blob: d1d88949f1b2d482b5965eb016f5a8021de3276f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2016-2017 JetBrains s.r.o.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package kotlinx.coroutines.experimental
import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.selects.*
* A [Deferred] that can be completed via public functions
* [complete], [completeExceptionally], and [cancel].
* Completion functions return `false` when this deferred value is already complete or completing.
* An instance of completable deferred can be created by `CompletableDeferred()` function in _active_ state.
* All functions on this interface and on all interfaces derived from it are **thread-safe** and can
* be safely invoked from concurrent coroutines without external synchronization.
public interface CompletableDeferred<T> : Deferred<T> {
* Completes this deferred value with a given [value]. The result is `true` if this deferred was
* completed as a result of this invocation and `false` otherwise (if it was already completed).
* Repeated invocations of this function have no effect and always produce `false`.
public fun complete(value: T): Boolean
* Completes this deferred value exceptionally with a given [exception]. The result is `true` if this deferred was
* completed as a result of this invocation and `false` otherwise (if it was already completed).
* Repeated invocations of this function have no effect and always produce `false`.
public fun completeExceptionally(exception: Throwable): Boolean
* Creates a [CompletableDeferred] in an _active_ state.
* It is optionally a child of a [parent] job.
public fun <T> CompletableDeferred(parent: Job? = null): CompletableDeferred<T> = CompletableDeferredImpl(parent)
/** @suppress **Deprecated:** Binary compatibility only */
@Deprecated(message = "Binary compatibility only", level = DeprecationLevel.HIDDEN)
public fun <T> CompletableDeferred(): CompletableDeferred<T> = CompletableDeferredImpl(null)
* Creates an already _completed_ [CompletableDeferred] with a given [value].
public fun <T> CompletableDeferred(value: T): CompletableDeferred<T> = CompletableDeferredImpl<T>(null).apply { complete(value) }
* Concrete implementation of [CompletableDeferred].
private class CompletableDeferredImpl<T>(
parent: Job?
) : JobSupport(true), CompletableDeferred<T>, SelectClause1<T> {
init { initParentJobInternal(parent) }
override val onCancelMode: Int get() = ON_CANCEL_MAKE_COMPLETING
override fun getCompleted(): T = getCompletedInternal() as T
override suspend fun await(): T = awaitInternal() as T
override val onAwait: SelectClause1<T> get() = this
override fun <R> registerSelectClause1(select: SelectInstance<R>, block: suspend (T) -> R) =
registerSelectClause1Internal(select, block)
override fun complete(value: T): Boolean =
override fun completeExceptionally(exception: Throwable): Boolean =