blob: 0210234bd286fec8adf830c4f071cbc430b8ce02 [file] [log] [blame]
Here are people who have contributed to the development of Jackson JSON processor
databind core component, version 2.x
(version numbers in brackets indicate release in which the problem was fixed)
(note: for older credits, check out release notes for 1.x versions)
Tatu Saloranta, author
Pascal GŽlinas:
* Contributed fixes to 'MappingIterator' handling (Pull#58 and Pull#59)
* Reported #220: ContainerNode missing 'createNumber(BigInteger)'
Joern Huxhorn: (huxi@github)
* Suggested [JACKSON-636]: Add 'SerializationFeature.ORDER_MAP_ENTRIES_BY_KEYS' to allow
forced sorting of Maps during serialization
* Reported #479: NPE on trying to deserialize a `String[]` that contains null
* Reported #1411: MapSerializer._orderEntries should check for null keys
James Roper:
* Requested [JACKSON-732]: Allow 'AnnotationIntrospector.findContentDeserializer()'
(and similar) to return instance, not just Class<?> for instance
* Suggested [JACKSON-800]: Adding a method for letting modules register
Casey Lucas:
* Reported [JACKSON-798]: Problem with external type id, creators
Tammo van Lessen:
* Reported [JACKSON-811]: Problems with @JsonIdentityInfo, abstract types
* Reported [JACKSON-814]: Parsing RFC822/RFC1123 dates failes on non-US locales
Raymond Myers:
* Suggested [JACKSON-810]: Deserialization Feature: Allow unknown Enum values via
Ryan Gardner:
* Contributed #5 -- Add support for maps with java.util.Locale keys
to the set of StdKeyDeserializers
Razvan Dragut:
* Suggested [JACKSON-850]: Allow use of zero-arg factory methods as "default creator"
Duncan Atkinson:
* Reported [JACKSON-851]: State corruption with ObjectWriter, DefaultPrettyPrinter
Mark Wolfe:
* Suggested #45: Add `@JsonNaming()` for per-class naming strategy overrides
Dmitry Katsubo:
* Contributed patch for #65: Add getters to `ObjectMapper`, DeserializationContext,
Francis Galiegue:
* Reported #93 (and suggested fix): bug in `ObjectMapper.setAll(...)'
* Reported #433: `ObjectMapper`'s `.valueToTree()` wraps `JsonSerializable` objects
into a POJONode
* Contributed #434: Ensure that DecimalNodes with mathematically equal values are equal
* Reported #157, contributed unit test: NPE when registering same module twice.
Eric Tschetter (cheddar@github):
* Reported issues #166, #167, #170 (regressions from 1.9.x to 2.x)
Thierry D (thierryd@github)
* Reported #214: Problem with LICENSE, NOTICE, Android packaging
Luke G-H (lukegh@github)
* Reported #223: Duplicated nulls with @JsonFormat(shape=Shape.ARRAY)
Karl Moore (karldmoore@github)
* Reported #217: JsonProcessingExceptions not all wrapped as expected
David Phillips:
* Requested #308: Improve serialization and deserialization speed of `java.util.UUID`
Seth Pellegrino (jivesoft):
* Contributed #317: Fix `JsonNode` support for nulls bound to `ObjectNode`, `ArrayNode`
Florian Schoppmann (fschopp@github)
* Reported #357: StackOverflowError with contentConverter that returns array type
* Reported #358: `IterableSerializer` ignoring annotated content serializer
* Reported #359: Converted object not using explicitly annotated serializer
Martin Traverso:
* Reported #406: Cannot use external type id + @JsonTypeIdResolver
Matthew Morrissette:
* Contributed #381: Allow inlining/unwrapping of value from single-component JSON array
Will Palmeri: (wpalmeri@github)
