blob: cb72ea58f6df0273d13cc884527bb25f5844b515 [file] [log] [blame]
Here are people who have contributed to the development of Jackson JSON processor
databind core component, version 2.x
(version numbers in brackets indicate release in which the problem was fixed)
(note: for older credits, check out release notes for 1.x versions)
Tatu Saloranta, author
Pascal GŽlinas:
* Contributed fixes to 'MappingIterator' handling (Pull#58 and Pull#59)
* Reported #220: ContainerNode missing 'createNumber(BigInteger)'
Joern Huxhorn:
* Suggested [JACKSON-636]: Add 'SerializationFeature.ORDER_MAP_ENTRIES_BY_KEYS' to allow
forced sorting of Maps during serialization
James Roper:
* Requested [JACKSON-732]: Allow 'AnnotationIntrospector.findContentDeserializer()'
(and similar) to return instance, not just Class<?> for instance
* Suggested [JACKSON-800]: Adding a method for letting modules register
Casey Lucas:
* Reported [JACKSON-798]: Problem with external type id, creators
Tammo van Lessen:
* Reported [JACKSON-811]: Problems with @JsonIdentityInfo, abstract types
* Reported [JACKSON-814]: Parsing RFC822/RFC1123 dates failes on non-US locales
Raymond Myers:
* Suggested [JACKSON-810]: Deserialization Feature: Allow unknown Enum values via
Ryan Gardner:
* Contributed #5 -- Add support for maps with java.util.Locale keys
to the set of StdKeyDeserializers
Razvan Dragut:
* Suggested [JACKSON-850]: Allow use of zero-arg factory methods as "default creator"
Duncan Atkinson:
* Reported [JACKSON-851]: State corruption with ObjectWriter, DefaultPrettyPrinter
Mark Wolfe:
* Suggested #45: Add `@JsonNaming()` for per-class naming strategy overrides
Dmitry Katsubo:
* Contributed patch for #65: Add getters to `ObjectMapper`, DeserializationContext,
Francis Galiegue:
* Reported #93 (and suggested fix): bug in `ObjectMapper.setAll(...)'
* Reported #157, contributed unit test: NPE when registering same module twice.
Eric Tschetter (cheddar@github):
* Reported issues #166, #167, #170 (regressions from 1.9.x to 2.x)
Thierry D (thierryd@github)
* Reported #214: Problem with LICENSE, NOTICE, Android packaging
Luke G-H (lukegh@github)
* Reported #223: Duplicated nulls with @JsonFormat(shape=Shape.ARRAY)
Karl Moore (karldmoore@github)
* Reported #217: JsonProcessingExceptions not all wrapped as expected
David Phillips:
* Requested #308: Improve serialization and deserialization speed of `java.util.UUID`
Seth Pellegrino (jivesoft):
* Contributed #317: Fix `JsonNode` support for nulls bound to `ObjectNode`, `ArrayNode`
Florian Schoppmann (fschopp@github)
* Reported #358: `IterableSerializer` ignoring annotated content serializer
Martin Traverso:
* Reported #406: Cannot use external type id + @JsonTypeIdResolver
Matthew Morrissette:
* Contributed #381: Allow inlining/unwrapping of value from single-component JSON array
Will Palmeri: (wpalmeri@github)
* Contributed #407: Make array and Collection serializers use configured value null handler