blob: ec4fdaa83004cf76bb3d0b7c8aa1b45911311250 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ext;
import java.util.*;
import org.joda.time.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
* Unit tests for verifying limited interoperability for Joda time.
* Basic support is added for handling {@link DateTime}; more can be
* added over time if and when requested.
public class TestJodaTime
extends com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.BaseMapTest
/* Tests for DateTime (and closely related)
* First: let's ensure that serialization does not fail
* with an error (see [JACKSON-157]).
public void testSerialization() throws IOException
ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
// let's use epoch time (Jan 1, 1970, UTC)
DateTime dt = new DateTime(0L, DateTimeZone.UTC);
// by default, dates use timestamp, so:
assertEquals("0", serializeAsString(m, dt));
// but if re-configured, as regular ISO-8601 string
m = new ObjectMapper();
m.configure(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS, false);
assertEquals(quote("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"), serializeAsString(m, dt));
* Ok, then: should be able to convert from JSON String or Number,
* with standard deserializer we provide.
public void testDeserFromNumber() throws IOException
Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
// use some arbitrary but non-default time point (after 1.1.1970)
cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, 1972);
long timepoint = cal.getTime().getTime();
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
// Ok, first: using JSON number (milliseconds since epoch)
DateTime dt = mapper.readValue(String.valueOf(timepoint), DateTime.class);
assertEquals(timepoint, dt.getMillis());
// And then ISO-8601 String
dt = mapper.readValue(quote("1972-12-28T12:00:01.000+0000"), DateTime.class);
assertEquals("1972-12-28T12:00:01.000Z", dt.toString());
// @since 1.6
public void testDeserReadableDateTime() throws IOException
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
ReadableDateTime date = mapper.readValue(quote("1972-12-28T12:00:01.000+0000"), ReadableDateTime.class);
assertEquals("1972-12-28T12:00:01.000Z", date.toString());
// since 1.6.1, for [JACKSON-360]
assertNull(mapper.readValue(quote(""), ReadableDateTime.class));
// @since 1.6
public void testDeserReadableInstant() throws IOException
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
ReadableInstant date = mapper.readValue(quote("1972-12-28T12:00:01.000+0000"), ReadableInstant.class);
assertEquals("1972-12-28T12:00:01.000Z", date.toString());
// since 1.6.1, for [JACKSON-360]
assertNull(mapper.readValue(quote(""), ReadableInstant.class));
/* Tests for DateMidnight type
// @since 1.5
public void testDateMidnightSer() throws IOException
DateMidnight date = new DateMidnight(2001, 5, 25);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
// default format is that of JSON array...
assertEquals("[2001,5,25]", mapper.writeValueAsString(date));
// but we can force it to be a String as well (note: here we assume this is
// dynamically changeable)
mapper.configure(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS, false);
assertEquals(quote("2001-05-25"), mapper.writeValueAsString(date));
// @since 1.5
public void testDateMidnightDeser() throws IOException
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
// couple of acceptable formats, so:
DateMidnight date = mapper.readValue("[2001,5,25]", DateMidnight.class);
assertEquals(2001, date.getYear());
assertEquals(5, date.getMonthOfYear());
assertEquals(25, date.getDayOfMonth());
DateMidnight date2 = mapper.readValue(quote("2005-07-13"), DateMidnight.class);
assertEquals(2005, date2.getYear());
assertEquals(7, date2.getMonthOfYear());
assertEquals(13, date2.getDayOfMonth());
// since 1.6.1, for [JACKSON-360]
assertNull(mapper.readValue(quote(""), DateMidnight.class));
/* Tests for LocalDate type
// @since 1.5
public void testLocalDateSer() throws IOException
LocalDate date = new LocalDate(2001, 5, 25);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
// default format is that of JSON array...
assertEquals("[2001,5,25]", mapper.writeValueAsString(date));
// but we can force it to be a String as well (note: here we assume this is
// dynamically changeable)
mapper.configure(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS, false);
assertEquals(quote("2001-05-25"), mapper.writeValueAsString(date));
// @since 1.5
public void testLocalDateDeser() throws IOException
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
// couple of acceptable formats, so:
LocalDate date = mapper.readValue("[2001,5,25]", LocalDate.class);
assertEquals(2001, date.getYear());
assertEquals(5, date.getMonthOfYear());
assertEquals(25, date.getDayOfMonth());
LocalDate date2 = mapper.readValue(quote("2005-07-13"), LocalDate.class);
assertEquals(2005, date2.getYear());
assertEquals(7, date2.getMonthOfYear());
assertEquals(13, date2.getDayOfMonth());
// since 1.6.1, for [JACKSON-360]
assertNull(mapper.readValue(quote(""), LocalDate.class));
/* Tests for LocalDateTime type
// @since 1.5
public void testLocalDateTimeSer() throws IOException
LocalDateTime date = new LocalDateTime(2001, 5, 25,
10, 15, 30, 37);
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
// default format is that of JSON array...
assertEquals("[2001,5,25,10,15,30,37]", mapper.writeValueAsString(date));
// but we can force it to be a String as well (note: here we assume this is
// dynamically changeable)
mapper.configure(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS, false);
assertEquals(quote("2001-05-25T10:15:30.037"), mapper.writeValueAsString(date));
// @since 1.5
public void testLocalDateTimeDeser() throws IOException
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
// couple of acceptable formats again:
LocalDateTime date = mapper.readValue("[2001,5,25,10,15,30,37]", LocalDateTime.class);
assertEquals(2001, date.getYear());
assertEquals(5, date.getMonthOfYear());
assertEquals(25, date.getDayOfMonth());
assertEquals(10, date.getHourOfDay());
assertEquals(15, date.getMinuteOfHour());
assertEquals(30, date.getSecondOfMinute());
assertEquals(37, date.getMillisOfSecond());
LocalDateTime date2 = mapper.readValue(quote("2007-06-30T08:34:09.001"), LocalDateTime.class);
assertEquals(2007, date2.getYear());
assertEquals(6, date2.getMonthOfYear());
assertEquals(30, date2.getDayOfMonth());
assertEquals(8, date2.getHourOfDay());
assertEquals(34, date2.getMinuteOfHour());
assertEquals(9, date2.getSecondOfMinute());
assertEquals(1, date2.getMillisOfSecond());
// since 1.6.1, for [JACKSON-360]
assertNull(mapper.readValue(quote(""), LocalDateTime.class));
/* Tests for Period type
// @since 1.9.2
public void testPeriodSer() throws IOException
Period in = new Period(1, 2, 3, 4);
String json = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(in);
assertEquals(quote("PT1H2M3.004S"), json);
// @since 1.9.2
public void testPeriodDeser() throws IOException
Period out = new ObjectMapper().readValue(quote("PT1H2M3.004S"), Period.class);
assertEquals(1, out.getHours());
assertEquals(2, out.getMinutes());
assertEquals(3, out.getSeconds());
assertEquals(4, out.getMillis());
// also, should work as number:
String json = String.valueOf(1000 * out.toStandardSeconds().getSeconds());
out = new ObjectMapper().readValue(json, Period.class);
assertEquals(1, out.getHours());
assertEquals(2, out.getMinutes());
assertEquals(3, out.getSeconds());
// but millis are actually truncated...
assertEquals(0, out.getMillis());