* Contributed #407: Make array and Collection serializers use configured value null handler
Cemalettin Koc: (cemo@github)
* Reported #353: Problems with polymorphic types, `JsonNode` (related to #88)
Ben Fagin: (UnquietCode@github)
* Suggested #442: Make `@JsonUnwrapped` indicate property inclusion
* Contributed #81/#455: Allow use of @JsonUnwrapped with typed (@JsonTypeInfo) classes,
provided that (new) feature `SerializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNWRAPPED_TYPE_IDENTIFIERS`
is disabled
Chris Cleveland:
* Suggested #463: Add 'JsonNode.asText(String defaultValue)`
Benson Margulies:
* Reported #467: Unwanted POJO's embedded in tree via serialization to tree
* Reported #601: ClassCastException for a custom serializer for enum key in `EnumMap`
* Contributed 944: Failure to use custom deserializer for key deserializer
* Reported #1120: String value omitted from weirdStringException
* Reported, fixed #1235: `java.nio.file.Path` support incomplete
* Reported #1270: Generic type returned from type id resolver seems to be ignored
Steve Sanbeg: (sanbeg@github)
* Contributed #482: Make date parsing error behavior consistent with JDK
Ian Barfield: (tea-dragon@github)
* Reported #580: delegate deserializers choke on a (single) abstract/polymorphic parameter
* Reported #844: Using JsonCreator still causes invalid path references in JsonMappingException
Eugene Lukash
* Reported #592: Wrong `TokenBuffer` delegate deserialization using `@JsonCreator`
Fernando Otero (zeitos@github)
* Contributed fix for #610: Problem with forward reference in hierarchies
Lovro Pandžić (lpandzic@github)
* Reported #421: @JsonCreator not used in case of multiple creators with parameter names
Adam Stroud (adstro@github)
* Contributed #576: Add fluent API for adding mixins
David Fleeman (fleebytes@github)
* Contributed #528 implementation: Add support for `JsonType.As.EXISTING_PROPERTY`
Aurélien Leboulanger (herau@github)
* Contributed improvement for #597: Improve error messaging for cases where JSON Creator
returns null (which is illegal)
Michael Spiegel (mspiegel@githib)
* Contributed #636: `ClassNotFoundException` for classes not (yet) needed during serialization
Michael Ressler (mressler@github)
* Contributed #566: Add support for case-insensitive deserialization
Konstantin Labun (kulabun@github)
* Reported #647: Deserialization fails when @JsonUnwrapped property contains an object with same property name
Christopher Smith (chrylis@github)
* Reported #594: `@JsonValue` on enum not used when enum value is a Map key
Alexandre Santana Campelo (alexqi200@github):
* Contributed #671: Adding `java.util.Currency` deserialization support for maps
Zoltan Farkas (zolyfarkas@github)
* Reported #674: Spring CGLIB proxies not handled as intended
* Reported #682: Class<?>-valued Map keys not serialized properly
* Reported #691: Jackson 2.5.0. NullSerializer for MapProperty failing
* Reported #984: JsonStreamContexts are not build the same way for write.. and convert methods
Shumpei Akai (flexfrank@github)
* Reported #703: Multiple calls to ObjectMapper#canSerialize(Object.class) returns different values
Francisco A. Lozano (flozano@github)
* Contributed fix for #703 (see above)
Dylan Scott (dylanscott@github)
* Reported #738: #738: @JsonTypeInfo non-deterministically ignored in 2.5.1 (concurrency
Alain Gilbert (agilbert314@github)
* Reporter, contributed #766: Fix Infinite recursion (StackOverflowError) when
