blob: d62356b403f33988c886db0248bdffc0c0b7384b [file] [log] [blame]
package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.type;
import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable;
import java.util.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType;
* Type that represents Map-like types; things that consist of key/value pairs
* but that do not necessarily implement {@link java.util.Map}, but that do not
* have enough introspection functionality to allow for some level of generic
* handling. This specifically allows framework to check for configuration and
* annotation settings used for Map types, and pass these to custom handlers
* that may be more familiar with actual type.
public class MapLikeType extends TypeBase {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* Type of keys of Map.
protected final JavaType _keyType;
* Type of values of Map.
protected final JavaType _valueType;
* Life-cycle
protected MapLikeType(Class<?> mapType, TypeBindings bindings,
JavaType superClass, JavaType[] superInts, JavaType keyT,
JavaType valueT, Object valueHandler, Object typeHandler,
boolean asStatic) {
super(mapType, bindings, superClass, superInts, keyT.hashCode()
^ valueT.hashCode(), valueHandler, typeHandler, asStatic);
_keyType = keyT;
_valueType = valueT;
* @since 2.7
protected MapLikeType(TypeBase base, JavaType keyT, JavaType valueT) {
_keyType = keyT;
_valueType = valueT;
* Factory method that can be used to "upgrade" a basic type into
* collection-like one; usually done via {@link TypeModifier}
* @since 2.7
public static MapLikeType upgradeFrom(JavaType baseType, JavaType keyT,
JavaType valueT) {
// 19-Oct-2015, tatu: Not sure if and how other types could be used as
// base;
// will cross that bridge if and when need be
if (baseType instanceof TypeBase) {
return new MapLikeType((TypeBase) baseType, keyT, valueT);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Cannot upgrade from an instance of " + baseType.getClass());
// since 2.7; remove from 2.8
public static MapLikeType construct(Class<?> rawType, JavaType keyT,
JavaType valueT) {
// First: may need to fabricate TypeBindings (needed for refining into
// concrete collection types, as per [databind#1102])
TypeVariable<?>[] vars = rawType.getTypeParameters();
TypeBindings bindings;
if ((vars == null) || (vars.length != 2)) {
bindings = TypeBindings.emptyBindings();
} else {
bindings = TypeBindings.create(rawType, keyT, valueT);
return new MapLikeType(rawType, bindings, _bogusSuperClass(rawType),
null, keyT, valueT, null, null, false);
// since 2.7
protected JavaType _narrow(Class<?> subclass) {
return new MapLikeType(subclass, _bindings, _superClass,
_superInterfaces, _keyType, _valueType, _valueHandler,
_typeHandler, _asStatic);
* @since 2.7
public MapLikeType withKeyType(JavaType keyType) {
if (keyType == _keyType) {
return this;
return new MapLikeType(_class, _bindings, _superClass,
_superInterfaces, keyType, _valueType, _valueHandler,
_typeHandler, _asStatic);
public JavaType withContentType(JavaType contentType) {
if (_valueType == contentType) {
return this;
return new MapLikeType(_class, _bindings, _superClass,
_superInterfaces, _keyType, contentType, _valueHandler,
_typeHandler, _asStatic);
public MapLikeType withTypeHandler(Object h) {
return new MapLikeType(_class, _bindings, _superClass,
_superInterfaces, _keyType, _valueType, _valueHandler, h,
public MapLikeType withContentTypeHandler(Object h) {
return new MapLikeType(_class, _bindings, _superClass,
_superInterfaces, _keyType, _valueType.withTypeHandler(h),
_valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic);
public MapLikeType withValueHandler(Object h) {
return new MapLikeType(_class, _bindings, _superClass,
_superInterfaces, _keyType, _valueType, h, _typeHandler,
public MapLikeType withContentValueHandler(Object h) {
return new MapLikeType(_class, _bindings, _superClass,
_superInterfaces, _keyType, _valueType.withValueHandler(h),
_valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic);
public JavaType withHandlersFrom(JavaType src) {
JavaType type = super.withHandlersFrom(src);
JavaType srcKeyType = src.getKeyType();
// "withKeyType()" not part of JavaType, hence must verify:
if (type instanceof MapLikeType) {
if (srcKeyType != null) {
JavaType ct = _keyType.withHandlersFrom(srcKeyType);
if (ct != _keyType) {
type = ((MapLikeType) type).withKeyType(ct);
JavaType srcCt = src.getContentType();
if (srcCt != null) {
JavaType ct = _valueType.withHandlersFrom(srcCt);
if (ct != _valueType) {
type = type.withContentType(ct);
return type;
public MapLikeType withStaticTyping() {
if (_asStatic) {
return this;
return new MapLikeType(_class, _bindings, _superClass,
_superInterfaces, _keyType, _valueType.withStaticTyping(),
_valueHandler, _typeHandler, true);
public JavaType refine(Class<?> rawType, TypeBindings bindings,
JavaType superClass, JavaType[] superInterfaces) {
return new MapLikeType(rawType, bindings, superClass, superInterfaces,
_keyType, _valueType, _valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic);
protected String buildCanonicalName() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (_keyType != null) {
return sb.toString();
/* Public API
public boolean isContainerType() {
return true;
public boolean isMapLikeType() {
return true;
public JavaType getKeyType() {
return _keyType;
public JavaType getContentType() {
return _valueType;
public Object getContentValueHandler() {
return _valueType.getValueHandler();
public Object getContentTypeHandler() {
return _valueType.getTypeHandler();
public boolean hasHandlers() {
return super.hasHandlers() || _valueType.hasHandlers()
|| _keyType.hasHandlers();
public StringBuilder getErasedSignature(StringBuilder sb) {
return _classSignature(_class, sb, true);
public StringBuilder getGenericSignature(StringBuilder sb) {
_classSignature(_class, sb, false);
return sb;
/* Extended API
public MapLikeType withKeyTypeHandler(Object h) {
return new MapLikeType(_class, _bindings, _superClass,
_superInterfaces, _keyType.withTypeHandler(h), _valueType,
_valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic);
public MapLikeType withKeyValueHandler(Object h) {
return new MapLikeType(_class, _bindings, _superClass,
_superInterfaces, _keyType.withValueHandler(h), _valueType,
_valueHandler, _typeHandler, _asStatic);
* Method that can be used for checking whether this type is a "real"
* Collection type; meaning whether it represents a parameterized subtype of
* {@link java.util.Collection} or just something that acts like one.
public boolean isTrueMapType() {
return Map.class.isAssignableFrom(_class);
/* Standard methods
public String toString() {
return String.format("[map-like type; class %s, %s -> %s]",
_class.getName(), _keyType, _valueType);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == this) return true;
if (o == null) return false;
if (o.getClass() != getClass()) return false;
MapLikeType other = (MapLikeType) o;
return (_class == other._class) && _keyType.equals(other._keyType)
&& _valueType.equals(other._valueType);