blob: 06161ab76d16d0f021d2bc4592c595f246b8d3d1 [file] [log] [blame]
import java.nio.*
import java.nio.charset.*
* Decodes all the bytes to ASCII characters until end of buffer applying every character to [consumer]
* It stops processing if a non-ascii character encountered and returns `false`
* @return `false` if a non-ascii character encountered or `true` if all bytes were processed
internal inline fun ByteBuffer.decodeASCII(consumer: (Char) -> Boolean): Boolean {
while (hasRemaining()) {
val v = get().toInt() and 0xff
if (v and 0x80 != 0 || !consumer(v.toChar())) {
position(position() - 1)
return false
return true
* Decodes all the bytes to utf8 applying every character on [consumer] until or consumer return `false`.
* If a consumer returned false then a character will be pushed back (including all surrogates will be pushed back as well)
* and [decodeUTF8] returns 0
* @return number of bytes required to decode incomplete utf8 character or 0 if all bytes were processed
* or -1 if consumer rejected loop
internal inline fun ByteBuffer.decodeUTF8(consumer: (Char) -> Boolean): Int {
var byteCount = 0
var value = 0
var lastByteCount = 0
while (hasRemaining()) {
val v = get().toInt() and 0xff
when {
v and 0x80 == 0 -> {
if (byteCount != 0) throw MalformedInputException(0)
if (!consumer(v.toChar())) {
position(position() - 1)
return -1
byteCount == 0 -> {
// first unicode byte
var mask = 0x80
value = v
for (i in 1..6) { // TODO do we support 6 bytes unicode?
if (value and mask != 0) {
value = value and mask.inv()
mask = mask shr 1
} else {
lastByteCount = byteCount
if (byteCount > remaining()) {
position(position() - 1) // return one byte back
return lastByteCount
else -> {
// trailing unicode byte
value = (value shl 6) or (v and 0x7f)
if (byteCount == 0) {
if (isBmpCodePoint(value)) {
if (!consumer(value.toChar())) {
position(position() - lastByteCount)
return -1
} else if (!isValidCodePoint(value)) {
throw IllegalArgumentException("Malformed code-point ${Integer.toHexString(value)} found")
} else {
if (!consumer(highSurrogate(value).toChar()) ||
!consumer(lowSurrogate(value).toChar())) {
position(position() - lastByteCount)
return -1
value = 0
return 0
private const val MaxCodePoint = 0X10ffff
private const val MinLowSurrogate = 0xdc00
private const val MinHighSurrogate = 0xd800
private const val MinSupplementary = 0x10000
private const val HighSurrogateMagic = MinHighSurrogate - (MinSupplementary ushr 10)
private fun isBmpCodePoint(cp: Int) = cp ushr 16 == 0
private fun isValidCodePoint(codePoint: Int) = codePoint <= MaxCodePoint
private fun lowSurrogate(cp: Int) = (cp and 0x3ff) + MinLowSurrogate
private fun highSurrogate(cp: Int) = (cp ushr 10) + HighSurrogateMagic