serializing a SOAP object
Alexey Gavrilov (Alexey1Gavrilov@github)
* Reported, contributed fix for #761: Builder deserializer: in-compatible type exception
when return type is super type
Dmitry Spikhalskiy (Spikhalskiy@github)
* Reported #731, suggested the way to fix it: XmlAdapter result marshaling error in
case of ValueType=Object
* Reported #1456: `TypeFactory` type resolution broken in 2.7 for generic types
when using `constructType` with context
(2.7.9 / 2.8.6)
John Meyer (jpmeyer@github)
* Reported, contributed fix for #745: EnumDeserializer.deserializerForCreator() fails
when used to deserialize a Map key
Andrew Duckett (andrewduckett@github)
* Reported #771: Annotation bundles ignored when added to Mixin
Charles Allen:
* Contributed #785: Add handlings for classes which are available in
Andrew Goodale (newyankeecodeshop@github)
* Contributed #816: Allow date-only ISO strings to have no time zone
Kamil Benedykciński (Kamil-Benedykcinski@github)
* Contributed #801: Using `@JsonCreator` cause generating invalid path reference
in `JsonMappingException`
Chi Kim (chikim79@github)
* Reported #878: serializeWithType on BeanSerializer does not setCurrentValue
(2.5.5 / 2.6.1)
Charles Allen (drcrallen@github):
* Reported #696: Copy constructor does not preserve `_injectableValues`
Chris Pimlott (pimlottc@github):
* Suggested #348: ObjectMapper.valueToTree does not work with @JsonRawValue
Laird Nelson (ljnelson@github)
* Suggested #688: Provide a means for an ObjectMapper to discover mixin annotation
classes on demand
* Reported #1088: NPE possibility in SimpleMixinResolver
Derk Norton (derknorton@github)
* Suggested #689: Add `ObjectMapper.setDefaultPrettyPrinter(PrettyPrinter)`
Michal Letynski (mletynski@github)
* Suggested #296: Serialization of transient fields with public getters (add
Jeff Schnitzer (stickfigure@github)
* Suggested #504: Add `DeserializationFeature.USE_LONG_FOR_INTS`
Jerry Yang (islanderman@github)
* Contributed #820: Add new method for `ObjectReader`, to bind from JSON Pointer position
Lars Pfannenschmidt (larsp@github)
* Contributed #826: Replaced synchronized HashMap with ConcurrentHashMap in
Stephen A. Goss (thezerobit@github)
* Contributed #828: Respect DeserializationFeatures.WRAP_EXCEPTIONS in CollectionDeserializer
Andy Wilkinson (wilkinsona@github)
* Reported #889: Configuring an ObjectMapper's DateFormat changes time zone
* Reported 894: When using withFactory on ObjectMapper, the created Factory has a TypeParser
which still has the original Factory
Daniel Walker (dsw2127@github)
* Reported, contributed fix for #913: `ObjectMapper.copy()` does not preserve
`MappingJsonFactory` features
Sadayuki Furuhashi (frsyuki@github)
* Reported #941: Deserialization from "{}" to ObjectNode field causes
"out of END_OBJECT token" error
* Reported #2077: `JsonTypeInfo` with a subtype having `JsonFormat.Shape.ARRAY`
and no fields generates `{}` not `[]`
David Haraburda (dharaburda@github)
* Contributed #918: Add `MapperFeature.ALLOW_EXPLICIT_PROPERTY_RENAMING`
Sergio Mira (Sergio-Mira@github)
* Contributed #940: Add missing `hashCode()` implementations for `JsonNode` types that did not have them
Andreas Pieber (anpieber@github)
* Reported #939: Regression: DateConversionError in 2.6.x
Jesse Wilson (swankjesse@github)
* Contributed #948: Support leap seconds, any number of millisecond digits for ISO-8601 Dates.
