blob: 60a6df6c32e391ad04a2d40ee9c30b5fb100e7d4 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.TypeSerializer;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.impl.PropertySerializerMap;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.Annotations;
* {@link BeanPropertyWriter} implementation used with
* {@link com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.annotation.JsonAppend}
* to add "virtual" properties in addition to regular ones.
* @since 2.5
public abstract class VirtualBeanPropertyWriter
extends BeanPropertyWriter
protected VirtualBeanPropertyWriter(BeanPropertyDefinition propDef,
Annotations contextAnnotations, JavaType declaredType,
JsonSerializer<?> ser, TypeSerializer typeSer, JavaType serType) {
this(propDef, contextAnnotations, declaredType, ser, typeSer, serType,
* Pass-through constructor that may be used by sub-classes that
* want full control over implementation.
protected VirtualBeanPropertyWriter(BeanPropertyDefinition propDef,
Annotations contextAnnotations, JavaType declaredType,
JsonSerializer<?> ser, TypeSerializer typeSer, JavaType serType,
JsonInclude.Include inclusion)
super(propDef, propDef.getPrimaryMember(), contextAnnotations, declaredType,
ser, typeSer, serType,
_suppressNulls(inclusion), _suppressableValue(inclusion));
protected VirtualBeanPropertyWriter(VirtualBeanPropertyWriter base) {
protected VirtualBeanPropertyWriter(VirtualBeanPropertyWriter base, PropertyName name) {
super(base, name);
protected static boolean _suppressNulls(JsonInclude.Include inclusion) {
return (inclusion != JsonInclude.Include.ALWAYS);
protected static Object _suppressableValue(JsonInclude.Include inclusion) {
if ((inclusion == JsonInclude.Include.NON_EMPTY)
|| (inclusion == JsonInclude.Include.NON_EMPTY)) {
return null;
/* Standard accessor overrides
public boolean isVirtual() { return true; }
public Class<?> getPropertyType() {
return _declaredType.getRawClass();
public Type getGenericPropertyType() {
return getPropertyType();
/* PropertyWriter serialization method overrides
* Method called to
protected abstract Object value(Object bean, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider prov) throws Exception;
public void serializeAsField(Object bean, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider prov) throws Exception
// NOTE: mostly copied from base class, but off-lined get() access
final Object value = value(bean, gen, prov);
if (value == null) {
if (_nullSerializer != null) {
_nullSerializer.serialize(null, gen, prov);
JsonSerializer<Object> ser = _serializer;
if (ser == null) {
Class<?> cls = value.getClass();
PropertySerializerMap m = _dynamicSerializers;
ser = m.serializerFor(cls);
if (ser == null) {
ser = _findAndAddDynamic(m, cls, prov);
if (_suppressableValue != null) {
if (MARKER_FOR_EMPTY == _suppressableValue) {
if (ser.isEmpty(value)) {
} else if (_suppressableValue.equals(value)) {
if (value == bean) { // simple check for direct cycles
// three choices: exception; handled by call; or pass-through
if (_handleSelfReference(bean, gen, prov, ser)) {
if (_typeSerializer == null) {
ser.serialize(value, gen, prov);
} else {
ser.serializeWithType(value, gen, prov, _typeSerializer);
// This one's fine as-is from base class
//public void serializeAsOmittedField(Object bean, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider prov) throws Exception
public void serializeAsElement(Object bean, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider prov)
throws Exception
// NOTE: mostly copied from base class, but off-lined get() access
final Object value = value(bean, gen, prov);
if (value == null) {
if (_nullSerializer != null) {
_nullSerializer.serialize(null, gen, prov);
} else {
JsonSerializer<Object> ser = _serializer;
if (ser == null) {
Class<?> cls = value.getClass();
PropertySerializerMap map = _dynamicSerializers;
ser = map.serializerFor(cls);
if (ser == null) {
ser = _findAndAddDynamic(map, cls, prov);
if (_suppressableValue != null) {
if (MARKER_FOR_EMPTY == _suppressableValue) {
if (ser.isEmpty(value)) {
serializeAsPlaceholder(bean, gen, prov);
} else if (_suppressableValue.equals(value)) {
serializeAsPlaceholder(bean, gen, prov);
if (value == bean) {
if (_handleSelfReference(bean, gen, prov, ser)) {
if (_typeSerializer == null) {
ser.serialize(value, gen, prov);
} else {
ser.serializeWithType(value, gen, prov, _typeSerializer);
// This one's fine as-is from base class
//public void serializeAsPlaceholder(Object bean, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider prov)