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<title>JaCoCo - Change History</title>
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<span class="el_source">Change History</span>
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<h1>Change History</h1>
<h2>Trunk Build (</h2>
<h3>New Features</h3>
<li>Support for different archives (jar, war, ear etc.) and nested archives
(Trac #78).</li>
<li>XML report with line level coverage information (requested for Sonar).</li>
<h3>Fixed Bugs</h3>
<li>Correct stackmap frames for Java 1.6 class files. (Track #81).</li>
<h2>Release 0.3.2 (2010/04/01)</h2>
<h3>New Features</h3>
<li>New HTML report option to directly create a zip file containing the report
(Trac #12).</li>
<li>Code coverage for static initializers in interfaces (Trac #21).</li>
<li>Better error handling for <code>report</code> Ant task (Trac #71).</li>
<li>Classes without instructions are excluded from reports (Trac #73).</li>
<h3>Fixed Bugs</h3>
<li>XML and CSV report output now also works for structures without groups
(Track #76).</li>
<h3>API Changes</h3>
<li>Consistent usage of the term "Missed" instead of "NotCovered" in all APIs
(Trac #72).</li>
<li>To support "off-line" instrumentation scenarios it is not required any
more to register instrumented classes with the runtime (Trac #74).</li>
<h2>Release 0.3.1 (2010/02/09)</h2>
<h3>Fixed Bugs</h3>
<li>Ant tasks broken on Linux (Trac #68).</li>
<h2>Release 0.3.0 (2010/02/02)</h2>
<h3>New Features</h3>
<li>Report renders anonymous classes with type information (Trac #46).</li>
<li><code>enabled</code> property added to <a href="ant.html#agent">Agent</a> and <a href="ant#coverage">Coverage</a> tasks (Trac #63).</li>
<li><a href="ant.html#merge">Merge</a> Ant task added (Trac #52).</li>
<h3>Fixed Bugs</h3>
<li>New <code>IRuntime</code> implementation enables JaCoCo usage for J2EE
application servers like Glassfish.</li>
<h3>API Changes</h3>
<li>Agent option and Ant task parameter <code>file</code> changed to
<code>destfile</code> (Trac #59).</li>
<li>Agent option and Ant task parameter <code>merge</code> changed to
<code>append</code> (Trac #51).</li>
<h2>Release 0.2.0 (2010/01/08)</h2>
<h3>New Features</h3>
<li>Simplified probe data structure reduces memory usage (Trac #47).</li>
<li>Performance test becomes part of the build.</li>
<li>New bundle <code>org.jacoco.agent</code> that provides the Java agent
as a resource (Trac #50).</li>
<h3>Fixed Bugs</h3>
<li><code>ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException</code> due to inconsistent processing
while instrumentation and analysis (Trac #44).</li>
<h2>Release 0.1.0 (2009/10/28)</h2>
The very first JaCoCo release.
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