* Contributed #949: Report the offending substring when number parsing fails
Warren Bloomer (stormboy@github)
* Reported #942: Handle null type id for polymorphic values that use external type id
Ievgen Pianov (pyanoveugen@github)
* Reported #989: Deserialization from "{}" to java.lang.Object causes "out of END_OBJECT token" error
Jayson Minard (apatrida@github)
* Reported #1005: Synthetic constructors confusing Jackson data binding
* Reported #1438: `ACCEPT_CASE_INSENSITIVE_PROPERTIES` is not respected for creator properties
David Bakin (david-bakin@github)
* Reported #1013: `@JsonUnwrapped` is not treated as assuming `@JsonProperty("")`
* Suggested #1011: Change ObjectWriter::withAttributes() to take a Map with some kind of wildcard types
Dmitry Romantsov (DmRomantsov@github)
* Reported #1036: Problem with case-insensitive deserialization
Daniel Norberg (danielnorberg@github)
* Contributed #1099: Fix custom comparator container node traversal
Miles Kaufmann (milesk-amzn@github)
* Reported #432: `StdValueInstantiator` unwraps exceptions, losing context
Thomas Mortagne (tmortagne@github)
* Suggested #857: Add support for java.beans.Transient
Jonas Konrad (yawkat@github)
* Suggested #905: Add support for `@ConstructorProperties`
Jirka Kremser (Jiri-Kremser@github)
* Suggested #924: SequenceWriter.writeAll() could accept Iterable
Daniel Mischler (danielmischler@github)
* Requested #963: Add PropertyNameStrategy `KEBAB_CASE`
Shumpei Akai (flexfrank@github)
* Reported #978: ObjectMapper#canSerialize(Object.class) returns false even though
Hugo Wood (hgwood@github)
* Contributed #1010: Support for array delegator
Julian Hyde (julianhyde@github)
* Reported #1083: Field in base class is not recognized, when using `@JsonType.defaultImpl`
Thibault Kruse (tkruse@github)
* Reported #1102: Handling of deprecated `SimpleType.construct()` too minimalistic
Aleks Seovic (aseovic@github)
* Reported #1109: @JsonFormat is ignored by the DateSerializer unless either a custom pattern
or a timezone are specified
Timur Shakurov (saladinkzn@github)
* Reported #1134: Jackson 2.7 doesn't work with jdk6 due to use of `Collections.emptyIterator()`
Jiri Mikulasek (pirkogdc@github)
* Reported #1124: JsonAnyGetter ignores JsonSerialize(contentUsing=...)
Xavi Torrens (xavitorrens@github)
* Reported #1150: Problem with Object id handling, explicit `null` token
Yoann Rodière (fenrhil@github)
* Reported #1154: @JsonFormat.pattern on dates is now ignored if shape is not
explicitely provided
Mark Woon (markwoon@github)
* Reported #1178: `@JsonSerialize(contentAs=superType)` behavior disallowed in 2.7
* Reported #1231: `@JsonSerialize(as=superType)` behavior disallowed in 2.7.4
* Suggested #507: Support for default `@JsonView` for a class
Tom Mack (tommack@github)
* Reported #1208: treeToValue doesn't handle POJONodes that contain exactly
the requested value type
William Headrick (headw01@github)
* Reported#1223: `BasicClassIntrospector.forSerialization(...).findProperties` should
Nick Babcock (nickbabcock)
* Reported #1225: `JsonMappingException` should override getProcessor()
* Suggested #1356: Differentiate between input and code exceptions on deserialization
Andrew Joseph (apjoseph@github)
* Reported #1248: `Annotated` returns raw type in place of Generic Type in 2.7.x
Erich Schubert (kno10@github)
* Reported #1260: `NullPointerException` in `JsonNodeDeserializer`, provided fix
Brian Pontarelli (voidmain@github)
* Reported #1301: Problem with `JavaType.toString()` for recursive (self-referential) types
Max Drobotov (fizmax@github)
* Reported, contributed fix for #1332: `ArrayIndexOutOfBoundException` for enum by index deser
Stuart Douglas (stuartwdouglas@github)
* Reported #1363: The static field ClassUtil.sCached can cause a class loader leak
Josh Caplan (jecaplan@github)
* Reported, suggested fix for #1368: Problem serializing `JsonMappingException` due to addition
of non-ignored `processor` property (added in 2.7)
Diego de Estrada (diegode@github)
* Contributed fix for #1367: No Object Id found for an instance when using `@ConstructorProperties`
Kevin Hogeland (khogeland@github)
* Reported #1501: `ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException` on non-static inner class constructor
xiexq (
* Reported #2389: Block one more gadget type (CVE-2019-14361)
Artur Jonkisz (ajonkisz@github)
* Reported #960: `@JsonCreator` not working on a factory with no arguments for ae enum type
Mikhail Kokho (mkokho@github)
* Contributed impl for #990: Allow failing on `null` values for creator (add
