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<title>JaCoCo - Coverage Counter</title>
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<span class="el_source">Coverage Counters</span>
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<h1>Coverage Counters</h1>
JaCoCo uses a set of different counters to calculate coverage metrics. The
foundation of all counters are so called <i>basic blocks</i>. All other
counters are derived from the <i>basic block</i> coverage information. While
JaCoCo counters appear to be closely related to Java source code they are
actually only derived from Java class files. In cases where the Java compiler
creates so called <i>synthetic</i> code to reflect certain Java language
constructs counters may therefore show unexpected results.
<h2>Basic Blocks</h2>
A basic block &ndash; mostly just referred to as <i>block</i> in the APIs and
reports &ndash; represents a consecutive sequence of byte code instructions
and is a unit that will either execute completely or not all. The single
exception from this definition occurs when the java exception mechanism comes
to action (i.e. a java exception "flies"). This always interrupts the current
blocks execution. The boundaries between blocks are
<li>return instructions,</li>
<li>throw instructions,</li>
<li>(conditional) jump instructions and</li>
<li>target labels referred from jump, try/catch or switch instructions.</li>
The JaCoCo instrumentation mechanism inserts a probe at the end of every
block. When the probe gets executed the block is considered executed.
This results in the major drawback of basic block based probes:
<p class="hint">
Blocks that encounter an exception somewhere in the middle of their execution
will be considered as not executed. This is correct as the block actually
didn't get executed but JaCoCo won't be able to tell which lines of the block
executed and which didn't.
Beside this, basic block code coverage has been proven to work very
efficiently even with huge applications under test. The reasons are that the
blocks can be easily determined at instrumentation time. The amount of
inserted probes offer a good tradeoff between runtime overhead and report
granularity. And last but not least basic blocks can be determined even if the
class files have not been compiled in debug mode and therefore do not contain
any source line information. Therefore all coverage counters except the line
counter will work also in this case and provide useful coverage information
e.g. for binary third party libraries.
For each block the number of included byte code instructions can be easily
determined. The instruction counter summarizes the number of single byte code
instructions that belong to executed blocks. As blocks may be of different
length, instructions give a good measure of block size and can serve as a
replacement when no line information is available.
For all class files that have been compiled in debug mode with source line
information, coverage information for individual lines can be derived from
basic blocks. Each block may span one ore multiple lines of source code. On
the other hand a single line of source may belong to multiple blocks. A source
line is considered executed when at least one block that includes this line
has been executed.
Due to the fact that a single line may belong to more that one block
<i>partial</i> coverage can happen if some of the blocks are executed while
others are not. This is typically the case with boolean expressions. While
partially covered lines are seen as executed due to the definition in the
previous paragraph, they are highlighted in yellow color in the coverage
Each non-abstract method consists of at least one block. A method is
considered as executed when at least one block has been executed. As JaCoCo
works on byte code level also constructors and static initializers are counted
as methods. Some of these methods may not have a direct correspondence in Java
source code, like implicit and thus generated default constructors or initializers
for constants.
A class is considered as executed when at least one of its methods has been
executed. Note that JaCoCo considers constructors as well as static
initializers as methods. As Java interface types may contain static
initializers such interfaces are also considered as executable classes.
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