr = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i, ptr += 4) {
char c = input.charAt(i);
result[ptr] = result[ptr+1] = (byte) 0;
result[ptr+2] = (byte) (c >> 8);
result[ptr+3] = (byte) c;
return result;
public String quote(String str) {
return '"'+str+'"';