Aleksandr Oksenenko (oleksandr-oksenenko@github)
* Reported #999: External property is not deserialized
Lokesh Kumar (LokeshN@github)
* Contributed impl for #1082: Can not use static Creator factory methods for `Enum`s,
with JsonCreator.Mode.PROPERTIES
* Reported #1217: `@JsonIgnoreProperties` on Pojo fields not working for deserialization
Ross Goldberg
* Reported #1165, provided fix for: `CoreXMLDeserializers` does not handle
time-only `XMLGregorianCalendar`s
Maarten Billemont (lhunath@github)
* Suggested #1184: Allow overriding of `transient` with explicit inclusion with `@JsonProperty`
Vladimir Kulev (lightoze@github)
* Reported #1028: Ignore USE_BIG_DECIMAL_FOR_FLOATS for NaN/Infinity
Ari Fogel (arifogel@github)
* Reported #1261, contributed fix for: `@JsonIdentityInfo` deserialization fails with
combination of forward references, `@JsonCreator`
Andriy Plokhotnyuk (plokhotnyuk@github)
* Requested #1277: Add caching of resolved generic types for `TypeFactory`
Arek Gabiga (arekgabiga@github)
* Reported #1297: Deserialization of generic type with Map.class
Chris Jester-Young (cky@github)
* Contributed #1335: Unconditionally call `TypeIdResolver.getDescForKnownTypeIds`
Andrew Snare (asnare@github)
* Reported #1315: Binding numeric values can BigDecimal lose precision
Gili Tzabari (cowwoc@github)
* Reported #1351: `@JsonInclude(NON_DEFAULT)` doesn't omit null fields
Oleg Zhukov (OlegZhukov@github)
* Reported #1384: `@JsonDeserialize(keyUsing = ...)` does not work correctly
together with `DefaultTyping.NON_FINAL`
Pavel Popov (tolkonepiu@github)
* Contributed fix #1389: Problem with handling of multi-argument creator with Enums
Josh Gruenberg (joshng@github)
* Reported #1403: Reference-chain hints use incorrect class-name for inner classes
Kevin Donnelly (kpdonn@github)
* Reported #1432: Off by 1 bug in PropertyValueBuffer
Nathanial Ofiesh (ofiesh@github)
* Reported #1441: Failure with custom Enum key deserializer, polymorphic types
Frédéric Camblor (fcamblor@github)
* Reported #1451: Type parameter not passed by `ObjectWriter` if serializer pre-fetch disabled
Stephan Schroevers (Stephan202@github)
* Reported #1505: @JsonEnumDefaultValue should take precedence over FAIL_ON_NUMBERS_FOR_ENUMS
Alex Panchenko (panchenko@github)
* Reported #1543: JsonFormat.Shape.NUMBER_INT does not work when defined on enum type in 2.8
Joshua Jones
* Reported #1573, contributed fix: Missing properties when deserializing using a builder class
with a non-default constructor and a mutator annotated with `@JsonUnwrapped`
Ivo Studens (
* Contributed #1585: Invoke ServiceLoader.load() inside of a privileged block
when loading modules using `ObjectMapper.findModules()`
Javy Luo (AnywnYu@github)
* Reported #1595: `JsonIgnoreProperties.allowSetters` is not working in Jackson 2.8
Marco Catania (
* Contributed #1597: Escape JSONP breaking characters
Andrew Joseph (apjoseph@github)
* Reported #1629 `FromStringDeserializer` ignores registered `DeserializationProblemHandler`
for `java.util.UUID`
Joe Littlejohn (joelittlejohn@github)
* Contributed #1642: Support `READ_UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUES_AS_NULL` with `@JsonCreator`
Slobodan Pejic (slobo-showbie@github)
* Reported #1647, contributed fix: Missing properties from base class when recursive
types are involved
Bertrand Renuart (brenuart@github)
* Reported #1648: `DateTimeSerializerBase` ignores configured date format when creating contextual
* Reported #1651: `StdDateFormat` fails to parse 'zulu' date when TimeZone other than UTC
* Suggested #1745: StdDateFormat: accept and truncate millis larger than 3 digits
* Contributed #1749: StdDateFormat: performance improvement of '_format(..)' method
* Contributed #1759: Reuse `Calendar` instance during parsing by `StdDateFormat`
Kevin Gallardo (newkek@github)
* Reported #1658: Infinite recursion when deserializing a class extending a Map,
with a recursive value type
* Reported #1729: Integer bounds verification when calling `TokenBuffer.getIntValue()`
Lukas Euler
* Reported #1735: Missing type checks when using polymorphic type ids
Guixiong Wu (吴桂雄)
* Reported #2032: Blacklist another serialization gadget (ibatis)
* Reported #2109, suggested fix: Canonical string for reference type is built incorrectly
( / 2.9.7)
Connor Kuhn (ckuhn@github)
Jan Lolling (jlolling@github)
* Contributed #1319: Add `ObjectNode.put(String, BigInteger)`
Michael R Fairhurst (MichaelRFairhurst@github)
* Reported #1035: `@JsonAnySetter` assumes key of `String`, does not consider declared type.
Fabrizio Cucci (fabriziocucci@github)
* Reported #1406: `ObjectMapper.readTree()` methods do not return `null` on end-of-input
Emiliano Clariá (emilianogc@github)
* Contributed #1434: Explicitly pass null on invoke calls with no arguments
Ana Eliza Barbosa (AnaEliza@github)
* Contributed #1520: Case insensitive enum deserialization feature.
Lyor Goldstein (lgoldstein@github)
* Reported #1544: `EnumMapDeserializer` assumes a pure `EnumMap` and does not support
derived classes
Harleen Sahni (harleensahni@github)
* Reported #403: Make FAIL_ON_NULL_FOR_PRIMITIVES apply to primitive arrays and other
types that wrap primitives
Jared Jacobs (2is10@github)
* Requested #1605: Allow serialization of `InetAddress` as simple numeric host address
Patrick Gunia (pgunia@github)
* Reported #1440: Wrong `JsonStreamContext` in `DeserializationProblemHandler` when reading
`TokenBuffer` content
Carsten Wickner (CarstenWickner@github)
* Contributed #1522: Global `@JsonInclude(Include.NON_NULL)` for all properties with a specific type
Chris Plummer (strmer15@github)
* Reported #1637: `` with `JsonPointer` stops after first collection
Christian Basler (Dissem@github)
* Reported #1688: Deserialization fails for `java.nio.file.Path` implementations when
default typing enabled
Tim Bartley (tbartley@github)
* Reported, suggested fix for #1705: Non-generic interface method hides type resolution info
from generic base class
Luís Cleto (luiscleto@github)
* Suggested 1768: Improve `TypeFactory.constructFromCanonical()` to work with
`java.lang.reflect.Type.getTypeName()` format
Vincent Demay (vdemay@github)
* Reported #1793: `java.lang.NullPointerException` in `ObjectArraySerializer.acceptJsonFormatVisitor()`
for array value with `@JsonValue`
Peter Jurkovic (peterjurkovic@github)
* Reported #1823: ClassNameIdResolver doesn't handle resolve Collections$SingletonMap,
* Reported #1844: Map "deep" merge only adds new items, but not override existing values
Pier-Luc Whissell (pwhissell@github):
* Reported #1673: Serialising generic value classes via Reference Types (like Optional) fails
to include type information
Alexander Skvortcov (askvortcov@github)
* Reported #1853: Deserialise from Object (using Creator methods) returns field name
instead of value
Joe Schafer (jschaf@github)
* Reported #1906: Add string format specifier for error message in `PropertyValueBuffer`
* Reported #1907: Remove `getClass()` from `_valueType` argument for error reporting
Deblock Thomas (deblockt@github)
* Reported, contributed fix for #1912: `BeanDeserializerModifier.updateBuilder()` does not
work to set custom deserializer on a property (since 2.9.0)
* Reported, suggested fix for #2280: JsonMerge not work with constructor args
* Reported #1931: Two more `c3p0` gadgets to exploit default typing issue
Aniruddha Maru (maroux@github)
* Reported #1940: `Float` values with integer value beyond `int` lose precision if
bound to `long`
Timur Shakurov (saladinkzn@github)
* Reported #1947: `MapperFeature.AUTO_DETECT_XXX` do not work if all disabled
* Reported #1978: Using @JsonUnwrapped annotation in builderdeserializer hangs in
infinite loop
Freddy Boucher (freddyboucher@github)
* Reported #1990: MixIn `@JsonProperty` for `Object.hashCode()` is ignored
Ondrej Zizka (OndraZizk@github)
* Reported #1999: "Duplicate property" issue should mention which class it complains about
Jakub Skierbiszewski (jskierbi@github)
* Reported, contributed fix for #2001: Deserialization issue with `@JsonIgnore` and
`@JsonCreator` + `@JsonProperty` for same property name
Carter Kozak (cakofony@github)
* Reported #2016: Delegating JsonCreator disregards JsonDeserialize info
Reinhard Prechtl (dnno@github)
* Reported #2034: Serialization problem with type specialization of nested generic types
Chetan Narsude (243826@github)
* Reported #2038: JDK Serializing and using Deserialized `ObjectMapper` loses linkage
back from `JsonParser.getCodec()`
Petar Tahchiev (ptahchiev@github)
* Reported #2060: `UnwrappingBeanPropertyWriter` incorrectly assumes the found
serializer is of type `UnwrappingBeanSerializer`
Brandon Krieger (bkrieger@github)
* Reported #2064: Cannot set custom format for `SqlDateSerializer` globally
Thibaut Robert (trobert@github)
* Requested #2059: Remove `final` modifier for `TypeFactory`
Christopher Smith (chrylis@github)
* Suggested #2115: Support naive deserialization of `Serializable` values as "untyped",
same as `java.lang.Object`
Édouard Mercier (edouardmercier@github)
* Requested #2116: Make NumberSerializers.Base public and its inherited classes not final
Semyon Levin (remal@github)
* Contributed #2120: `NioPathDeserializer` improvement
* Contributed #2133: Improve `DeserializationProblemHandler.handleUnexpectedToken()`
to allow handling of Collection problems
Pavel Nikitin (morj@github)
* Requested #2181: Don't re-use dynamic serializers for property-updating copy constructors
Thomas Krieger (ThomasKrieger@github)
* Reported #1408: Call to `TypeVariable.getBounds()` without synchronization unsafe on
some platforms
René Kschamer (flawi@github)
* Reported #2197: Illegal reflective access operation warning when using `java.lang.Void`
as value type
Joffrey Bion (joffrey-bion@github)
* Reported #2265: Inconsistent handling of Collections$UnmodifiableList vs
Christoph Fiehe (
* Contributed #2299: Fix for using jackson-databind in an OSGi environment under Android
Cyril Martin (
* Reported #2303: Deserialize null, when java type is "TypeRef of TypeRef of T",
does not provide "Type(Type(null))"
Daniil Barvitsky (dbarvitsky@github)
* Reported #2324: `StringCollectionDeserializer` fails with custom collection
Edgar Asatryan (nstdio@github)
* Reported #2374: `ObjectMapper. getRegisteredModuleIds()` throws NPE if no modules registered
Michael Simons (michael-simons@github)
* Reported #2395: `NullPointerException` from `ResolvedRecursiveType` (regression due to
fix for #2331)
Joe Barnett (josephlbarnett@github)
* Reported, contributed fix for #2404: FAIL_ON_MISSING_EXTERNAL_TYPE_ID_PROPERTY setting
ignored when creator properties are buffered
Kaki King (kingkk9279@g)
* Reported #2449: Block one more gadget type (cve CVE-2019-14540)
Jon Anderson (Jon901@github)
* Reported #2544: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError Thrown for compact profile1
Zihui Ren (renzihui@github)
* Suggested #2129: Add `SerializationFeature.WRITE_ENUM_KEYS_USING_INDEX`, separate from value setting
Yiqiu Huang (huangyq23@github
* Reported #2164: `FactoryBasedEnumDeserializer` does not respect
Alexander Saites (saites@github)
* Reported #2189: `TreeTraversingParser` does not check int bounds
Christoph Breitkopf (bokesan@github)
* Reported #2217: Suboptimal memory allocation in `TextNode.getBinaryValue()`
Pavel Chervakov (pacher@github)
* Reported #2230: `WRITE_BIGDECIMAL_AS_PLAIN` is ignored if `@JsonFormat` is used
Ben Anderson (andersonbd1@github)
* Reported, suggested fix for #2309: READ_ENUMS_USING_TO_STRING doesn't support null values
Manuel Hegner (manuel-hegner@github)
* Suggested #2311: Unnecessary MultiView creation for property writers
Chris Mercer (cmercer@github)
* Reported #2331: `JsonMappingException` through nested getter with generic wildcard return type
Robert Greig (rgreig@github)
* Reported #2336: `MapDeserializer` can not merge `Map`s with polymorphic values
Victor Noël (victornoel@github)
* Reported #2338: Suboptimal return type for `JsonNode.withArray()`
* Reported #2339: Suboptimal return type for `ObjectNode.set()`
David Harris (toadzky@github)
* Reported #2378: `@JsonAlias` doesn't work with AutoValue
Sam Smith (Oracle Security Researcher)
* Suggested #2398: Replace recursion in `TokenBuffer.copyCurrentStructure()` with iteration
Vladimir Tsanev (tsachev@github)
* Contributed #2415: Builder-based POJO deserializer should pass builder instance, not type,
to `handleUnknownVanilla()` to fix earlier #822
Marcos Passos (marcospassos@github(
* Contributed #2432: Add support for module bundles
David Becker (dsbecker@github)
* Suggested #2433: Improve `NullNode.equals()`
Hesham Massoud (heshamMassoud@github)
* Reported, contributed fix for #2442: `ArrayNode.addAll()` adds raw `null` values
which cause NPE on `deepCopy()`
David Connelly (dconnelly@github)
* Reported #2446: Java 11: Unable to load JDK7 types (annotations, java.nio.file.Path):
no Java7 support added
Wahey (KevynBct@github)
* Reported #2466: Didn't find class "java.nio.file.Path" below Android api 26
Martín Coll (colltoaction@github)
* Contributed #2467: Accept `JsonTypeInfo.As.WRAPPER_ARRAY` with no second argument to
deserialize as "null value"
Andrey Kulikov (ankulikov@github)
* Reported #2457: Extended enum values are not handled as enums when used as Map keys
João Guerra (joca-bt@github)
* Reported #2473: Array index missing in path of `JsonMappingException` for `Collection<String>`,
with custom deserializer
* Reported #2567: Incorrect target type for arrays when providing nulls and nulls are disabled
Ryan Bohn (bohnman@github)
* Reported #2475: `StringCollectionSerializer` calls `JsonGenerator.setCurrentValue(value)`,
which messes up current value for sibling properties
Johan Haleby (johanhaleby@github)
* Reported #2513: BigDecimalAsStringSerializer in NumberSerializer throws IllegalStateException
in 2.10
Richard Wise (Woodz@github)
* Reported #2519: Serializing `BigDecimal` values inside containers ignores shape override
Mark Schäfer (mark--@github)
* Reported #2520: Sub-optimal exception message when failing to deserialize non-static inner classes
Ruud Welling (WellingR@github)
* Contributed fix for #2102: `FAIL_ON_NULL_FOR_PRIMITIVES` failure does not indicate
field name in exception message
Fabian Lange (CodingFabian@github)
* Reported #2556: Contention in `TypeNameIdResolver.idFromClass()`
Stefan Wendt (stewe@github)
* Reported #2560: Check `WRAP_EXCEPTIONS` in `CollectionDeserializer.handleNonArray()`
Greg Arakelian (arakelian@github)
* Reported #2566: `MissingNode.toString()` returns `null` (4 character token) instead
of empty string
Tobias Preuss (johnjohndoe@github)
* Reported #2599: NoClassDefFoundError at DeserializationContext.<init> on Android 4.1.2
and Jackson 2.10.0